DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.010
UDC 636.

E.M. Kislyakova, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;
Yu.V. Isupova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State Agricultural University", Izhevsk, Russia
+7(965)8412775, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Breeding methods play a major role in improving the population as a whole, but also its individual parts: types, lines, herds. The best form of pure breeding of animals of all modern factory breeds is the line breeding method. The study of the efficiency of intra- and inter-line selection in individual herds is relevant for the planning of selection work. The analysis for the study of line breeding of cattle was carried out in the APC “Zvezda” of the Seltinsky District of the Udmurt Republic. The object of the study were Holstein cows of the last completed lactation. The material for the study was the data from the database “SELEX. Dairy cattle” database. As a result of the analysis, it was found that in the conditions of the enterprise, the most successful combinations of line selection are M. Chieftain and V.B. Ideal, R. Sovereign and M. Chieftain, both the direct crossing of these lines and the reciprocal variant of selection. High milk production values are also observed in the progeny derived from the intra-line selection of the M. Chieftain line. The milk yield for 305 days of the last completed lactation in cows from these line combinations is at a level of 7,078 to 7,654 kg with a mass fraction of fat in the milk of 3.63 to 3.67 % and a mass fraction of protein of 3.06 to 3.09 %. Considering the branch affiliation of the individual lines, the intra-line combination of the paternal branch V.B. Ideal of Lidman with all available variants of the maternal branches and the M. Chieftain line of the Ivanhoe Bell branch is the most productive. In addition, high values were obtained from crossings of the V.B. Ideal line (Aerostar and Prelude branches) and the M. Chieftain line of the Ivanhoe Bell branch, the M. Chieftain line of the Ivanhoe Bell branch and the V. B. Ideal of the Starbuck branch. The value of milk yield for 305 days of lactation in animals from these combinations of lines and branches is between 7,704 and 8,869 kg.
Keywords: origin, line, branch, intra-line selection, line crossing, dairy productivity.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.004
UDC 378.25. + 636.

D.G. Poghosyan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor
Penza State Agrarian University,
Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 618151, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For the first time, the article presents an overview of the scientific activities of well-known scientists working in Russia who have made a significant contribution to the formation and development of domestic animal husbandry, united by nationality. The creative activity of scientists of Armenian descent is shown in such areas of science as dairy and cattle breeding, physiology, molecular biology and animal feeding, veterinary medicine, beekeeping, poultry farming. Historically, a number of major scientists were the founders of scientific fields, they initially established and headed not only laboratories and departments, but also research institutions. The article briefly shows the main stages of the creative path of scientists, their scientific achievements, State awards, places of work, and the number of published works. The material available in the information environment is presented on 30 scientists, with academic titles – professor, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, academician. This list of scientists is not complete and it is being updated every year.
Keywords: scientist, animal husbandry, academician, professor, physiology, dairy farming, cattle breeding, veterinary medicine, poultry farming.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.019
UDC 633.63+631.82

N.I. Sigov graduate student
V.V. Koshelyaev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;
I.P. Koshelyaeva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Penza State Agrarian University, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-83-73, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article investigates the adaptive capacity of winter wheat varieties cultivated in the Middle Volga region. The aim of the work was to identify features of manifestation of adaptive capacity and to determine ability of varieties to fully realize local soil and climatic resources and applied technologies. The following tasks were solved: 1. To identify the adaptive capabilities of winter wheat varieties in changing weather conditions; 2. To determine the adaptive properties of varieties depending on technological methods; 3. To evaluate responsiveness of varieties to rise of level of technology intensification.
As a result, it was found that the varieties Clavdia 2, Fotinha and Lilith reduced yields to a lesser extent under unfavorable growing conditions. Accordingly, they are characterized by higher stability. Lilith and Fotinha varieties were distinguished by higher stress resistance. The varieties Timiryazevka 150, Bezostaya 100, Vyuga and Vertikal were characterized by potentially highly productive forms, under favorable conditions, effectively realizing technological resource. The varieties Timiryazevka 150, Bezostaya 100, Vyuga and Vertikal were distinguished by the best flexibility to improve plant nutrition with increased intensification of cultivation technology. Varieties Timiryazevka 150, Vyuga, Vertikal, Lilith and Fotinha have shown themselves as forms of an intense type.
Keywords: winter wheat, variety, adaptive capacity, technology, intensive form.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.017
UDC 633.63+631.82

V.V. Koshelyaev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
 N.I. Sigov, Postgraduate
I.P. Koshelyaeva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-83-73, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This article presents the results of a comparative study on the formation of agrocenoses in winter wheat varieties bred under the conditions of southern Russia and the Middle Volga region. It is shown that varieties of dif-ferent breeding origin coincide with the period of active vegetation by the dura-tion of plant development phases. Therefore, the vegetation period of varieties in relation to local natural and climatic conditions does not limit the formation of productive agrocenosis. The comparative evaluation of varieties of the southern selection and varieties of the Middle Volga region has shown that in most cases, regardless of the conditions of breeding origin, the varieties have high winter hardiness, safety and survivability of plants, which allows them to form a productive agrocenosis. It was found that the varieties bred in southern Russia are characterized by high potential bushiness, which is a characteristic feature of the variety. The varieties of the Middle Volga region, on the other hand, have an unclear tillering characteristic. The varieties are mainly charac-terized as forms with moderate bushiness potential. At the same time, under the conditions of the Middle Volga region, it is also possible to produce varie-ties with a high potential bushiness. These varieties include, for example, Vyu-ga and Vertikal. From the results obtained, it can be concluded that it is advis-able to use foreign varieties of southern selection under local soil and climatic conditions.
Keywords: vegetation period, winter hardiness, plant safety and surviv-al, productive bushiness.

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