DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.013
UDC 004:63

I.Kh. Samandarzoda1, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor;
E.V. Fudina2, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;
A.V. Nosov2, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;
E.I. Pozubenkova2, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;
D. A. Konyushikhina2, Student
1State institution "Tajik Agrarian University named after SHirinsho SHotemur", Dushanbe, Tajikistan
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (909) 3192885, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The sustainability of agricultural production is based on solving environmental, economic and social problems that arise in the production process and in the system of commodity circulation of agricultural products. Agriculture plays an important role in the realization of sustainable development of the national economy. The stability of agricultural production contributes to solving a number of socio-economic problems. These are related to national and food security, integrated rural development, improving the quality of life in rural areas and others. The digitalization of processes plays a special role here. Today, it is a decisive factor for the rational use of production potential, the development of the agricultural sector of business and its advancement. The article analyzes some parameters of the development of agricultural production, which allow to characterize the elements of sustainability and determine the trends of changes. Based on the analysis of the main indicators of the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation, the dynamics of production of the main types of agricultural products, the level of supply of various types of products, it is concluded that the growth of the efficiency of agricultural production affects the level of social development of rural areas.
Keywords: agriculture, direction, digitalization, trend, dynamics, development.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.022
UDC 621.436.24

A.P. Ukhanov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; M.V. Ryblov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
I.V. Semin, graduate student
Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To improve the traction, economic and environmental performance of the tractor, technical solutions have been developed for the implementation of the split fuel supply (SFS) method in a diesel engine. This method consists in supplying a certain dose of hydrocarbon fuel activator (gasoline, kerosene, blended alcohol-benzine fuel, etc.) at the diesel intake stroke with the formation of air-activator mixture (AAM) in the intake manifold and the subsequent supply of the main dose of motor diesel fuel (DF) to the formed mixture at the end of the compression stroke. To implement the SFS, the diesel must be retrofitted with a microprocessor controled AAM cylinder supply system. The basis of such an electronic technical system is a microprocessor control unit (MPCU), which processes incoming information from sensors of the diesel load and speed modes and generates outgoing electrical signals that control the activation of the electric pump and the operation of electromechanical injectors that supply the fuel activator cylinder-by-cylinder to the branches of the diesel intake manifold. For the microprocessor of the control unit to function, an algorithm for controlling the metered supply of a fuel activator is written into it in machine language. The design of the MPCU, which calculates the duration of the injection of the activator by electromechanical injectors and ensures the phased formation of the AAM, is consistent with the start of the intake stroke in the diesel cylinders. For preliminary tests of a prototype of a microprocessor-based cylinder control system (MCCU) for the supply of AAM at the laboratory research stage, a device was manufactured that simulates the operation of sensors for diesel load-speed modes. The simulator allows you to test a microprocessor-based electronic engineering system without using a motor stand and sensors mounted on a diesel engine, which simplifies the process of debugging and fine-tuning the system by reducing labor and energy costs and fuel spent during bench research. The completed research and development allowed us to conduct bench studies of diesel engines and tractors with split fuel supply, which confirm the improvement of traction, economic and environmental performance of tractor equipment.
Keywords: tractor atmospheric diesel, split fuel supply, air-activator mixture, microprocessor control, simulator of load-speed modes.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.021
UDC 629. 113. 003, 621.85

N.I. Sergeev, graduate student; A.S. Ivanov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
V.V. Lyandenbursky, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor,
V.Yu. Shmelev, student
Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 65-82-42 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hydraulic systems are an integral part of many technical objects, including agricultural tractors. To increase the efficiency of complex and expensive technical systems, which include hydraulic drives, it is necessary not only to improve the design, but also to ensure the required pressure values in the circuits of these systems [1-5, 8]. The pressure depends on the modulus of elasticity of the fluid used.
When developing working machines, this can be done by expanding the theoretical analysis to obtain the most accurate information about the technical condition of hydraulic drives, which will make it possible to control the technical condition using forecasting methods and timely elimination of failures and malfunctions of hydraulic drives.
This will lead to an increase in the technical readiness of the equipment, due to a reduction in repair work related to the installation and dismantling of hydraulic drive elements from the machine.
The applied mathematical models should provide a standard error in determining the parameter with the possibility of subsequent processing and analysis of the results, transfer functions of individual processes [7, 9-11].
The article describes a model of pressure changes in vehicle hydraulic circuits to evaluate changes in high and low pressure circuits. The results of theoretical studies are presented. Graphical dependencies of the results are presented. They show an increase in pressure in the high-pressure circuit, which occurs due to wear of the piston seal of the hydraulic cylinder and leakage of working fluid from the high-pressure cavity into the low-pressure cavity.
Keywords: hydraulic drive, hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic valves, spool, circuit, pressure.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.018
UDC 631.34

V.A. Milyutkin1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor;
O.N. Kukharev2, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Samara State Agrarian University", Kinel, Russia, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia

The scientific article presents materials of field research of Samara State Agrarian University in Samara Oblast (Middle Volga region) on technical and technological evaluation of efficiency (parameters, yield, quality, effect) of multifunctional-modular (for five technologies) innovative agrochemical complex "Tuman". A multifunctional complex "Tuman" is developed and manufactured by the company "Pegas-Agro" in the conditions of regional agricultural machinery with advantageous characteristics in comparison with similar machines in the world (company "Duport" – the Netherlands), with recommendations for optimal technologies in the agro-industrial complex of Russia in the cultivation of main crops when using innovative nitrogen and nitrogen-sulfur-containing mineral fertilizers with different amounts of nitrogen and sulfur, both in liquid (UAM-32, UAM S) and solid form (ammonium nitrate – control, ammonium nitrate – sulfate, urea, urea + S). An increase in yields compared to traditional technologies was noted: in spring durum wheat up to 12 %, in grain corn - up to 36 %, in sunflower - up to 14 %, while solving the problems (almost no more exports from “unfriendly countries”) of import substitution for special equipment for fertilizer application in the agrochemical technologies of the agricultural complex of Russia: sprayers, distributors.
Keywords: agricultural products, production, technology, machinery, complex, "Tuman", agrochemistry, fertilizers, innovations.

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