Instructions for authors
The content of the article should correspond to one of the following scientific specialties:
- 4.1.1 General Agriculture and Plant Growing (Agricultural sciences)
- 4.1.2 Plant Breeding, Seed Production and Biotechnology (Agricultural Sciences)
- 4.2.4 Private Animal Husbandry, Feeding, Feed preparation technologies and Production of Livestock Products (Agriculture Sciences)
- 4.3.1 Technologies, machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex (Agricultural sciences)
- 4.3.1 Technologies, machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex (Technical sciences)
- 5.2.3 Regional and sectoral economics (Economic sciences)
To publish an article (scientific paper), it is necessary to provide the text of the article to the editors using the "Submit an article" module on the journal's website (consideration period is 2 months). Metadata of a scientific paper that has passed the originality check and review procedure are posted in the "Preprint" section. After layout, the scientific article is posted on the journal's website in the "Current Issue" section and in the scientific library
The text of the scientific article is accepted in MS Word format; the volume is not less than 15 sheets of A4, typed in Times New Roman font, size 14 pt, with one and a half line spacing, without formatting. Tables are created using standard MS Word tools. Figures and diagrams should be clear and legible; elements of vector images should be grouped; resolution of raster images (photographs, scans) is at least 300 dpi. Graphs are created in MS Excel. It is also necessary to send an MS Excel document. Lists are numbered and marked manually (to avoid loss of formatting during layout). Notes are formatted as regular (not endnotes!) footnotes using standard MS Word tools. Formulas are usually created in MS Equotion (standard MS Word formula editor). The list of references is placed at the end of the scientific paper. References are listed in the order of citation. Numbered references to them are given in the text of the article in square brackets according to the ordinal number in the list of references.
Article structure:
- UDC Index (on the left);
- The name of the article (in CAPITAL LETTERS);
The maximum length of the title is 10-12 words. The title of the article should be: informative, concise, consistent with the scientific style of the text, contain the main keywords that characterize the topic (subject) of the study and the content of the work. The title should be easily understood by readers and search engines.
- Initials, last name, academic degree, academic title of the author (s) and full name of the organization in which they work, phone, e-mail in italics;
- A short abstract of at least 150-250 words (after indentation).
An abstract includes a description of the main topic, the problem of the object, the objectives of the study, the main methods, research results and main conclusions. It is necessary to indicate what new information scientific article contains in comparison with others related to the subject and the purpose. The abstract should be:
- informative (without common words);
- original;
- thoughtful (reflects the main content of the article and research results);
- structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article);
- compact (150 - 250 words).
It is convenient to write a structured abstract for a structured article, choosing from each section the most important information that together will make up a complete picture of the content of the material and allow to find the article by the main terms included in the abstract (along with the title and keywords). The abstract is not allowed to include references to sources from the full text, as well as abbreviations that are disclosed only in the full text. Abbreviations and acronyms in the abstract should be disclosed. You must understand that the abstract is the main and initial source of information about the article.
- Key words (5-10).
The keywords that make up the semantic core of the article are a list of basic concepts and categories that serve to describe the problem under study. These words serve as a guide for the reader and are used to search for articles in electronic databases, therefore they should reflect the discipline (the field of science within which the article was written), the topic, purpose and object of study. Keywords can be both single words and phrases in the singular and in nominative case. The basic principles of key words choice are:
- To use basic (commonly used) terms along with special.
- The text of the article with illustrative material included (tables, figures), after the indentation. A prerequisite is the structuring of the article in the sections below.
This section describes the general research topic, goals and objectives of the planned work, theoretical and practical significance, provides the most famous and authoritative publications on the topic under study, identifies unresolved problems. This section should contain the rationale for the need and relevance of the study. The information in the Introduction should be organized according to the principle of “from general to particular”. The introduction, as a rule, consists of four subsections: 1. A description of the problem which the study is associated with; 2. A review of the literature related to the study; 3. A description of white spots in the problem or what has not yet been done; 4. Formulation of the goals and objectives of the study.
Methods and Materials
This section details the methods that were used to obtain the results. Usually, a general outline of experiments / studies is first given, then they are presented in such detail and with so many details that any competent specialist can reproduce them using only the text of the article. When using standard methods and procedures, it is better to make references to relevant sources, not forgetting to describe modifications of standard methods, if any.
This section presents the experimental or theoretical data obtained during the study. The results are given in the processed version: in the form of tables, graphs, organizational or structural diagrams, equations, photographs, drawings. This section provides only facts. Leave their interpretation, comparison with the data of other researchers for the Discussion section. If you got a lot of similar dependencies presented in the form of graphs, then give only one typical graph, and provide data on the available quantitative differences between them in the table. There are three ways to present the results:
- text (verbal representation);
- tables (semi verbal representation);
- figures: charts, graphs, images (visual representation).
All three methods of presenting the results of quantitative research (text, tables and figures) should complement, not repeat each other.
The conclusion contains the main ideas of the main text of the article. It is advisable to compare the results obtained with those that were planned to be obtained, as well as to show their novelty and practical significance, to prescribe the limitations encountered during the work. At the end, conclusions and recommendations are given, the main directions of further research in this area are determined.
In this section, it is customary to express gratitude to colleagues who assisted in the study or expressed critical comments about your article. However, before expressing gratitude, it is necessary to obtain the consent of those whom you plan to thank. If you used non-standard equipment and materials in your work, you can also list on which and whose special equipment the experiments were performed, as well as list the sources of all other special materials and objects of study (crops, animals). It is necessary to express gratitude for the financial support of the study to organizations and foundations, i.e. write, through what grants, contracts, scholarships it was possible to conduct a study.
- References (at least 20 sources from Russian or international databases) are placed at the end of the scientific article in citation order. A mandatory requirement is the presence of a digital article identifier (EDN) eLIBRARY Document Number and (or) DOI (Digital Object Identifier). To form a list of references, it is recommended to use references for citing the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).
Articles in journals
Zheryakov, E. V. Use of silicon-containing fertilizers as biostimulants when cultivating sugar beets / E. V. Zheryakov, S. A. Semina // Agrarian Bulletin of the Urals. – 2024. – Vol. 24, No. 8. – P. 970-980. – DOI 10.32417/1997-4868-2024-24-08-970-980. – EDN FJOWKK.
Ukhanov, D. A. Study of automobile diesel engine when running on biokerosene / D. A. Ukhanov, A. D. Cherepanova, A. P. Ukhanov // Bulletin of the Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy. – 2024. – No. 1 (65). – P. 192-202. – DOI 10.18286/1816-4501-2024-1-192-202. – EDN DNGYPS.
Khokhlov, R. Yu. Morphogenesis of the ovary of a chicken embryo in the germinal period of embryonic ontogenesis / R. Yu. Khokhlov, S. I. Kuznetsov // International Journal of Veterinary Medicine. – 2022. – No. 4. – P. 353-356. – DOI 10.52419/issn2072-2419.2022.4.353. - EDN IYXHAV.
Articles in conference proceedings
Arefyev, A. N. Methods for determining rocks in petrography and in the study of the discipline Geology with the basics of geomorphology / A. N. Arefyev // Organizational and methodological aspects of improving the quality of educational activities and training students in higher and secondary vocational education programs: Collection of articles of the VI All-Russian (national) scientific and methodological conference, Penza, October 28-29, 2024. - Penza: Penza State Agrarian University, 2024. – P. 12-16. – EDN BPMYWU.
Gavryushina, I. V. Scientific and theoretical substantiation and improvement of the technology of corn cultivation in the forest-steppe conditions of the Middle Volga region: dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences / Gavryushina Irina Vladimirovna, 2024. – 538 p. – EDN MWNMOR.
Samygin, D. Yu. Strategic planning for sustainable development of the agri-food sector / D. Yu. Samygin, N. G. Baryshnikov. - Moscow: Limited Liability Company “Scientific Publishing Center INFRA-M”, 2025. – 303 p. – ISBN 978-5-16-019789-0. – DOI 10.12737/2137593. – EDN QLJZYL.
Electronic resource
Federal State Statistics Service. [Electronic resource]. (date of access 10.02.2025).
Patent No. 2811881 C1 Russian Federation, IPC F02M 43/00, F02D 19/08. Dual-fuel diesel fuel system with microprocessor control of bio-oil fuel component electrode dispensers: No. 2023114521: declared 01.06.2023: published 18.01.2024 / A. P. Ukhanov, E. A. Sidorov; applicant Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Penza State Agrarian University”. – EDN SJJNMO.