DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.70.2.020
UDC 636.2.082.4

V.V. Lyashenko, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; I.V. Kaeshova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; A.V. Gubina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; N.Yu. Chupsheva, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, L.N. Zorin, Student
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Russia, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The reproductive function of an animal involves obtaining a similar animal for procreation. Reproductive abilities characterize the reproductive process more comprehensively.
The article presents the results of the evaluation of reproductive traits of highly productive cows of different ages. The study was carried out under the conditions of a modern dairy complex on a herd of Holstein cows with a milk yield of over 11,000 kg per cow. Three groups of cows of the first, second and third lactations were formed. The calving result, service period, dry period, milk yield, the relationship between service period length and milk yield, the insemination rate and the utilization coefficient of the reproductive ability of the cows were investigated.
It was found that mature cows produced more calves than first-calf heifers and second-calf cows, by 4.1 and 0.5 % respectively. Higher performance of heifers was observed in cows of the first (82.5 %) and second (64.8 %) lactations, which can be explained by the insemination of replacement heifers and first-calf cows with sexed semen. The duration of lactation is almost the same for animals in groups I and II and exceeds this indicator for cows in group III by 18.1 (p ≤ 0.001) and 11.5 days (p ≤ 0.01) respectively.
The highest milk yield for the entire lactation and for 305 days of lactation was observed in cows in the second group, namely 13,238.6 and 11,491.2 kg respectively. In terms of lactations, a shorter service period was observed in the cows of the third group, which amounted to 138.5 days. No correlation was found between milk yield and a service period. Most of the animals in the second (48.1 %) and third (50.0 %) groups were fruitfully inseminated from the second time and a significant part of the first-calf cows the fourth time (28.2 %). The utilization coefficient of the reproductive ability and calf yield was highest in third lactation cows.
The results of the study lead to the conclusion that the evaluated cows of the three groups are generally characterized by a satisfactory reproductive ability.
Keywords: cow, Holstein breed, reproduction, calving, heifer, service period, insemination, lactation, milk yield.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.70.2.017
UDC 636.52/58.033

T.V. Shishkina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor,
A.A. Tulyakov, Master
Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, tel. 8-(8412)628-380, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

One of the intensively developing poultry farming industries in recent years is turkey farming. The share of turkey meat is 10% of the total poultry meat production in the world. In Russia, mainly for the production of poultry meat, and, in particular, turkey, Hybrid Converter and Big-6 crosses are used. In this regard, our goal was to compare the productive qualities of poultry by comparing the growth and development of turkeys of Hybrid Converter and Big-6 crosses. The assessment was carried out by studying the growth dynamics of absolute, average daily and relative body weight gains. Along with this, we also calculated the feed conversion and the meat productivity index. As a result, when comparing females and males by live weight, it was found that males surpassed females. The comparative characteristics of Hybrid Converter and Big-6 crosses in terms of live weight, absolute, average daily and relative live weight gains showed that the Hybrid Converter cross surpassed Big-6 in all analyzed indicators. The productive qualities of turkeys show that the absolute increase in body weight in females of the Hybrid Converter cross over the entire period compared with females of the Big-6 cross was higher by 92 g or 0.9%; in males by 895 g or 4.7%. The lowest feed costs per 1 kg of body weight gain were noted in the Hybrid Converter cross and amounted to 2.62 kg in females and 2.86 kg in males. In females, the feed conversion in the Hybrid Converter cross was lower by 0.07 kg or 2.7%; in males by 0.08 kg or 2.8%. Thus, a comparative assessment of the productive qualities of turkeys of two different crosses showed that the Hybrid Converter cross has a higher genetic potential for productivity, as well as high growth rates and its intensity.
Keywords: turkey farming, technology, cross, dynamics, absolute increase, average daily increase, relative increase, feed conversion, meat productivity index.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.70.2.007

O.K. Gogaev1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, A.R. Demurova1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Gorsky State Agrarian University",
Vladikavkaz, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

During the initial period of life, especially in the first few months, the growth of young animals is strongly influenced by the level of milk feeding, as their entire nutritional requirements are covered by milk. The results showed that the lambs ate an average of 77.89 kg of milk before milking, with the highest amount of milk eaten in the first month of life. In each subsequent month of the experimental period, weight gain increased, while milk consumption per 1 kg of body weight gain decreased. In the first month of life, the average daily weight gain of the young rams was 0.151 kg and the milk consumption per 1 kg gain was 6.09 kg. In the second and third months, these values were 0.163-4.86 and 0.205-4.56 kg respectively. In the first month of life, the young ewes gained an average of 0.138 kg per day and consumed 6.54 kg of milk per 1 kg of body weight gain. In the second month, the average daily gain was 0.158 kg and milk consumption was 4.87 kg; in the third month, the values were 0.199 and 4.48 kg. On average, the lambs consumed 6.31 kg of milk per 1 kg of gain in the first month of life. It was found that growing lambs from three months of age to weaning by the suckling-milking method increased milk yield per sheep by 28.0 kg and did not have a negative effect on body weight and wool productivity of the lambs compared to growing with mothers. Feeding oil cake at the rate of 150 g per day per animal during the period from three to five months with simultaneous milking their mothers increased the body weight of lambs at weaning by 10.7-11.7 % and wooliness - by 26.5-24.1 % compared to other groups.
Keywords: gain, body weight, milk productivity, wool productivity, milk yield.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.70.2.019
UDC 633.15+631.82

S. A. Semina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; I.V. Gavryushina, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor; A.S. Paliychuk, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, E.V. Nikulina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences; Goryainova O.A., student
Penza State Agrarian University, Russia e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the results of research on the formation of corn phytomass yield depending on the type of silicon-containing fertilizer and the period of foliar fertilization. The use of silicon-containing fertilizers, depending on the duration and frequency of treatment, contributed to an increase in photosynthetic potential by 9.6-17.8%. A large total leaf surface during the growing season was formed by binary treatment with Nanokremniy and Microvit-6 Silicon, as well as in the variant using Microvit-6 Silicon in the five-leaf stage. However, as the size of the assimilation apparatus increases, a decrease in photosynthesis productivity is noted. A higher yield level of crude phytomass was obtained in variants with Microvit-6 Silicon: with a single treatment, an additional 7.5-8.0 t/ha of green mass was obtained, and with a double treatment, the increase was 12.4 t/ha or 27.6% of the control. Top dressing with Nanokremniy and Kelic Potassium + Silicon in the 7-8 leaf stage contributed 3.1-4.4 t/ha of green mass to the control, and when treated in the five leaf stage, the increase was 1.3-1.9 t/ha. The binary use of Nanokremniy contributed to an increase in the yield of phytomass by 15.6%, and Potassium + Kelic Silicon by 10.3% to the control.
Keywords: corn, silicon-containing fertilizers, top dressing, photosynthesis, yield.

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