DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.70.2.015
UDC 631.331+631.315.2

S.P. Lysy, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
Penza State University of Architecture and Construction, tel. 89063966547,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The working process of sowing seeds of small-seeded oil crop imposes a number of strict requirements on the designs of sowing machines and the parameters of their operation. Currently, many agricultural enterprises prefer mechanical sowing machines. Among them, roller devices have become particularly widespread. The main advantages of these designs include low cost, simplicity, and reliability. However, they are also not without drawbacks. When working with seeding roller units, the following problems arise: uneven distribution of seeds along the length of the row, instability of the total seeding of seeds, injury of seeds. To eliminate the above disadvantages, designers and scientists improve designs of the seeding roller units. In this regard, the paper considers the process of developing a 3D model of seeding roller unit for sowing seeds of small-seeded oil crop in the Compass-3D graphical editor by parameterization method. A technology for setting a three-dimensional model of a seeding roller unit has been developed. Theoretical studies have been conducted to determine the optimal design and operating parameters of the seeding roller unit, and their results are presented. 2D and 3D models of the main and auxiliary original pieces of the seeding roller unit were built, general view of the seeding roller unit, a 3D assembly of the seeding roller unit was created. The main and auxiliary original pieces of the experimental seeding roller unit were manufactured on a 3D printer, and the seeding roller unit was assembled. Laboratory studies of the physical model of the experimental seeding roller unit have been carried out, and the results are presented.
Keywords: digital model, seeding roller unit, laboratory research.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.70.2.010
UDC 631.171

K.Z. Kukhmazov, I.E. Karasev, A.R. Nazirov, M.A. Alderbegov
Penza State Agrarian University
Penza, Russia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In many regions of the Middle Volga region, a high–yielding energy crop with good thermal conductivity and high cellulose content is cultivated - giant miscanthus. In the climatic conditions of Russia, this crop does not form seeds, so the propagation of the plant is carried out in a vegetative way. To do this, in spring, the clumps of rhizomes of miscanthus are dug out, divided and stored until planting.
Currently, there are no special machines for digging out the rhizomes of miscanthus. Various potato diggers are used. However, in order to ensure high-quality digging of rhizomes, the digging and separating working organs of diggers require modernization. And for this, it is necessary to know the operating conditions of the unit, including the size and mass characteristics of the rhizomes of miscanthus.
The article presents the methodology and results of research to determine the depth of the rhizomes of miscanthus (H), the diameter of the rhizomes (d) and the mass of the rhizome of one plant with soil (M). A site was selected for the study, along the diagonal of which the studied parameters were measured in 25 plants selected randomly. As a result of processing the experimental data, histograms and distribution polygons were constructed. The research results show that the maximum depth of the rhizomes of miscanthus plants varies between 123...178 mm, and in most plants the maximum depth of the rhizomes is 145...160 mm. The diameter of the rhizomes of miscanthus gigantus is in the range of 283...398 mm with an average value of 345 mm, and the maximum mass of soil within rhizomes of one miscanthus plant entering the separating operating parts of the digger is 16.98 kg.
Keywords: miscanthus, miscanthus rhizomes, rhizome, depth of rhizomes, diameter of miscanthus rhizomes, harvesting of miscanthus rhizomes, potato digger, histogram, distribution polygon.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.70.2.004
UDC 637.131.2

A.V. Yashin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
A.A. Gusev, postgraduate student; N.S. Chirkova, Master's degree
Penza State Agrarian University,
Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Theoretically, the movement of the released impurity particle in the interdisk space of a milk separator in the section from its initial position to the final one on the bar is investigated. In this case, the Lagrange method and the corresponding equation of the second kind are used, since in the initial position of the isolated particle, the expected direction of its movement and (or) trajectory are not known. By solving the Lagrangian equation of the second kind, the equation of the trajectory of motion of the extracted impurity particle on the section from its initial position to the final one on the bar is obtained. The impurity particle in the interdisk space of the milk separator moves along a logarithmic spiral (exponentially), like an equiangular spiral or a spiral of growth, in which distance between the coils increases exponentially. At the same time, the type of logarithmic spiral depends on the initial position of the particle, physico-mechanical properties of the impurity particle (radius and density), physico-mechanical properties of milk (density and dynamic viscosity), design parameter – the angle of inclination of the separation plate to the horizontal and kinematic parameter – the angular velocity of the drum. From the obtained equation of the trajectory of motion of the extracted impurity particle on the section from its initial position to the final position on the bar by mathematical transformations can be obtained such characteristics as: velocity, acceleration, time of stay of the impurity particle in the interdisk space of the milk separator drum and the angle by which it will move, pitch angle or inclination of the tangent to the normal, restored to the radius-vector, length of the arc of the logarithmic spiral or the path traveled by the impurity particle on the section from its initial position to the final one on the bar.
Keywords: impurity particle, interdisk space, milk separator, generalized coordinate, radius vector.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.70.2.021
UDC 636.082.474.5

A.I. Daryin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 628-367,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The age of the laying hens is one of the most important factors influencing the hatching quality of the eggs. The purpose of the study was to analyse the incubation parameters of eggs of the parental forms of the cross "Ross-308" in the age dynamics. Egg incubation indicators were studied in the following age groups of laying hens: 24-26, 28-32, 33-36, 40-43, 50-52, 53-58 and 59-61 weeks of life. The studies evaluated fertilization, egg hatchability, chicken hatchability and incubation losses. The average fertilization rate of the eggs in all groups was 86.92 %. The highest egg fertilization rate of 97.30 % was found in the group of laying hens aged 33-36 weeks, the lowest rate of 77.43 % in the group aged 59-61 weeks. The average hatchability of the eggs was 87.04 %. The highest hatchability of 89.69 % was observed in the group of laying hens aged 33-36 weeks, the lowest - 83.54 % – at the end of the biological cycle of egg production of the hens aged 59-61 weeks. A decrease in hatchability of the eggs was observed in the group of laying hens aged 40-43 weeks. As the hens get older, there is a consistent trend towards an increase in the number of eggs in the "defective" category. The lowest incubation loss rates (blood ring, dead embryos at 8-14 and 15-18 days of age, infected eggs, suffocated chicks, weak and deformed chicks) were found in hen groups in the middle of the biological cycle of egg production. High incubation loss rates were observed in young poultry that are not yet fully developed physiologically. As the age of the parent flock increases, the reproductive function of farm poultry decreases, resulting in a significant increase in incubation losses.
Keywords: laying hens, fertilization, hatchability, chicken hatch, incubation losses.

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