DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.010
UDC 631.331.53

V.A. Sipunov, Engineer, V.V. Shumaev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Russia, tel. (8-8412) 62-85-79, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The purpose of the study is to increase the uniformity of seed placement at the sowing depth by using a coulter disk with epicycloidal grooves along the contour. The studies were carried out on the fields of LLC "Russkoe Pole" in Serdobsky district of Penza region in 2022-2023 using the C-6PM3 pneumatic seeder with the developed working bodies, which are coulters on the disks of which there are grooves on the contour in the form of an epicycloid, according to the methods of STO AIST 5.6-2018. The quality of the sowing carried out was assessed in accordance with GOST 31345-2017. Laboratory tests in the field using the C-6PM3 pneumatic seeder equipped with coulters with epicycloidal grooves along the contour have proven the reliability of the tests carried out in laboratory conditions, where the difference between the data was no more than 5%. The studies carried out made it possible to specify the structural dimensions of the coulter, on the disk of which grooves along the contour are in the form of an epicycloid. Based on the research results, the main design parameters of the experimental pneumatic seeder C-6PM3 equipped with coulters with epicycloidal grooves along the contour, which were determined in the laboratory studies, were specified.
Keywords: grain seeder, laboratory and field studies, single-disk coulter, sowing depth, seed distribution, soil.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.008
UDC 633.63:631.171

V.A. Ovtov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor; A.V. Polikanov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor; A.V. Yashin, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor; A.A. Orekhov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
Students: D.V. Grishin, V.K. Usankin
Penza State Agrarian University, 440014, Penza, Botanicheskaya str. 30, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Abstract. Currently, there is a tendency to use more compact and lightweight gearboxes, which helps to increase the productivity of agricultural machines and units. Since almost all agricultural machinery is equipped with drive mechanisms, gearboxes play an important role here. Cylindrical, conical and worm gearboxes are widely used in agricultural machinery. Gearboxes ensure the operation of units of a wide variety of agricultural machinery from small seeders to large sowing units. The right choice and timely maintenance of gearboxes will ensure a long service life of agricultural machinery with the necessary productivity.
The article proposes the design of a helical gearbox with a ratio of U = 2, at a right angle of inclination of the drive gear shaft teeth b1 = 59°36' and the number of teeth is Z1; at the right angle of inclination of the driven gear shaft teeth b2 = 30°24' and the number of teeth is Z2. The axial distance aw is determined for a normal module mn, equal to 2.25, the number of teeth of the gear Z1 = 8 and of the wheel Z2= 16, and the geometric parameters of the gear and wheel. Verification calculations were carried out on contact stresses, bending stresses of gear teeth and wheels. A designed three-dimensional model of a gear-screw gearbox is presented, and its operation is described.
Keywords: strength, normal module, gearbox, modeling, gear, gear wheel.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.006
UDC 631.331

I.A. Surkov, postgraduate student;
N. P. Laryushin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
A. V. Shukov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
T.A. Kiryukhina, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor.
Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia,
tel. (8412) 628 517, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The operational process of sowing seeds of both grain and leguminous crops imposes a number of strict requirements not only on the designs of sowing machines, but also to the parameters of their operation. Currently, mechanical seeding machines have become widespread, among which roller type devices are the most common [1], however, despite their main advantages, such as simplicity of design and low cost of production, they have a number of disadvantages. When working with roller devices, the following problems often arise: unsatisfactory layout of the seed material along the length of the row (uneven sowing pitch), instability of the general seeding rate and injury to the seed material, as a result of which all this will lead to an increase in seed consumption and a decrease in their germination. To eliminate the mentioned above disadvantages, scientists and engineers are working on improvement of the technological process of seeding and the designs of seeding machines. One of the most promising areas of improvement of the seeding machine is to change the profile of the grooves of sectional rollers.
The article describes a designed seeding machine with a modified shape of the groove profile of the sectional roller. This seeding machine is designed for sowing seeds of grain and leguminous crops by the example of seeds of soft winter wheat of the cultivar Fotinya. The functional diagram of the operation of this sowing machine is based on the fact that the modified shape of the groove provides a more uniform layout of seeds along the length of the ridge. The use of a modified shape of the roller groove leads to an increase in the consistancy of the overall seeding rate and a decrease in the injury rate of the seed material.
Keywords: seeding roller, seeding machine, grain and leguminous crops, seeds, seed drill.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.002
UDC 665.753.035+621.432

D.A. Ukhanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; D.A. Manshev, Doctor of Technical
Sciences, Associate Professor; A.P. Ukhanov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Federal Autonomous Establishment "The 25th State Research Institute of chemmotology of the Ministry of Defence
of the Russian Federation", Moscow, Russia;
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In order to reduce labor costs when evaluating new or modernized diesel fuels using combustion stiffness indicators without reducing reliability and accuracy requirements, it is proposed to use a complex indicator - the integral stiffness coefficient by the value of the relative change in the difference of the areas of the indicator diagrams recorded during fuel combustion in a diesel engine and without, instead of the traditionally used single indicators for the combustion process of motor fuel in the rapid combustion phase (maximum cycle pressure, average and maximum pressure build-up rate, degree of pressure increase).
The deviation of the integral stiffness coefficient ( ) when operating the diesel engine with the test fuel should not exceed 15% of the same coefficient with the control fuel. If the condition ≤ 15 % is fulfilled, the test fuel meets the requirements for combustion stiffness in the rapid combustion phase and can be recommended for further tests or for use for functional purposes in a diesel engine.
Keywords: diesel fuel, combustion process, stiffness, integral coefficient, indicator diagram, diesel, motor tests, measuring and recording equipment.

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