DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.018
UDC 636.

D.G. Poghosyan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; M.N. Rybalko, post-graduate student
Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 618151, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The meat productivity of broiler chickens in the predominant mass depends on the nutritional value of the compound feeds used for fattening. The aim of the study was to find the optimal level of crude protein content, of metabolic energy and energy-protein ratio in each age stage of fattening, taking into account its duration when fattening broiler chickens of the ROSS-308 breed. The research and production experiment was conducted on broiler chickens aged 0-39 days, manned in five groups of 100 heads each. The differences between the groups was in the use of compound feeds of different protein and energy nutritional value in three stages of fattening. The content of crude protein in compound feeds of different groups, depending on the growth stage, ranged from 20 to 27%, and the metabolic energy from 297 to 320 kcal.
Based on the results of the dynamics studies of live weight and liveability of chickens, feed conversion and slaughter indicators, it can be considered that a three-stage feeding scheme using compound feeds with an optimal level of crude protein and metabolic energy in the first stage of fattening at the level of 23% and 305 kcal is more effective for fattening broilers up to 39 days of age, in the second 22.7% and 313 kcal and in the third 20% and 320 kcal.
Keywords: broiler chickens, protein, metabolic energy, energy-protein ratio, compound feed, live weight, liveability, feed conversion, slaughter yield.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.012
UDC 636.052.78

Berezkina G. Yu., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Zakirova R. R., Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Udmurt State Agrarian University, Izhevsk, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , 8(3412)77-17-99.
Udmurt State University, Izhevsk, Russia, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , 8(3412)916-116.

The materials of the article are devoted to the study of the realization of the genetic potential of milk yield, fat and protein content of bulls of various selection. The research was conducted in the leading breeding farms of the Udmurt Republic, where there is a high level of breeding accounting, in the period 2020-2022. Milk productivity was recorded once a month by control milking. To assess the genetic potential of stud bulls, the parent bull index was calculated. The chemical and physical properties of milk were evaluated according to the following indicators: the mass fraction of fat, the mass fraction of total protein, casein, nonfat milk solids, density and acidity were determined at the Department of Technology for processing livestock products in the Udmurt State University. The sanitary and hygienic properties of milk were determined by the following indicators: total bacterial contamination, thousand CFU / cm3, the presence of inhibitory substances, the number of somatic cells, thousand / cm3. According to organoleptic and physico-chemical parameters, the quality of cheeses was studied (the mass fraction of fat in CB, in %; moisture in %; milk consumption per 1 kg of cheese). The highest milk yield was from the mother of the mother of bulls of Leningrad selection (14,836 kg). The highest content of fat (4.36%) and protein (3.5%) in domestic selection animals was in the mothers of bulls in the Moscow selection. Among the stud bulls of imported selection, the mothers of German–bred bulls prevailed in terms of fat and protein content - 4.36 and 3.50%. When comparing the parent index of domestic and imported selection stud bulls for all analyzed characteristics, the RBI is higher in imported selection bulls. According to the level of realization of the genetic potential for milk yield in imported selection, the daughters of Dutch–bred bulls are distinguished - 48.7%. According to research, the most suitable milk for cheese production was obtained from the daughters of stud bulls of imported and Udmurt selection.
Keywords black-and-white breed, stud bulls, selection, genetic potential, suitability for cheesemaking.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.020
UDC 633.2+712.423

E.A. Kalinichev, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, A.A. Galiullin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, tel. 8-996-247-86-19, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Perennial grasses are a solid foundation for the organization of a high-quality forage base, while the range of their use can be much wider: from landscaping to design of recreational areas. Cereal crops are flexible to the conditions of cultivation, but the limiting factor for them is still the saturation of the soil with moisture. In modern conditions of increasing aridity of the climate, crops traditionally cultivated for forage and decorative purposes, including representatives of the bluegrass family, are characterized by a decrease in productivity and decorativeness. The solution to this problem may be the introduction of a promising long-term festulolium crop. In order to integrate festulolium into agricultural production, experiments were conducted to study its productivity and decorative advantages in the Middle Volga region. During the research period of 2020-2023, festulolium was characterized by indicators of green and dry mass at the level of 33.6-36.5 t/ha and 5.3-5.9 t/ha, respectively. The seed yield of the studied varieties ranged from 601.2-703.3 kg/ha, and the weight of 1000 seeds was 2.98–3.17 g.
The study of the decorative advantages of festulolium according to approved methods allowed us to conclude that for lawns consisting of festulolium both in pure sowing and as part of grass mixtures, a close-diffuse composition of herbage is characteristic, an assessment of the density of shoots is 6, a projective coating from 82 to 97%, an assessment of the overall decorative effect is 5 points, and the overall maximum quality assessment – 30 points, which characterizes them as excellent.
Keywords: festulolium, introduction, productivity, decorative effect, agrophytocenosis, green conveyor, grass mixture.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.017
UDC 631.147+631.43

K.Yu. Kiselyova, graduate student;
E.N. Kuzin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;
A.N. Arefyev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
E.E. Kuzina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, tel. 8(412) 62-85-65, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The conducted research has established that manure, green manure and their combined use with a stubble biodecomposer had a certain effect on the agrophysical properties of meadow-chernozem soil and crop productivity. The most significant influence on the change in the structural state, density, porosity of the arable layer of meadow-chernozem soil and crop productivity was exerted by the use of legumes in combination with a stubble biodecomposer during independent and intermediate sideration in the cereal-fallow-row crop rotation. In that condition the content of agronomically valuable water-bearing aggregates in the arable layer of meadow-chernozem soil significantly exceeded the control in the agrocenosis of spring wheat by 9.4-10.0%, in the agrocenosis of peas by 12.4-12.6%, in the agrocenosis of winter wheat by 13.2-13.3%. The value of the equilibrium density in the arable layer was on average lower than the control variant by 0.11-0.12 g/cm3 over the three years of research, the value of the total porosity exceeded the control by 4.1-4.4%. The use of cereal-fallow-row crop rotation with independent and intermediate sideration of legumes in combination with a stubble biodecomposer increased the total productivity of spring wheat, peas and winter wheat by 3.24-3.35 t/ha of grain units, or by 29.3-30.3%.
Keywords: meadow-chernozem soil, manure, stubble biodecomposer, green manure, structure, density, porosity, productivity.

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