DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.015
UDC 330

E.I. Pozubenkova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
N.M. Guryanova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor,
E.A. Starostina, student of
Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia,
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The article considers matters of current interest of agricultural land utilization in terms of regulations of the Russian Federation. The organizational and economic assessment of agricultural land utilization directly affects the qualitative and quantitative indicators of the effectiveness of the utilization. The article presents the material on the size and dynamics of the total land area in the country, as well as the structure of the land distribution in the Penza region by category. Using the comparative and analytical method to analyze the distribution of agricultural land by land categories, it can be noted that the region has the most favorable conditions for the development of the agricultural sector of the economy, since the largest share in the whole region falls on arable land. The issues of reproduction of land fertility by applying mineral and organic fertilizers for crop yields in large, medium and small agricultural organizations of the Penza region are considered. The main problems determining the artificial fertility of lands have been identified, namely, the annual decrease in the use of mineral and organic fertilizers for agricultural crops per 1 hectare of sowing, which directly affects the deterioration of the nutrient balance. The effectiveness of the system of reproduction and use of agricultural land is determined by a number of indicators: crop yield, gross harvest, soil bonitet. As a result of analytical activity, positive and negative aspects have been identified and the main ways to increase the economic efficiency of agricultural land utilization have been identified.
Keywords: land, agricultural land, arable land, organizational and economic assessment, productivity, agricultural products in actual prices.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.014
UDC 631.15

N.N. Bondina, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, I.A. Bondin, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, O.V. Lavrina, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, E.V. Shirokova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Penza State Agrarian University, Russia
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Material resources are the main component of production resources necessary to ensure a continuous reproductive process, which are part of the subjects of labor and make up the material base for production activities.
Within the framework of the research the analysis of material resources provision of agricultural organizations was carried out. The share of tangible current assets and material resources as part of current assets was determined on average for agricultural organizations in the region. The largest share in the specific weight of material costs in the main production is the cost of fodder. An important indicator in determining the payback of material resources are: material output, this indicator in 2022 amounted to 195.8 RUB, material consumption – 52.8 RUB. During the study period, the amount of profit from the sale of agricultural products decreased slightly by 1 RUB of material costs. The authors have identified the factors influencing the value of this indicator and, as a result, the rationality of the use of material resources.
Keywords: diagnostics, material resources, costs, endowment, use, efficiency.

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UDC 633.63:631.171
DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.019

A.L. Sevostianov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; V.V. Vinogradov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; I.L. Volkova, Senior Lecturer; V.A. Sevostyanov, engineer,Yu.N. Ryzhov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Oryol State Agrarian University named after N. V. Parakhin", Oryol, Russia,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This article presents the design and technological rationale and structure of the attached telescopic lift developed specifically for use with tractors in the conditions of small economic units of the agro-industrial complex. The basic idea of the work is to create an attachment with certain load capacity characteristics.
The article emphasizes the main loads acting on the frame of a lifting equipment. The deformations and stresses in the frame were analyzed. The results of this analysis have shown that the designed and modeled frame has sufficient strength and stiffness to ensure the reliability of the lift.
Thus, the use of this mounted telescopic lift ensures safe and reliable work in areas where agricultural loads are moved.
Due to its efficiency and reliability, this equipment can be used in various industries to facilitate and automate the handling of goods, but also in small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas. The wide use of the telescopic lifting attachment will allow it to be integrated into the zonal cultivation technologies of agricultural producers, which in turn will lead to higher productivity and lower labor costs in crop production.
This device was specially developed on behalf of the scientific and educational production center "Integration" to support various activities of the university in the field of agriculture. It will be used in the areas of production, education and practice, research and innovation related to crop production, animal husbandry, processing, storage and utilization of products, mechanization of agriculture, training and retraining of personnel, improving the quality of soil resources, increasing the economic efficiency of agricultural production, and for the approval and transfer of innovative technologies. In addition, this equipnet can also be used as an auxiliary unit to support the operation of a combined strip-seeding system for sowing crops. The number of state registration of research, design and technological development of civil use of this unit is #124012500452-2.
Keywords: lift, strain, structure, frame, tractor, modeling, load.

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DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.011
UDC 629.33.05, 621.85

A.S. Ivanov1, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; V.V. Lyandenbursky1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; N.I. Sergeev1, Postgraduate
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 65-82-42 Е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For complex systems, which include modern hydraulic drives, it is very important to develop technologies for controlling the condition of the working elements of hydraulic drives and for detecting faults in hydraulic system units in order to improve the operability of hydraulic drives.
In this article, the technology for testing hydraulic drives of attachments by checkpoints is presented. A refined calibration of hydraulic drives depending on the load increase in 1 kg increments is proposed. The fixation of changes in the monitor indications of the developed device is presented, the application of which makes it possible to present the necessary amount of information about diagnostic parameters for the preparation of a conclusion about the changes in the device indications.
The indications were decoded using the Microsoft Excel application. The average values of the device indications at different impact forces on the strain gauges of the device, standard deviations and coefficients of variation were determined.
The test results are presented in the form of graphs of the dependence of the average device indication and the standard deviation on the pressure in the pipeline. At the final stage of the tests of the developed device, the fixation of the pressure in the pipeline during the transient process that occurs during the period of operation of the automatic valve of the piston valve of the hydraulic distributor was checked.
The methods and means used should ensure a low error in diagnosis with a reduction in the duration of operations to measure the quantitative values of technical condition parameters with subsequent processing and analysis of the results.
Keywords: laboratory tests, hydraulic drives, hydraulic system, calibration, hydraulic distributor.

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