DOI 10.36461/NP.2023.67.3.016
UDC 636.2.034.082
E.M. Kislyakova, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;
Yu.V. Isupova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
M.K. Kuznetsova, postgraduate student;
Udmurt State Agrarian University, Izhevsk, Russia
+7(965)8412775, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abstract: Modern milk producers strive to ensure that their animals have a high genetic potential of milk productivity and fully realise it in specific technological conditions and, accordingly, give high profits. In this regard, it is of scientific and practical interest to study the effect of different technological conditions of milk production on the realisation of the genomic forecast of dairy cattle productivity. The research was carried out in the collective farm "Udmurtia" of the Vavozhsky district of the Udmurt Republic in the period of 2022-2023. The material for the study was the heifers of the Holstein breed, which had the results of a genomic assessment. The analysis of the actual productivity of animals and the assessment of the realisation of their breeding value were carried out depending on the technology of keeping and milking. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the forecast of the breeding value of heifers in terms of milk productivity had a fairly high percentage of fulfilment. In terms of milk yield in the compared groups of animals, the realisation of breeding value was 120.9-122.5%, in terms of milk quality indicators it was slightly lower – from 101.5 to 107.1%. The exception is the indicator of the mass fraction of fat in milk with cubicle technology of animal husbandry and milking at the Carousel installation (98.8%). Moreover, in animals with a negative assessment of breeding value, the productive potential was better realised in the conditions of tie-up keeping and milking into a linear milk pipeline. The level of breeding value realisation by milk yield was 124.1%, by the mass fraction of fat in milk – 108.4%, protein – 102.7%. Animals with a positive prognosis of breeding value realized their potential better in modern high-tech conditions with loose keeping and milking in the milking house.
Keywords: genomic assessment, breeding value, heifers, first-calf cows, dairy productivity, keeping technology.