DOI 10.36461/NP.2023.67.3.009
UDC 633.63+631.82

Yu.V. Koryagin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
O.N. Kukharev, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
V.V. Koshelyaev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;
N.V. Koryagina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
I.P. Koshelyaeva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Penza State Agrarian University, Russia, Tel. 8(8412) 62-83-73, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Annotation. This article presents materials on the improvement of pre-sowing preparation of soybean seeds with the help of microbiological fertilizers. The aspects of influence of pre-sowing seed treatment with microbiological fertilizers on the strength of growth, the timing of interphase periods, plant survival and grain yield are considered. The purpose of the research is to determine the role of pre–sowing seed treatment in the formation of grain yield in various soybean varieties using microbiological fertilizers. As a result, it was found that the initial changes in seed germination caused by microbiological fertilizers affect the duration of individual phases, the total vegetation period and plant survival, which determines the value of grain yield. It is shown that the highest grain yield of all soybean varieties is formed by inoculation of seeds with a mixture of microbiological preparations Azotovit + Phosphatovit. The Sculptor variety was characterized by a higher yield.
Keywords: soybean, variety, microbiological fertilizers, vegetation period, plant survival, grain yield.

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