UDC: 636.2.034:636.234.1:636.082.25
DOI 10.36461/NP.2023.65.1.017

V.V. Lyashenko, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; A.V. Gubina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; I.V. Kaeshova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences; N.Yu. Chupsheva, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Teacher
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-81-51, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the intensification of dairy cattle breeding, the improvement of the productive and breeding qualities of the cows in the dairy herd through the formation of breeding stock by replacement heifers from high-priced sires and dams is of great importance. The results of published scientific studies on the effects of dams on daughter productivity are contradictory and need to be studied on a herd-specific basis. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the milk productivity of dams and their daughters. The research was carried out under the conditions of a modern dairy complex on a herd of Holstein cows. Dams with a completed sixth lactation and their daughters with a first, second or third completed lactation with different levels of milk production were evaluated. The results of the comparative evaluation of the milk productivity of mother cows and their daughters for the first three lactations show higher values for the daughters. For the first lactation, daughters had 17% higher milk yield than their mothers (р < 0.001), 10.6% higher for the second lactation, and 34.7% higher for the third one (р < 0.001). The mass fraction of fat in the milk of the daughters exceeded that of the dams by 0.2-0.08% in each of the first, second, and third lactations, and by mass fraction of protein in the milk, the daughters significantly (р < 0.01-р < 0.001) exceeded their mothers by 0.3-0.06 % in all contiguous lactations. It should be noted that mothers weakly transmit their qualities to daughters in terms of milk yield (h2 = 0.24-0.26) and mass fraction of protein in milk (h2 = 0.28-0.3), while in terms of mass fraction of fat in milk a high coefficient of inheritance was found in the second and third lactations (h2 = 0.56-0.62). Thus, it can be seen that the daughters are superior to their mothers in milk productivity in the compared lactations.
Keywords: Holstein breed, milk productivity, mothers, daughters, lactation, heritability of traits.

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