UDC 633.15+631.8
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.002
E.V. Zheryakov1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; S.A. Semina1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; Yu.I. Zheryakova2
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia
2Branch office of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Russian Centre of Forest Health – Forest Protection Center of Penza Region, Penza. Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article presents the results of studies on the effect of a triple foliar treatment of sugar beet crops of different genotypes with liquid micronutrient plants on the dynamics of chlorophyll synthesis in the leaves. It was found that 10 days after the first treatment with micronutrient fertilizer, irrespective of the genotype of the hybrid, there was a tendency for chlorophyll content in the leaves to increase. The increase in chlorophyll a was 29.6-52.4 % and chlorophyll b – 13.6-31.4 %. The highest total chlorophyll concentration was obtained with POLYDON BORON and ranged from 1.414% in hybrid BTS 590 to 1.696% in hybrid Predator. During 10 days after the second foliar treatment, the leaves of hybrid Predator were more active in chlorophyll synthesis and the superiority was POLYDON BORON and POLYDON MOLYBDENUM: the relative increase of chlorophyll was 16.1-19.9% compared to the control, and more chlorophyll a was accumulated (increase to the control 8.0-21.5%), while the increase of chlorophyll b was 1.1-2.3% compared to the control. Thirty days after the second treatment, the stimulating effect was maintained in all variants with microfertilizers, but the strongest effect was produced by POLYDON BORON, the variant with POLYDON MOLYBDENUM was only slightly inferior to it in effectiveness. Ten days after the third treatment, compared to the variant with water, the following tendency in terms of chlorophyll sum (a + b) was found for all hybrids: POLYDON BORON exceeded the control by 35.6-36.1 %, POLYDON MOLYBDENUM – by 25.8-27.6 %, POLYDON MANGANESE – by 17.5-26.5 %, and POLYDON ZINC – by 10.4-17.3 %. The same pattern persisted for chlorophyll a and b. Twenty days after the third foliar treatment, there was a decrease in all photosynthetic pigments by harvest time, but the positive effect of microelement fertilization was maintained.
Keywords: sugar beet, hybrid, microelement fertilizers, chlorophyll
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UDC 631.582:631.147
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.004
V.S. Plaksina, Senior Research Officer; A.N. Astashov, Chief Research Officer, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Russian Research and Design Technological Institute of Sorghum and Maize", Saratov, Russia, tel. 8(8452)794969, e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article presents the results of studies on the productivity of forage crops in experimental crop rotations under the arid conditions of the Lower Volga Region. The purpose of the study was to investigate the produc-tivity and nutritional value of forage crops grown in short crop rotations under conditions of insufficient mois-ture. Studies were conducted on the experimental field of the RosNIISK "Rossorgo" in 2020-2022. Experimental crop rotations with short rotation were developed and introduced with forage crops occupying 20 to 33 % of the cultivated area. The material for the study were recognized varieties included in the State Register of Selection Achievements: grain sorghum (Granat), maize (RNIISK-1), soybean (Marina), chickpea (Bonus), Sudan grass (Spartanka), sunflower (Aktiv), phacelia (Natalia), Japanese millet (Gotika). The great diversity of crops not only makes it possible to develop crop rotations with an optimal structure of cultivated areas, but also to provide the necessary supply of forages for animal husbandry. The highest yield of above-ground biomass was obtained for maize (33.65 t/ha) and sunflower (35.48 t/ha) in three-field crop rotation. Soybeans produced the highest biomass yield in the four-field crop rotation with winter wheat as the preceding crop (16.58 t/ha). The highest yield productivity of grain sorghum, Sudan grass and phacelia was found in the four-field crop rotation with soybeans as the preceding crop. The yield productivity of phacelia is higher in the four-field crop rotation on the soybean as the preceding crop (23.47 t/ha). Japanese millet formed a high biomass yield in the five-field crop rotation with winter wheat as the preceding crop (21.83 t/ha). The results obtained for protein, fat, fibre, ash and nitrogen-free extractive substances have important practical value as they provide essential information for choosing the most valuable and suitable crops for livestock feeding. Keywords: crop rotation, organic farming, yield productivity, above-ground biomass, biochemical analy-sis, gross energy.
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UDC 633.63+631.82
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.005
V.V. Koshelyaev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; R.M. Bakaldin, Postgraduate; I.P. Koshelyaeva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-83-73, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The study of variability features and interrelationships between elements of yield structure is an important prerequisite for predicting selection efficiency, which helps to ensure that the best genotypes are widely incor-porated into the breeding process. The purpose of the study is to assess the nature of variability in key productivity traits and to determine the degree of their interrelationship in the progeny of the original plants in order to justify targeted selection in subsequent generations. The study showed that the selected progeny from the hybrid population represent a sufficient diversity of forms differing in key elements of productivity, which increases the possibility of finding and further selecting genotypes with the optimal combination of traits. The regression and correlation analysis showed that the basic resulting trait, "weight of grains per plant", is prede-termined by the number of beans and grains formed per plant. However, the limits of variation have a linear interdependence, which makes it difficult to establish optimal parameters for productivity traits for direct selec-tion of valuable genotypes.
Keywords: peas, selection, correlation coefficient, variation coefficient, number of seeds from a plant, number of beans, grain weight.
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UDC 631.87
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.007
N.P. Chekaev, Candidate of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor; Y.V. Koryagin, Candidate of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor; N.V. Koryagina, Candidate of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor; E.I. Pozubyonkova, Candidate of Economic sciences, assistant-professor, А.Y. Kozarenko, bachelor-student
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-83-67, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Effective crop production is based on a balanced supply of macro- and microelements. The use of alterna-tive supplementary sources of nitrogen and other nutrients is very relevant for agricultural production. The en-vironmentally safe microbiological fertilizers not only protect plants from diseases and pests, but also stimulate their growth and development, and therefore increase the yield. The article reflects the results of the use of microbiological fertilizers Azotovit and Phosphatovit in the cultivation of grain, oil-bearing and industrial crops. These fertilizers helped to achieve the yield of winter wheat grain up to 4.13 t/ha, spring barley - 3.76 t/ha, spring wheat - 3.42 t/ha, sunflower seed up to 2.55 t/ha and sugar beet root crops - up to 56.79 t/ha. The efficiency of application of microbiological fertilizers was calculated, where the conditional net income from combined treat-ment of grain crops before sowing with microbiological fertilizers Azotovit and Phosphatovit was 27,833 ru-bles/ha for spring barley, 5,788 rubles/ha for spring wheat, 10,015 rubles/ha for winter wheat. The situation was similar for sunflower, where conditional net income increased to 25,032 rubles/ha, and for sugar beet - to 116,502 rubles/ha. The application of these microbiological fertilizers in the technology of cultivation of grain, oil-bear-ing and industrial crops in the soil-climatic conditions of the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region leads to the formation of environmentally friendly products and is cost-effective.
Keywords: microbiological fertilizers Azotovit and Phosphatovit, cereals, oil-bearing and industrial crops, yield, grain, root crops, application efficiency.
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UDC 579.64: 547.46'054.4.
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.008
S.E. Narmatov, PhD student; M. M. Darmanov, PhD; Senior Research Officer; R.R. Akhmedov, Senior Research Officer; Z.T. Buriev, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Universitetskaya str., 2, Tashkent, 111215, Uzbekistan, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Agriculture is a main economic branch of many countries. In integrated plant nutrition management sys-tems, various biological stimulants are effective in increasing yields. The use of rhizobacteria leads to significant improvements in plant biology. This study examined the effect of a rhizobacterium-based biopreparation on the growth of cotton plant varieties belonging to the G. hirsutum species. During the study, the plants were grown in three different locations and their morpho-biological and agronomic traits were studied. After treatment with the biopreparation, plant height, number of sympodia, number of boll buds and seed weight significantly im-proved. And the germination and flowering of plants were also accelerated. It was found that rhizobacteria have a positive effect on cotton plant growth, leading to an increase in agronomic characteristics such as the number of buds, flowers, bolls and sympodia.
Keywords: cotton, rhizobacteria, variety, economic characteristics, chlorophyll content, plant growth.
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UDC 633.51:577.15
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.009
A.S. Imamkhodzhaeva, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of Laboratory; N.R. Rakhmatova, (PhD), Senior Research Officer; Sh.B. Kodirova, Research Assistant; Sh.E. Shermatov, (PhD), Scientific Secretary; Z.T. Buriev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director
Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Temperature is one of the most important environmental factors to which all living organisms are exposed. Extreme temperatures, both high and low, seriously reduce cotton yields and affect cotton physiology, biochemistry, and quality, resulting in poor agronomic production. In this article, the response of cotton seedlings to low positive temperatures is exemplified by one of the low molecular weight secondary metabolites, proline (Pro). Under the influence of temperatures of 4 0С, 10 0С, 15 0С, and 24 0С in the early stage of seedling vege-tation, changes in the concentrations of this amino acid, measured with a UV-19 spectrophotometer, were de-tected.
Keywords: cotton plant, temperature, proline, cold stress, cell membrane, climate chambers, seedlings.
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UDC 633.85:631:526.32
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.010
T.Y. Prakhova1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences; I.V. Odrin2, post-graduate student
1Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Centre for Bast Crops", Tver, Russia, tel. 89534479608, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia
The article presents the study of the effect of crambe seeds treatment with microfertilizers and methods of its sowing on oil content and fatty acid composition. The seeds of crambe abyssinica of the Demetra variety grown in 2019-2021 in the experimental field of the Federal Scientific Center for Bast Crops of the separate division of Penza Research Institute of Agriculture were used as an object of study. The hydrothermal coefficient ranged from 0.68 to 0.95 during the years of research. The highest oil content was recorded in 2020 and ranged from 36.84 to 38.16% depending on the variants. On average over the three years the highest oil content was observed for variants with application of microfertilizers Humate+7 and Cytovit, which was 34.21 % and 34.83 % and exceeded the control by 0.83 % and 1.45 %. Oil content was 0.57 % higher when sown in rows than when sown broadly, averaging 34.36 %. Microfertilizer application increased the oleic acid content and decreased the concentrations of linoleic and linolenic acids. The lowest concentration of linolenic acid was recorded in crambe seeds after treatment with Cytovit (6.03 %), that of linoleic acid - after application of Megamix (7.67 %). Max-imum accumulation of oleic acid (15.98 %) contributed to the use of Megamix. The application of the microfer-tilizers Humate+7, Agroverm and Cytovit did not significantly reduce the content of erucic acid to 59.04-59.24 %. On the contrary, treatment of seeds with Megamix increased the accumulation of erucic acid to 59.40 %. The content of linoleic and linolenic acids was higher with the row sowing method at 9.19 and 6.34 %. The concen-tration of oleic acid was 15.60 % at the wide-spaced sowing method. The accumulation of erucic acid was the highest on the wide-spaced sowing method. Its content was 58.79 %, which was 0.58 % higher than its concen-tration on the row sowing.
Keywords: crambe abyssinica, micro-fertilizers, sowing methods, oil content, fatty acid composition.
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UDC 633.88+631.8
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.011
V.А. Gushchina1, Doctor of Argicultural Sciences, Professor; Е.О. Nikolskaya2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, deputy head of the Penza Forest Seed Station department, N.V. Kochemazova, post-graduate student
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 628-367, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Branch of FBI RCFH - Penza Oblast Forestry Centre, Penza, Russia
Plantation cultivation of medicinal plants is essential for the development of domestic herbal medicines. However, the limiting factor is the limited amount of seeds, including Echinacea purpurea. The aim of the in-vestigation is to study the influence of mineral fertilizers and foliar feeding of plants by the growth regulator Zircon on features of seed formation, viability and productivity of Echinacea of the fourth year of life under the stressful weather conditions of the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region. As a result of studies conducted in 2018...2020 on meadow-chernozem soil of the experimental plot of Penza State Agrarian University, it was noted that the average number of seeds in inflorescence was 472 pcs. with the weight of 1.59 g and 80% plump-ness was formed on the background of mineral fertilizers with foliar treatment of plants with Zircon in the phase of leaf rosette followed by budding, providing the highest yield of seeds - 532.7 kg/ha. Moreover, the most favourable for the development of seeds was in 2020 (HTC 1.21), when two leaf dressings on a mineral back-ground in the inflorescence formed 518 seeds, with their weight 1.74 g. The number of accomplished achenes was 432 pcs/inflorescence, the yield - 652.3 kg/ha.
Keywords: Zircon growth regulator, Echinacea purpurea, plumpness, 1000 seed weight, seed yield
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UDC 633.262: 631.5
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.012
O.A. Timoshkin1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, V.A. Trishina2, Postgraduate
1Federal State budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops", Tver, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia
Experimental work to determine the optimal sowing dates for smooth brome was carried out in the experimental field of the Agricultural Technologies Laboratory of the separate subdivision of Penza Agricultural Research Institute. The purpose of the study was to experimentally justify the timing of sowing to optimize the production process and the formation of a high yield of the smooth brome variety "Udalets" under the foreststeppe conditions of the Middle Volga Region. The research programme included the following tasks: investigation of the peculiarities of the formation of the agroecenosis of smooth brome depending on the sowing time, revealing the influence of the studied cultivation methods on the yield of green mass, smooth brome seeds and their structural elements. Seven sowing dates were studied – May (I, II, III decade), June (I, II decade), August (III decade) and September (I decade). Field experiments, records, and analyses were conducted in accordance with the "Guidelines for Field Experiments of Forage Crops." The study years were characterised by dry and wet conditions during the growing seasons, with a hydrothermal coefficient averaging 0.8 (2021), 1.0 (2022) during May-August. As a result of the study, a reliable influence of the studied factors on the formation of agrocenosis in the year of the beginning of the experiment, the yield of green mass and seeds in the year of use was found. The maximum yield of green mass of smooth brome was 35.5-37.2 t/ha when sown in the first and second decades of May. In terms of seed yield, early spring sowing date was advantageous at 614 kg/ha.
Keywords: smooth brome (Bromopsis inermis Leys.), sowing time, germination, preservation, yield, green mass, nutritional value, seeds.
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UDC 631.8 + 57.054
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.015
G.А. Karpova1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant Professor; V.V. Koshelyaev2, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; I.P. Koshelyaeva2, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; D.G. Teplitskaya1, Senior Lecturer
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Penza State University», Penza, Russia, 8(841)2643913, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Penza State Agrarian University», Penza, Russia
Pre-sowing seed treatment is primarily aimed at increasing field germination, which determines the density of the agrocenosis and is directly related to the final yield. Researches in this area are very relevant, as they allow to give a theoretical justification for the applied agro-technique. In the article the questions of increasing field germination of spring barley seeds of the variety Surskiy Favorite are considered when they are treated before sowing with growth regulators Epin-Extra, Mival-Agro, Ribav-Extra and Krezatsin. The aim of the investigation was to study physiological and biochemical processes during germination of barley seeds determining their la-boratory and field germination under the action of growth regulators. The study of the water uptake processes showed that the reaching of threshold levels of seed humidity necessary to activate their general metabolism and capable of germination under the action of Ribav-Extra and Krezatsin was reduced by 3-4 hours. The total ac-tivity of α- and β-amylase in barley grains during upswelling in the interval from one to four hours in these variants increases by 7.1-20.8 %. In the first eight hours of water entry into the seeds the peroxidase activity in the variants with growth regulators increases by 4.5-7.1 times relative to dry grains and exceeds the control by 110.0-230.2 %. The highest values are registered in the variants with Ribav-Extra and Krezatsin. The change of physiological and biochemical processes and indicators causes the increase of germination energy and laboratory germination of seeds, which are in correlation with them. Under the action of Krezatsin, the germination energy and laboratory germination increased by 6.5 and 10.6 %, and under the action of Ribav-Extra - by 8.9 and 13.4 %, respectively. The results of the correlation and regression analysis showed a direct correlation between la-boratory and field germination. Under field conditions in 2017-2019, an increase in field germination was found, on average, by 6.3-6.5 % over the three years, which further ensured higher density of agrocenosis and played a role in yield formation (Ribav-Extra - yield increase by 620 kg/ha, Krezatzin - 590 kg/ha).
Keywords: spring barley, grain moisture, α- and β-amylase activity, peroxidase, germination energy, la-boratory germination, field germination.
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UDC 631.8.022.3+633.31/37
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.016
S.A. Kshnikatkin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; P.G. Alenin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; A.V. Panfilov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; I.A. Voronova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; A.V. Tagirov, Postgraduate; V.S. Koldaeva, Postgraduate; I.A. Konnov, Student
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", tel. 8(8412)62-83-75, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
In the improvement of cultivation technology, seed preparation is very important. By acting on the seed, it is possible to regulate the growth and development of plants to a certain extent through the use of growth regu-lators, with the maximum possibility of realising the genetic potential of forage crops with a certain product quality. In the selection of growth regulators, attention was paid to ecological requirements, low preparation consumption per unit mass treated, and their production from natural bioresources. For this purpose, the study of methods for improving the sowing qualities of seeds of perennial forage plants called fodder burnet of the Sultan variety with a fundamentally new technology of preparation before sowing using an IS-1.0 inoculator acquires scientific and practical value. The technological scheme of the inoculator is based on a technical solu-tion – the continuous action of the medium in the form of mist on the seed material during the continuous transport of the seed. Research has shown that treatment of seeds of fodder burnet of Sultan variety with growth regulators, using environmentally friendly technology of seed material preparation with the application of the IS-1.0 seed inoculator, increased the yield of green mass and seeds of fodder burnet 37.5 t/ha and 1113 kg/ha, respectively.
Keywords: pre-sowing treatment, seeds, poterium polygamum, growth regulators, inoculator, germina-tion, increase, yield, green mass.
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UDC 574.23: 574.24: 577.2.01
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.017
I.B. Salakhutdinov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of Laboratory; V.S. Kamburova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer; E.E. Khurshut, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer; D.M. Zuparova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Junior Research Officer; G.F. Mamatkulova, Junior Research Officer, Doctoral Student; F.S. Radzhapov, Junior Research Officer; D.I. Tozhibaeva, Junior Research Officer, D.K. Bazarov, Junior Research Officer
Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel. +998 94 614-38-53, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This article presents the results of studies evaluating the salt stress tolerance of Uzbek cotton varieties (Gossypium hirsutum L.), which are part of a project to study SOS (Salt Overly Sensitive) genes that play one of the key roles in plant resistance to salt stress. Previously, we selected and analyzed directly SOS genes from a large number of salt tolerance genes using sequences from the entire cotton genomes of G. hirsutum. As a result, these genes were identified in both the A- and D- genomes of the cotton plant and their genetic structure was determined. The purpose of this work is to develop new transgenic salt-tolerant varieties intended for sowing in regions with unfavourable conditions. However, to identify the most promising forms of the gene, we studied the salt tolerance of 24 local cotton varieties. The varieties were first selected according to the characteristics indicated by the variety developers, with a contrasting expression of the trait. The varieties were then evaluated under controlled stress conditions, resulting in the identification of the most salt-tolerant and susceptible cotton varieties. In this way, the basis for the subsequent identification of the most promising SOS1, SOS2, and SOS3 alleles of cotton plant genes and their combinations by comparative genetic sequence analysis using DNA sequencing was established.
Keywords: Gossypium hirsutum, cotton, salinization, tolerance, phenotype, genotype, comparative anal-ysis.
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UDC 631.5 + 633.63 + (470.4)
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.018
A.E. Kolesov, postgraduate; S.V. Bogomazov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; O.A. Tkachuk, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8-(8412)628-546, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This paper presents the results of the study of the efficiency of basic tillage systems with stubble destructor to increase the yield and quality of sugar beet roots in the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga Region. It was found that the optimal soil density values developed in the variants with two-phase mouldboard and non-mould-board tillage. The minimum tillage variant showed significant soil compaction and reduction in productive mois-ture reserve. The highest sugar beet yield (43.68 t/ha) was observed in the variant with two-phase mouldboard tillage. The use of non-mouldboard and minimum shallow tillage contributed to yield reductions of 3.95 and 5.84 t/ha, respectively. The use of stubble destructor increased sugarbeet root yield by 0.41 t/ha in the variant with two-phase mouldboard tillage, by 0.64 t/ha in the variant with two-phase non-mouldboard, by 0.87 t/ha in the variant with minimum shallow basic tillage variant.
Keywords: sugar beet, basic tillage system, stubble destructor, soil density, productive moisture reserve, yield.
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UDC 633.2+ 631.81.095.337
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.019
А.А. Galiullin1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor; Е.А. Kalinichev1, lecturer; F.A. Mudarisov2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor; А.А. Naumov1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 62-81-51; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin", Ulyanovsk, Russia, tel. 8(8422) 55-95-47, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
The article considers the peculiarities of photosynthetic activity of Festulolium sowings when using pre-sowing treatment of seeds with microelement fertilizers and biological preparations. In the course of the two-factor experiment on the photosynthetic activity of Festulolium sowings of the varieties VIK-90 (tetraploid) and Izumrudny (hexaploid) and the influence of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with complex microelement fertilizers and bacterial preparations it was established that the dynamics of foliage, leaf surface area, photosynthetic po-tential and net photosynthetic productivity of Festulolium agrocenosis are caused primarily by variety features of the studied plant. Thus, in the forest-steppe conditions of the Middle Volga region, the highest values were recorded for the variety Izumrudny. Due to better adaptation, development of a more powerful root system and accelerated early spring regrowth, it formed a herbage characterized by relatively greater foliage and leaf surface, which in conjunction with the presence of the herbage in the active state contributed to increased photosynthetic potential and net photosynthetic productivity. The use of Azosol-36 Extra, Megamix-Profi, Siliplant, Na Hu-mate, Agrika and Agat-25 Super for pre-sowing seed treatment had a positive effect on the increase of photo-synthetic apparatus of Festulolium agrocenosis of the studied varieties. Thus, for all variants of the experience during the years of research a significant increase relative to the control variant was obtained. The highest effi-ciency was recorded with seed treatment with Agrika + microelements.
Keywords: introduction, Festulolium, perennial grasses, agrocenosis, micronutrient fertilizers, bioprepa-rations, photosynthesis.
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UDC 631.81
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.020
S.М. Nadezhkin1,2, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; А.V. Molchanova1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences; М.S. Antoshkina1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences; А.А. Koshevarov1, М.Y. Markarova1, Candidate of Biological Sciences
1Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Center of Vegetable Growing, VNIISSOK village, Moscow region, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
2Educational and experimental Soil-Ecological Center of the Faculty of Soil Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chashnikovo, Moscow region, Russia
The article presents data on the effect of humic fertilizers TorEks and Ecorost and vegetable aquarine on the formation of yield and quality of garden carrots of Marlinka variety. The research was conducted on sod-podzolic soil of the central non-chernozem zone. In the conditions of field experiments it was established that the application of humates TorEks and Ecorost on the background of N90P90K120 increased the marketable yield from 45.9 to 53.8-54.0 t/ha, or by 17.2-17.6%. The application of vegetable aquarine at a concentration of 0.6-0.8 % resulted in increasing the productivity by 9.1-10.6 t/ha, or by 19.8 and 23.1 % compared to the background. The marketability of root carrots increased from 89.6 % in the background to 91.6-62.0 % when humates and aquarine were used. The use of humates increased the dry matter content by 1.0 %, and that of aquarine - by 1.2-1.4 %. The content of vitamin C was increased by 0.31-0.44 under the influence of humates and by 0.80-0.97 mg/100 g under the influence of aquarine. The amount of beta-carotene increased by 0.6-0.8 when humates were used and by 0.8-1.5 mg/100 g when aquarine was used. Humic preparations and aquarine had no significant effect on the content of fibre, crude protein and fat in root crops. Under the influence of humates, the nitrogen content increased by 21.5-21.9 kg/ha, the phosphorous content - by 9.8 kg/ha and the potassium content - by 49.3 kg/ha; aquarine added 30.6-37.3, 13.0-14.5 and 60.7-74.5 kg/ha, respectively. When humates were used, the return on 1 kg of NPK increased by 25.0-25.6 kg/kg, and with aquarine by 28.6-34.0 kg/kg of root crops.
Keywords: garden carrots, humate, aquarine, fertiliser, yield, biochemical composition, carotene.
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Private animal husbandry, feeding, technologies of feed preparation and production of livestock products
UDC 636.084.524
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.006
G.I. Boryaev1, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; S.L. Lyublinsky2, Candidate of Biological Sciences; Е.V. Polyakova1, Candidate of Biological Sciences; А.А. Kuznetsov1, Candidate of Biological Sciences; А.V. Nosov1, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; А.М. Vasiliev1, postgraduate student; P.А. Kurochkina1, master-degree student
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia,
2Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency", Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412)628563, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The inclusion of organic forms of iodine and selenium in the diet of laying hens in order to obtain dietary eggs enriched with these trace elements was studied. One of the main physiological sources of iodine and sele-nium intake for humans is food of animal origin. Enrichment of food eggs with iodine and selenium in natural, covalent form is a promising direction in the practice of poultry farming. The conducted research shows that the use of iodized milk protein in the diets of laying hens makes it possible to obtain iodized eggs with a manageable content of organic iodine from 50 to 70 micrograms. Iodine in the iodized egg is preserved even after heat treatment. The increase in the concentration of microelements in protein and yolk compared to the control is observed on the third day after starting to feed laying hens with milk iodized protein and selenopyran. There is a direct dependence of iodine and selenium content in egg on the concentration of the microelements in the feed in organic and inorganic form. When organic forms of iodine and selenium were introduced into the feed in an amount of 0.5 g/t, an average of 50 μg of iodine and 12 μg of selenium were found in the egg; when the concen-tration in the feed was increased to 0.7 g/t, the content of the microelements increased to 65 and 18 μg respec-tively. Iodine and selenium losses in protein and yolk during cooking do not exceed 6 %, which indicates almost complete preservation of the microelements during heat treatment of eggs.
Keywords: organic iodine and selenium, food eggs, iodine preservation, heat treatment
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Technologies, machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex
UDC 621.865.8
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.003
V.V. Lyandenbursky1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; A.T. Kulakov2, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; K.Z. Kukhmazov3, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; V.V. Konovalov4, Doctor of Technical
Sciences, Professor
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State University of Architecture and Construction", Penza, Russia;
2Naberezhnye Chelny Institute branch of the Federal State Independent Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan Federal University", Kazan, Russia;
3Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 65-82-42 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
4Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Technological University", Penza, Russia
The purpose of the study was to develop a methodology for non-dismountable determination of the tech-nical condition of the crankshaft of KAMAZ diesel engines during its operation. The research methodology viewed the following: modernization of the diagnosis of the lubrication system of KAMAZ vehicles by installing a pressure sensor in the crankcase of an engine; development and application of a method for the non-dismount-able diagnostics of the degree of wear of the bearings of an internal combustion engine (ICE) by measuring the pressure in the oil line during engine operation; experimental testing of the hypothesis and subsequent analysis of the results of part wear. Measuring the oil pressure in the lubrication system at the section of the oil supply bore to the connecting rod bearings, namely in the area of the crankshaft axis after the main journals, enables the technical condition of the engine crankshaft to be assessed. The presence of wear of the system parts increases the clearance in the main bearing and, under load, there is a relative eccentricity of the connecting rod axle in the main bearing. Increased leakage reduces the oil supply to the crankshaft bore and lowers the oil pressure. By comparing the oil pressures of the diagnosed and the new engines, the integral degree of wear of the diagnosed bearings is determined and the remaining service life of the engine is assessed. Experimental verification con-firmed that this hypothesis is true. The application of the proposed method for assessing the technical condition of the ICE makes it possible to reliably determine the condition of the crank connecting-rod gear with 95% probability, as well as to predict the time of trouble-free engine operation.
Keywords: car, lubrication system, sensor, on-board diagnosis, slider crank mechanism bearing.
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UDC 631.331
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.013
M.A. Papshev, Postgraduate; V.V. Shumaev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; A.N. Kalabushev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8-8412) 62-85-79, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article deals with the relevant issue of improving the quality of seed sowing of cereal crops. It points out that the existing tine and disc coulters have high draught resistance, form a wide furrow that is difficult to cover, and do not provide good ground contour following. All this has a negative effect on the uniformity of distribution of plant seeds, both over the length of the row and the depth of embedding. The most promising way to improve the quality of the sowing unit is to equip grain seeders with combined coulters. The article proposes a design of the coulter with a gauge wheel of the pneumatic seeder for sowing cereal crops and presents the results of laboratory studies that led to obtaining the second-order regression equation, by which rational (opti-mal) values of the design parameters of the coulter with a gauge wheel are determined: coulter disc diameter 𝑑𝑑 = 0.38...0.41 m (0.4050 m); gauge wheel diameter 𝑑𝑘=0.27...0.29 m (0.2778 m); gauge wheel width 𝑚 = 0.038...0.047 m (0.0401 m), where the optimization parameter ϭ (standard deviation of seed distribution by row depth) was 1.25.
Keywords: grain seeder, laboratory studies, coulter with gauge wheel, sowing depth, seed distribution, soil.
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UDC 62-111.1
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.014
А.V. Chupshev1, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant-professor; V.P. Teryushkov1, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant-professor; V.V. Konovalov2, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; M.V. Dontsova2, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant-professor
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, (8412) 628-542, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Technological University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The aim of the research is theoretical establishment of functional relationships linking the variation char-acteristics of animal feed distribution and its constituent nutrients with quantitative and variable technological indicators of feed distribution to animals. Methodology of the research included theoretical studies on definition of expressions describing variation interrelation of technological indicators of work of feed distributing and feed mixing equipment on the basis of mathematical statistics. Conducted researches allowed to establish basic ex-pressions connecting variation characteristics of quantity of feed (its mass) and quantity of nutrients given to an animal while feeding (also per day and for the period under study) both at a speed of a feeding machine, produc-tivity of its feed rationer, front of feeding an animal (width of a trough) and with their values of indicators (stand-ard deviation / coefficient of variation), and, besides, with irregular distribution of nutrients in the volume of a feed mixture.
Keywords: feed rationer, mixture, dependency, modelling, animal, mathematical model, feeding machine.