DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.010
UDC 636.
E.M. Kislyakova, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;
Yu.V. Isupova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Udmurt State Agricultural University", Izhevsk, Russia
+7(965)8412775, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Breeding methods play a major role in improving the population as a whole, but also its individual parts: types, lines, herds. The best form of pure breeding of animals of all modern factory breeds is the line breeding method. The study of the efficiency of intra- and inter-line selection in individual herds is relevant for the planning of selection work. The analysis for the study of line breeding of cattle was carried out in the APC “Zvezda” of the Seltinsky District of the Udmurt Republic. The object of the study were Holstein cows of the last completed lactation. The material for the study was the data from the database “SELEX. Dairy cattle” database. As a result of the analysis, it was found that in the conditions of the enterprise, the most successful combinations of line selection are M. Chieftain and V.B. Ideal, R. Sovereign and M. Chieftain, both the direct crossing of these lines and the reciprocal variant of selection. High milk production values are also observed in the progeny derived from the intra-line selection of the M. Chieftain line. The milk yield for 305 days of the last completed lactation in cows from these line combinations is at a level of 7,078 to 7,654 kg with a mass fraction of fat in the milk of 3.63 to 3.67 % and a mass fraction of protein of 3.06 to 3.09 %. Considering the branch affiliation of the individual lines, the intra-line combination of the paternal branch V.B. Ideal of Lidman with all available variants of the maternal branches and the M. Chieftain line of the Ivanhoe Bell branch is the most productive. In addition, high values were obtained from crossings of the V.B. Ideal line (Aerostar and Prelude branches) and the M. Chieftain line of the Ivanhoe Bell branch, the M. Chieftain line of the Ivanhoe Bell branch and the V. B. Ideal of the Starbuck branch. The value of milk yield for 305 days of lactation in animals from these combinations of lines and branches is between 7,704 and 8,869 kg.
Keywords: origin, line, branch, intra-line selection, line crossing, dairy productivity.
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