DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.011
UDC 338.31/.631.5:633.174(477.61)
A.V. Baranovsky, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Lugansk State Agrarian University named after K.E. Voroshilov", tel.+79591401408, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article presents the results of a series of field experiments with grain sorghum conducted on the experimental field of ‘Lugansk SAU’ in 2008-2022. It was found that modern grain sorghum hybrids with 99-110 days vegetation period (Solarius, Fulgus, Sprint W, Swift, Frisket, Puma Star, Burggo, Oggana, Targgo, PR88Y20) are more productive (5.56-5.96 t/ha), with a maximum economic effect in cultivation (conditional net income – 35,235-40,035 rub./ha, profitability level – 111.9-127.2 %) at the lowest cost of grain (5,283-5,663 rub./t). The cultivation of early and mid-ripening hybrids was less lucrative and profitable. It has been proven that the optimal and economically justified sowing dates for early ripening hybrids are between April 25 and May 15, for mid-early hybrids between April 25 and May 5 and for mid-ripening hybrids at the permitted early date of April 25. It has been proven that the cultivation of grain sorghum is unprofitable without the use of herbicides. With a complex of mechanical weed control measures in sorghum crops, the maximum conditional net income (44,403-44,457 rub./ha) and profitability level (141.2-140.6 %) at the lowest grain cost (4,974-4,988 rub./t) is achieved by applying both soil (Primextra Gold, 72 SC, 3.0 l/ha) and post-emergence (Balerina, SE, 0.4 l/ha or Dialen Super, aq. sol, 0.7 l/ha) herbicides. In this case, the crop yield increases by 4.28-4.30 t/ha (3.1 times) and the costs for grains decrease by 2.7 times. The use of mineral fertilizers (N60P40) increased the conditional net income with shallow (12-14 cm) basic tillage (UDA-2.4-20M) by 3,860 rub./ha (12.0 %), and with deep (25-27 cm) plowing (PLN-3-35) – by 3,740 rub./ha (10.2%). With N60P40, deep mouldboard plowing compared to shallow tillage increased conditional net income by 11.3 %, profitability by 10.0 %,and reduced the cost of grain by 4.4 %.
Keywords: grain sorghum, yield, hybrid, sowing period, herbicide, fertilizer, net income, profitability.
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