DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.021
UDC 629. 113. 003, 621.85

N.I. Sergeev, graduate student; A.S. Ivanov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
V.V. Lyandenbursky, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor,
V.Yu. Shmelev, student
Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 65-82-42 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Hydraulic systems are an integral part of many technical objects, including agricultural tractors. To increase the efficiency of complex and expensive technical systems, which include hydraulic drives, it is necessary not only to improve the design, but also to ensure the required pressure values in the circuits of these systems [1-5, 8]. The pressure depends on the modulus of elasticity of the fluid used.
When developing working machines, this can be done by expanding the theoretical analysis to obtain the most accurate information about the technical condition of hydraulic drives, which will make it possible to control the technical condition using forecasting methods and timely elimination of failures and malfunctions of hydraulic drives.
This will lead to an increase in the technical readiness of the equipment, due to a reduction in repair work related to the installation and dismantling of hydraulic drive elements from the machine.
The applied mathematical models should provide a standard error in determining the parameter with the possibility of subsequent processing and analysis of the results, transfer functions of individual processes [7, 9-11].
The article describes a model of pressure changes in vehicle hydraulic circuits to evaluate changes in high and low pressure circuits. The results of theoretical studies are presented. Graphical dependencies of the results are presented. They show an increase in pressure in the high-pressure circuit, which occurs due to wear of the piston seal of the hydraulic cylinder and leakage of working fluid from the high-pressure cavity into the low-pressure cavity.
Keywords: hydraulic drive, hydraulic cylinders, hydraulic valves, spool, circuit, pressure.

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