DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.020
UDC 636.
D.M. Fertikova, postgraduate
E.M. Kislyakova, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
N.V. Selezneva, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
V.O. Fertikov, student
Udmurt State Agrarian University,
Izhevsk, Udmurt Republic, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Currently, the problem of rumen acidosis in cows is very relevant and widespread. Various preventive feed products, in particular buffer additives, are used in the diets of cows. The composition of buffer additives includes yeast as an effective component. It is relevant to study the comparative efficiency of probiotic yeast as part of buffer additives in the diets of highly productive cows. The purpose of our research was to compare the efficiency of using buffer mixture with yeast of the genus Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Kluyveromyces marxianus in the diets of highly productive cows and their effect on dairy productivity. The study was conducted in AO Voskhod in the Sharkansky district of the Udmurt Republic. To achieve this goal, three groups of cows were formed using pairwise comparative method, 10 heads in each group. The animals were in a milking group, had basic diet in the form of monofeed, which included the following feeds: straw, grain-legume silage, corn silage, compound feed, corn grain, sunflower meal, rapeseed cake. In addition to the basic diet, cows of the first experimental group were given 300 g of buffer additive with the inclusion of yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus per head per day, in the second experimental group a similar buffer additive with the same dosage was used but with the inclusion of yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The use of buffer mixtures in cow diets increases milk yield for the first hundred days of lactation by 7.3-7.8% (P ≥ 0.95). Improvement of the functional parameters of the rumen in the most physiologically stressful period has an aftereffect on the entire lactation. This made it possible to obtain 6.7% more milk from the cows of the experimental group during 305 days of lactation (P ≥ 0.95), with an increase in the yield of milk fat and milk protein.
Keywords: rumen acidosis, cow, buffer additive, yeast, milk productivity.
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