DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.70.2.022
UDC 621.928.6

I.O. Novikov, Postgraduate;
O.N. Kukharev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia
tel. 89273762464, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The amount of grain production requires special attention from the workers of the agro-industrial complex. On the basis of Penza State Agrarian University, an aerodynamic separator was designed and developed, which is used to separate the grain material into fractions and to clean it from light impurities. Experimental studies of the aerodynamic separator were also carried out in the laboratory of Penza State Agrarian University. The variety of soft winter wheat “Bezostaya-100” was selected as a research sample, as it is popular among agricultural producers in Penza region and neighboring regions.
As a result of the experimental studies, data were obtained on the dependence of the horizontal displacement L on the angle α of air flow transmission of the aerodynamic separator. Experimental evidence of the distribution of grain material through the grain collection bunkers (fractions) is presented in the form of graphs and diagrams. When analyzing the data obtained, it became clear that for this aerodynamic separator the most suitable angle of air flow transmission is α = 45 °, since at this value of the angle the maximum horizontal displacement L is achieved, which in turn is reflected in the quality of separation of the grain material.
Keywords: aerodynamic separator, grain material, grain separation, grain fractions.

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