DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.69.1.002
UDC 665.753.035+621.432

D.A. Ukhanov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; D.A. Manshev, Doctor of Technical
Sciences, Associate Professor; A.P. Ukhanov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Federal Autonomous Establishment "The 25th State Research Institute of chemmotology of the Ministry of Defence
of the Russian Federation", Moscow, Russia;
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In order to reduce labor costs when evaluating new or modernized diesel fuels using combustion stiffness indicators without reducing reliability and accuracy requirements, it is proposed to use a complex indicator - the integral stiffness coefficient by the value of the relative change in the difference of the areas of the indicator diagrams recorded during fuel combustion in a diesel engine and without, instead of the traditionally used single indicators for the combustion process of motor fuel in the rapid combustion phase (maximum cycle pressure, average and maximum pressure build-up rate, degree of pressure increase).
The deviation of the integral stiffness coefficient ( ) when operating the diesel engine with the test fuel should not exceed 15% of the same coefficient with the control fuel. If the condition ≤ 15 % is fulfilled, the test fuel meets the requirements for combustion stiffness in the rapid combustion phase and can be recommended for further tests or for use for functional purposes in a diesel engine.
Keywords: diesel fuel, combustion process, stiffness, integral coefficient, indicator diagram, diesel, motor tests, measuring and recording equipment.

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