UDC 633.11"321"+631.81.095.337
DOI 10.36461/NP.2023.68.4.008
S. A. Semina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; N.I. Ostroborodova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; G.V. Ilyina, Doctor of Biology, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The article presents the results of research on the effect of various preparations with silicon on the formation of productivity of spring soft wheat of the Favorit variety during non-root treatment of plants. It was revealed that a significant positive effect on the formation of productive stems was obtained by non-root treatment with Microvit-6 Kremniy, an increase to the control was 11.7%. It was noted that non-root treatment with NanoKremniy contributed to the formation of plants of greater height, the increase to the variant without silicon-containing preparations was 2.7 cm or 4.2%. The results obtained indicate that in the years of research, treatment with silicon-containing preparations led to an increase in the size of the ear, the increase to the control averaged 0.4-0.8 cm or 6.2-12.5% with the advantage of Microvit-6 Kremniy. In the same variant, an increase in the number of fruiting spikelets was noted, in other variants it did not exceed the control values. There was no significant increase in the ear grain content during leaf treatment with silicon-containing preparations. High grain yield was obtained using non-root treatment with Microvit-6 Kremniy, the increase to the control was 0.49 t/ha. The least effective was the use of the Kelic Potassium + Silicon, which provided an additional 5.8% grain harvest compared to water treatment. The weight of 1000 grains increased by 7.7-11.1% when using preparations with silicon.
Keywords: wheat, silicon-containing preparations, structure, ear, grain, yield, vitreousness.
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