UDC 631.531.027.3
DOI 10.36461/NP.2023.68.4.019
S.A. Kshnikatkin1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; V.V. Konovalov2, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; P.G. Alenin1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; I.A. Voronova1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; I.A. Konnov1, Master; E.M. Somov1, Student
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Technological University", Penza, Russia
The article presents the results of laboratory studies on a scarifier-inoculator developed for the pre-sowing treatment of perennial legume seeds with a hard, water- and air-impermeable shell. An environmentally friendly technology with simultaneous scarification of seeds and their inoculation with bacterial preparations based on bacteria of the genus Rhizobium is proposed. The technological scheme of the SI-0.7 scarifier-inoculator is based on the following technical solutions: the body of the scarifier-inoculator has the shape of a cylinder, on the inner surface of which there are plates of concave shape covered with an abrasive. The loading hopper contains an electric motor that transmits the torque to the rotating working element. This is a flat disk covered with an abrasive, on the surface of which there is a ring, on the diameter of which there are seed scatterers. Studies on the experimental scarifier-inoculator with disk-shaped working bodies were carried out using the planning tech-nique of the miltifactorial experiment. The paper presents a second-order full-factor model and dependence di-agrams of two-dimensional sections of the model of the influence of factors on the quality of seed scarification depending on the design parameters of the experimental scarifier-inoculator (rotation frequency of the flat disk, number of scatterers). The laboratory studies carried out have shown that the number of scatterers must be in-creased. The best value for the rotation frequency of the disk working body is between 1,350...1,420 min-1 and has a complex influence on the quality of seed scarification.
Keywords: perennial leguminous grasses, eastern galega, seeds, seed hardness, scarifier-inoculator, scari-fication, disk, working element, scatterers, feed, scarification quality, germination.
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