DOI 10.36461/NP.2023.67.3.018
UDC 631.95
Yu.V. Polyvyany, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor
V.M. Zimnyakov, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor;
A.A. Kurochkin1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
S.V.Makovsky, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
E.V. Chirkova, student
Penza State Agrarian University, Russia, t. +7(8412)628-359,
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1Penza State Technical University, Russia, t. +7(8412)49-56-99,
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The paper presents the results of theoretical studies to substantiate the optimal design and technological parameters of an energy-saving extruder to prepare granular feed. The object of the study was the induction heater chamber. As a result of the analysis, a number of design changes are expected to be made to the currently used extruder designs. In the designed energy-saving extruder to prepare granular feed, the auger will be replaced by a screw pair, which will provide the necessary operating pressure in the treatment of raw materials, as well as its movement from the loading part of the machine to the die. More thorough treatment of raw materials will be carried out owing to the installed induction heating chamber in an energy-saving extruder. The obtained theoretical dependences allowed us to establish that with the steady temperature mode of the induction heating chamber, the heating area will no longer depend on the heating time and the mode will become quasi-stationary. The reduction of energy consumption for the execution of the extruder working process will be ensured due to replacement of the extruder working unit augers with a screw pump and an induction heater. To establish the optimal design and technological parameters of the designed extruder, it will be necessary to conduct experimental studies and compare them with the results of theoretical studies.
Keywords: extruder, induction chamber, induction heater, loading chamber.