DOI 10.36461/NP.2023.67.3.011
UDC: 635.25
R.I. Dubin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Tatishchev Astrakhan State University, Astrakhan, Russia, tel. 8(8512)24-66-52,
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The aim of the research is to study the productivity of released onion hybrids, followed by the identification of the most promising ones with a complex of economically valuable features for their use in the Astrakhan Region. To achieve this goal, from 2020 to 2022, field studies were conducted at Agro-Progress Akhtuba LLC in the Akhtuba District of the Astrakhan Region, located in the northernmost part of the region. The selection of F1 hybrids for research gave an understanding of the absence of domestic samples released in the Astrakhan Region. Moreover, only F1 hybrids are represented among the objects of research, which does not allow their competitive comparison with varieties. Of all the studied F1 onion hybrids tested in the production conditions of the Astrakhan Region in 2020-2022, the F1 Meranto hybrid stood out. Its yield exceeded the control by 17.1 t/ha in 2020, by 17.9 t/ha in 2021, by 17.7 t/ha in 2022, and amounted to 78.6, 88.3 and 83.5 t/ha, respectively. In all the years of research, the highest level of profitability was observed on the hybrid F1 Meranto.
Keywords: released hybrids, onions, phenological stage, commercial yield, profitability.