UDC 631.8
A.V. Nushtaeva, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor;
Yu.V. Blinokhvatova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor;
O.M. Kasynkina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
P.G. Alenin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
V.O. Nogaev, Postgraduate
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-83-67, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Abstract. The article presents data on the positive effect of zinc salts (sulfate ZnSO4 and chloride ZnCl2) and the combined application of zinc salts with the microbiological preparation Phytosporin-M, containing living symbiotic bacterial cultures of Bacillus subtilis with biofungicidal properties, on lentil seeds of Redcliff variety. The test method was a laboratory germination of the seeds between layers of paper in growth chambers according to the standard method at a constant temperature of 25 ºC in a thermostat. In the presence of zinc salts, the values for the mean length of the roots increased by up to 23-40 % and for the seedlings by up to 34-45 % as well as for the wet and dry weight of 50 roots by up to 20-22 % and for the seedlings by up to 35-41 %. The maximum for the root growth parameters was observed at a concentration of 30-50 mg/L Zn2+, for the seedling parameters – at 70 mg/L Zn2+. Practically at all concentrations of zinc ions in aqueous solution, a more pronounced stimulation of root growth was observed with the application of ZnCl2, and a stimulation of seedling growth – ZnSO4. The positive effect of Zn2+ions was also shown on the background of Phytosporin-M, which manifested itself in the stimulation of axial organ development. According to the results of the experiments, the optimum concentration of Zn2+ is 30-70 mg/L, and in complex with Phytosporin-M about 30 mg/L for chloride and 30-90 mg/L for sulfate.
Keywords: sowing qualities of seeds, biopreparations, lentil, zinc, sulfate ions, chloride ions, Phytosporin.