
UDC 633.15+631.8
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.002

E.V. Zheryakov1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; S.A. Semina1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; Yu.I. Zheryakova2
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia
2Branch office of the Federal Budgetary Institution of Russian Centre of Forest Health – Forest Protection Center of Penza Region, Penza. Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the results of studies on the effect of a triple foliar treatment of sugar beet crops of different genotypes with liquid micronutrient plants on the dynamics of chlorophyll synthesis in the leaves. It was found that 10 days after the first treatment with micronutrient fertilizer, irrespective of the genotype of the hybrid, there was a tendency for chlorophyll content in the leaves to increase. The increase in chlorophyll a was 29.6-52.4 % and chlorophyll b – 13.6-31.4 %. The highest total chlorophyll concentration was obtained with POLYDON BORON and ranged from 1.414% in hybrid BTS 590 to 1.696% in hybrid Predator. During 10 days after the second foliar treatment, the leaves of hybrid Predator were more active in chlorophyll synthesis and the superiority was POLYDON BORON and POLYDON MOLYBDENUM: the relative increase of chlorophyll was 16.1-19.9% compared to the control, and more chlorophyll a was accumulated (increase to the control 8.0-21.5%), while the increase of chlorophyll b was 1.1-2.3% compared to the control. Thirty days after the second treatment, the stimulating effect was maintained in all variants with microfertilizers, but the strongest effect was produced by POLYDON BORON, the variant with POLYDON MOLYBDENUM was only slightly inferior to it in effectiveness. Ten days after the third treatment, compared to the variant with water, the following tendency in terms of chlorophyll sum (a + b) was found for all hybrids: POLYDON BORON exceeded the control by 35.6-36.1 %, POLYDON MOLYBDENUM – by 25.8-27.6 %, POLYDON MANGANESE – by 17.5-26.5 %, and POLYDON ZINC – by 10.4-17.3 %. The same pattern persisted for chlorophyll a and b. Twenty days after the third foliar treatment, there was a decrease in all photosynthetic pigments by harvest time, but the positive effect of microelement fertilization was maintained.
Keywords: sugar beet, hybrid, microelement fertilizers, chlorophyll

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UDC 631.582:631.147
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.004

V.S. Plaksina, Senior Research Officer; A.N. Astashov, Chief Research Officer, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Russian Research and Design Technological Institute of Sorghum and Maize", Saratov, Russia, tel. 8(8452)794969, e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the results of studies on the productivity of forage crops in experimental crop rotations under the arid conditions of the Lower Volga Region. The purpose of the study was to investigate the produc-tivity and nutritional value of forage crops grown in short crop rotations under conditions of insufficient mois-ture. Studies were conducted on the experimental field of the RosNIISK "Rossorgo" in 2020-2022. Experimental crop rotations with short rotation were developed and introduced with forage crops occupying 20 to 33 % of the cultivated area. The material for the study were recognized varieties included in the State Register of Selection Achievements: grain sorghum (Granat), maize (RNIISK-1), soybean (Marina), chickpea (Bonus), Sudan grass (Spartanka), sunflower (Aktiv), phacelia (Natalia), Japanese millet (Gotika). The great diversity of crops not only makes it possible to develop crop rotations with an optimal structure of cultivated areas, but also to provide the necessary supply of forages for animal husbandry. The highest yield of above-ground biomass was obtained for maize (33.65 t/ha) and sunflower (35.48 t/ha) in three-field crop rotation. Soybeans produced the highest biomass yield in the four-field crop rotation with winter wheat as the preceding crop (16.58 t/ha). The highest yield productivity of grain sorghum, Sudan grass and phacelia was found in the four-field crop rotation with soybeans as the preceding crop. The yield productivity of phacelia is higher in the four-field crop rotation on the soybean as the preceding crop (23.47 t/ha). Japanese millet formed a high biomass yield in the five-field crop rotation with winter wheat as the preceding crop (21.83 t/ha). The results obtained for protein, fat, fibre, ash and nitrogen-free extractive substances have important practical value as they provide essential information for choosing the most valuable and suitable crops for livestock feeding. Keywords: crop rotation, organic farming, yield productivity, above-ground biomass, biochemical analy-sis, gross energy.

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UDC 633.63+631.82
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.005

V.V. Koshelyaev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; R.M. Bakaldin, Postgraduate; I.P. Koshelyaeva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-83-73, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The study of variability features and interrelationships between elements of yield structure is an important prerequisite for predicting selection efficiency, which helps to ensure that the best genotypes are widely incor-porated into the breeding process. The purpose of the study is to assess the nature of variability in key productivity traits and to determine the degree of their interrelationship in the progeny of the original plants in order to justify targeted selection in subsequent generations. The study showed that the selected progeny from the hybrid population represent a sufficient diversity of forms differing in key elements of productivity, which increases the possibility of finding and further selecting genotypes with the optimal combination of traits. The regression and correlation analysis showed that the basic resulting trait, "weight of grains per plant", is prede-termined by the number of beans and grains formed per plant. However, the limits of variation have a linear interdependence, which makes it difficult to establish optimal parameters for productivity traits for direct selec-tion of valuable genotypes.
Keywords: peas, selection, correlation coefficient, variation coefficient, number of seeds from a plant, number of beans, grain weight.

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UDC 631.87
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.007

N.P. Chekaev, Candidate of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor; Y.V. Koryagin, Candidate of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor; N.V. Koryagina, Candidate of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor; E.I. Pozubyonkova, Candidate of Economic sciences, assistant-professor, А.Y. Kozarenko, bachelor-student
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-83-67, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Effective crop production is based on a balanced supply of macro- and microelements. The use of alterna-tive supplementary sources of nitrogen and other nutrients is very relevant for agricultural production. The en-vironmentally safe microbiological fertilizers not only protect plants from diseases and pests, but also stimulate their growth and development, and therefore increase the yield. The article reflects the results of the use of microbiological fertilizers Azotovit and Phosphatovit in the cultivation of grain, oil-bearing and industrial crops. These fertilizers helped to achieve the yield of winter wheat grain up to 4.13 t/ha, spring barley - 3.76 t/ha, spring wheat - 3.42 t/ha, sunflower seed up to 2.55 t/ha and sugar beet root crops - up to 56.79 t/ha. The efficiency of application of microbiological fertilizers was calculated, where the conditional net income from combined treat-ment of grain crops before sowing with microbiological fertilizers Azotovit and Phosphatovit was 27,833 ru-bles/ha for spring barley, 5,788 rubles/ha for spring wheat, 10,015 rubles/ha for winter wheat. The situation was similar for sunflower, where conditional net income increased to 25,032 rubles/ha, and for sugar beet - to 116,502 rubles/ha. The application of these microbiological fertilizers in the technology of cultivation of grain, oil-bear-ing and industrial crops in the soil-climatic conditions of the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region leads to the formation of environmentally friendly products and is cost-effective.
Keywords: microbiological fertilizers Azotovit and Phosphatovit, cereals, oil-bearing and industrial crops, yield, grain, root crops, application efficiency.

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UDC 579.64: 547.46'054.4.
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.008

S.E. Narmatov, PhD student; M. M. Darmanov, PhD; Senior Research Officer; R.R. Akhmedov, Senior Research Officer; Z.T. Buriev, Doctor of Biological Sciences
Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Universitetskaya str., 2, Tashkent, 111215, Uzbekistan, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Agriculture is a main economic branch of many countries. In integrated plant nutrition management sys-tems, various biological stimulants are effective in increasing yields. The use of rhizobacteria leads to significant improvements in plant biology. This study examined the effect of a rhizobacterium-based biopreparation on the growth of cotton plant varieties belonging to the G. hirsutum species. During the study, the plants were grown in three different locations and their morpho-biological and agronomic traits were studied. After treatment with the biopreparation, plant height, number of sympodia, number of boll buds and seed weight significantly im-proved. And the germination and flowering of plants were also accelerated. It was found that rhizobacteria have a positive effect on cotton plant growth, leading to an increase in agronomic characteristics such as the number of buds, flowers, bolls and sympodia.
Keywords: cotton, rhizobacteria, variety, economic characteristics, chlorophyll content, plant growth.

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UDC 633.51:577.15
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.009

A.S. Imamkhodzhaeva, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of Laboratory; N.R. Rakhmatova, (PhD), Senior Research Officer; Sh.B. Kodirova, Research Assistant; Sh.E. Shermatov, (PhD), Scientific Secretary; Z.T. Buriev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director
Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Temperature is one of the most important environmental factors to which all living organisms are exposed. Extreme temperatures, both high and low, seriously reduce cotton yields and affect cotton physiology, biochemistry, and quality, resulting in poor agronomic production. In this article, the response of cotton seedlings to low positive temperatures is exemplified by one of the low molecular weight secondary metabolites, proline (Pro). Under the influence of temperatures of 4 0С, 10 0С, 15 0С, and 24 0С in the early stage of seedling vege-tation, changes in the concentrations of this amino acid, measured with a UV-19 spectrophotometer, were de-tected.
Keywords: cotton plant, temperature, proline, cold stress, cell membrane, climate chambers, seedlings.

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UDC 633.85:631:526.32
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.010

T.Y. Prakhova1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences; I.V. Odrin2, post-graduate student
1Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Scientific Centre for Bast Crops", Tver, Russia, tel. 89534479608, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia

The article presents the study of the effect of crambe seeds treatment with microfertilizers and methods of its sowing on oil content and fatty acid composition. The seeds of crambe abyssinica of the Demetra variety grown in 2019-2021 in the experimental field of the Federal Scientific Center for Bast Crops of the separate division of Penza Research Institute of Agriculture were used as an object of study. The hydrothermal coefficient ranged from 0.68 to 0.95 during the years of research. The highest oil content was recorded in 2020 and ranged from 36.84 to 38.16% depending on the variants. On average over the three years the highest oil content was observed for variants with application of microfertilizers Humate+7 and Cytovit, which was 34.21 % and 34.83 % and exceeded the control by 0.83 % and 1.45 %. Oil content was 0.57 % higher when sown in rows than when sown broadly, averaging 34.36 %. Microfertilizer application increased the oleic acid content and decreased the concentrations of linoleic and linolenic acids. The lowest concentration of linolenic acid was recorded in crambe seeds after treatment with Cytovit (6.03 %), that of linoleic acid - after application of Megamix (7.67 %). Max-imum accumulation of oleic acid (15.98 %) contributed to the use of Megamix. The application of the microfer-tilizers Humate+7, Agroverm and Cytovit did not significantly reduce the content of erucic acid to 59.04-59.24 %. On the contrary, treatment of seeds with Megamix increased the accumulation of erucic acid to 59.40 %. The content of linoleic and linolenic acids was higher with the row sowing method at 9.19 and 6.34 %. The concen-tration of oleic acid was 15.60 % at the wide-spaced sowing method. The accumulation of erucic acid was the highest on the wide-spaced sowing method. Its content was 58.79 %, which was 0.58 % higher than its concen-tration on the row sowing.
Keywords: crambe abyssinica, micro-fertilizers, sowing methods, oil content, fatty acid composition.

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UDC 633.88+631.8
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.011

V.А. Gushchina1, Doctor of Argicultural Sciences, Professor; Е.О. Nikolskaya2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, deputy head of the Penza Forest Seed Station department, N.V. Kochemazova, post-graduate student
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 628-367, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Branch of FBI RCFH - Penza Oblast Forestry Centre, Penza, Russia

Plantation cultivation of medicinal plants is essential for the development of domestic herbal medicines. However, the limiting factor is the limited amount of seeds, including Echinacea purpurea. The aim of the in-vestigation is to study the influence of mineral fertilizers and foliar feeding of plants by the growth regulator Zircon on features of seed formation, viability and productivity of Echinacea of the fourth year of life under the stressful weather conditions of the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region. As a result of studies conducted in 2018...2020 on meadow-chernozem soil of the experimental plot of Penza State Agrarian University, it was noted that the average number of seeds in inflorescence was 472 pcs. with the weight of 1.59 g and 80% plump-ness was formed on the background of mineral fertilizers with foliar treatment of plants with Zircon in the phase of leaf rosette followed by budding, providing the highest yield of seeds - 532.7 kg/ha. Moreover, the most favourable for the development of seeds was in 2020 (HTC 1.21), when two leaf dressings on a mineral back-ground in the inflorescence formed 518 seeds, with their weight 1.74 g. The number of accomplished achenes was 432 pcs/inflorescence, the yield - 652.3 kg/ha.
Keywords: Zircon growth regulator, Echinacea purpurea, plumpness, 1000 seed weight, seed yield

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UDC 633.262: 631.5
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.012

O.A. Timoshkin1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, V.A. Trishina2, Postgraduate
1Federal State budgetary Scientific Institution "Federal Research Center for Bast Fiber Crops", Tver, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia

Experimental work to determine the optimal sowing dates for smooth brome was carried out in the experimental field of the Agricultural Technologies Laboratory of the separate subdivision of Penza Agricultural Research Institute. The purpose of the study was to experimentally justify the timing of sowing to optimize the production process and the formation of a high yield of the smooth brome variety "Udalets" under the foreststeppe conditions of the Middle Volga Region. The research programme included the following tasks: investigation of the peculiarities of the formation of the agroecenosis of smooth brome depending on the sowing time, revealing the influence of the studied cultivation methods on the yield of green mass, smooth brome seeds and their structural elements. Seven sowing dates were studied – May (I, II, III decade), June (I, II decade), August (III decade) and September (I decade). Field experiments, records, and analyses were conducted in accordance with the "Guidelines for Field Experiments of Forage Crops." The study years were characterised by dry and wet conditions during the growing seasons, with a hydrothermal coefficient averaging 0.8 (2021), 1.0 (2022) during May-August. As a result of the study, a reliable influence of the studied factors on the formation of agrocenosis in the year of the beginning of the experiment, the yield of green mass and seeds in the year of use was found. The maximum yield of green mass of smooth brome was 35.5-37.2 t/ha when sown in the first and second decades of May. In terms of seed yield, early spring sowing date was advantageous at 614 kg/ha. 
Keywords: smooth brome (Bromopsis inermis Leys.), sowing time, germination, preservation, yield, green mass, nutritional value, seeds.

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UDC 631.8 + 57.054
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.015

G.А. Karpova1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant Professor; V.V. Koshelyaev2, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; I.P. Koshelyaeva2, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; D.G. Teplitskaya1, Senior Lecturer
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Penza State University», Penza, Russia, 8(841)2643913, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Penza State Agrarian University», Penza, Russia

Pre-sowing seed treatment is primarily aimed at increasing field germination, which determines the density of the agrocenosis and is directly related to the final yield. Researches in this area are very relevant, as they allow to give a theoretical justification for the applied agro-technique. In the article the questions of increasing field germination of spring barley seeds of the variety Surskiy Favorite are considered when they are treated before sowing with growth regulators Epin-Extra, Mival-Agro, Ribav-Extra and Krezatsin. The aim of the investigation was to study physiological and biochemical processes during germination of barley seeds determining their la-boratory and field germination under the action of growth regulators. The study of the water uptake processes showed that the reaching of threshold levels of seed humidity necessary to activate their general metabolism and capable of germination under the action of Ribav-Extra and Krezatsin was reduced by 3-4 hours. The total ac-tivity of α- and β-amylase in barley grains during upswelling in the interval from one to four hours in these variants increases by 7.1-20.8 %. In the first eight hours of water entry into the seeds the peroxidase activity in the variants with growth regulators increases by 4.5-7.1 times relative to dry grains and exceeds the control by 110.0-230.2 %. The highest values are registered in the variants with Ribav-Extra and Krezatsin. The change of physiological and biochemical processes and indicators causes the increase of germination energy and laboratory germination of seeds, which are in correlation with them. Under the action of Krezatsin, the germination energy and laboratory germination increased by 6.5 and 10.6 %, and under the action of Ribav-Extra - by 8.9 and 13.4 %, respectively. The results of the correlation and regression analysis showed a direct correlation between la-boratory and field germination. Under field conditions in 2017-2019, an increase in field germination was found, on average, by 6.3-6.5 % over the three years, which further ensured higher density of agrocenosis and played a role in yield formation (Ribav-Extra - yield increase by 620 kg/ha, Krezatzin - 590 kg/ha).
Keywords: spring barley, grain moisture, α- and β-amylase activity, peroxidase, germination energy, la-boratory germination, field germination.

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UDC 631.8.022.3+633.31/37
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.016

S.A. Kshnikatkin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; P.G. Alenin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; A.V. Panfilov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; I.A. Voronova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; A.V. Tagirov, Postgraduate; V.S. Koldaeva, Postgraduate; I.A. Konnov, Student
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", tel. 8(8412)62-83-75, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In the improvement of cultivation technology, seed preparation is very important. By acting on the seed, it is possible to regulate the growth and development of plants to a certain extent through the use of growth regu-lators, with the maximum possibility of realising the genetic potential of forage crops with a certain product quality. In the selection of growth regulators, attention was paid to ecological requirements, low preparation consumption per unit mass treated, and their production from natural bioresources. For this purpose, the study of methods for improving the sowing qualities of seeds of perennial forage plants called fodder burnet of the Sultan variety with a fundamentally new technology of preparation before sowing using an IS-1.0 inoculator acquires scientific and practical value. The technological scheme of the inoculator is based on a technical solu-tion – the continuous action of the medium in the form of mist on the seed material during the continuous transport of the seed. Research has shown that treatment of seeds of fodder burnet of Sultan variety with growth regulators, using environmentally friendly technology of seed material preparation with the application of the IS-1.0 seed inoculator, increased the yield of green mass and seeds of fodder burnet 37.5 t/ha and 1113 kg/ha, respectively.
Keywords: pre-sowing treatment, seeds, poterium polygamum, growth regulators, inoculator, germina-tion, increase, yield, green mass.

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UDC 574.23: 574.24: 577.2.01
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.017

I.B. Salakhutdinov, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of Laboratory; V.S. Kamburova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer; E.E. Khurshut, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Research Officer; D.M. Zuparova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Junior Research Officer; G.F. Mamatkulova, Junior Research Officer, Doctoral Student; F.S. Radzhapov, Junior Research Officer; D.I. Tozhibaeva, Junior Research Officer, D.K. Bazarov, Junior Research Officer
Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel. +998 94 614-38-53, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This article presents the results of studies evaluating the salt stress tolerance of Uzbek cotton varieties (Gossypium hirsutum L.), which are part of a project to study SOS (Salt Overly Sensitive) genes that play one of the key roles in plant resistance to salt stress. Previously, we selected and analyzed directly SOS genes from a large number of salt tolerance genes using sequences from the entire cotton genomes of G. hirsutum. As a result, these genes were identified in both the A- and D- genomes of the cotton plant and their genetic structure was determined. The purpose of this work is to develop new transgenic salt-tolerant varieties intended for sowing in regions with unfavourable conditions. However, to identify the most promising forms of the gene, we studied the salt tolerance of 24 local cotton varieties. The varieties were first selected according to the characteristics indicated by the variety developers, with a contrasting expression of the trait. The varieties were then evaluated under controlled stress conditions, resulting in the identification of the most salt-tolerant and susceptible cotton varieties. In this way, the basis for the subsequent identification of the most promising SOS1, SOS2, and SOS3 alleles of cotton plant genes and their combinations by comparative genetic sequence analysis using DNA sequencing was established.
Keywords: Gossypium hirsutum, cotton, salinization, tolerance, phenotype, genotype, comparative anal-ysis.

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UDC 631.5 + 633.63 + (470.4)
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.018

A.E. Kolesov, postgraduate; S.V. Bogomazov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; O.A. Tkachuk, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8-(8412)628-546, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This paper presents the results of the study of the efficiency of basic tillage systems with stubble destructor to increase the yield and quality of sugar beet roots in the forest-steppe zone of the Middle Volga Region. It was found that the optimal soil density values developed in the variants with two-phase mouldboard and non-mould-board tillage. The minimum tillage variant showed significant soil compaction and reduction in productive mois-ture reserve. The highest sugar beet yield (43.68 t/ha) was observed in the variant with two-phase mouldboard tillage. The use of non-mouldboard and minimum shallow tillage contributed to yield reductions of 3.95 and 5.84 t/ha, respectively. The use of stubble destructor increased sugarbeet root yield by 0.41 t/ha in the variant with two-phase mouldboard tillage, by 0.64 t/ha in the variant with two-phase non-mouldboard, by 0.87 t/ha in the variant with minimum shallow basic tillage variant.
Keywords: sugar beet, basic tillage system, stubble destructor, soil density, productive moisture reserve, yield.

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UDC 633.2+ 631.81.095.337
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.019

А.А. Galiullin1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor; Е.А. Kalinichev1, lecturer; F.A. Mudarisov2, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor; А.А. Naumov1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 62-81-51; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin", Ulyanovsk, Russia, tel. 8(8422) 55-95-47, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;

The article considers the peculiarities of photosynthetic activity of Festulolium sowings when using pre-sowing treatment of seeds with microelement fertilizers and biological preparations. In the course of the two-factor experiment on the photosynthetic activity of Festulolium sowings of the varieties VIK-90 (tetraploid) and Izumrudny (hexaploid) and the influence of pre-sowing treatment of seeds with complex microelement fertilizers and bacterial preparations it was established that the dynamics of foliage, leaf surface area, photosynthetic po-tential and net photosynthetic productivity of Festulolium agrocenosis are caused primarily by variety features of the studied plant. Thus, in the forest-steppe conditions of the Middle Volga region, the highest values were recorded for the variety Izumrudny. Due to better adaptation, development of a more powerful root system and accelerated early spring regrowth, it formed a herbage characterized by relatively greater foliage and leaf surface, which in conjunction with the presence of the herbage in the active state contributed to increased photosynthetic potential and net photosynthetic productivity. The use of Azosol-36 Extra, Megamix-Profi, Siliplant, Na Hu-mate, Agrika and Agat-25 Super for pre-sowing seed treatment had a positive effect on the increase of photo-synthetic apparatus of Festulolium agrocenosis of the studied varieties. Thus, for all variants of the experience during the years of research a significant increase relative to the control variant was obtained. The highest effi-ciency was recorded with seed treatment with Agrika + microelements.
Keywords: introduction, Festulolium, perennial grasses, agrocenosis, micronutrient fertilizers, bioprepa-rations, photosynthesis.

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UDC 631.81
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.020

S.М. Nadezhkin1,2, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; А.V. Molchanova1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences; М.S. Antoshkina1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences; А.А. Koshevarov1, М.Y. Markarova1, Candidate of Biological Sciences
1Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Federal Scientific Center of Vegetable Growing, VNIISSOK village, Moscow region, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
2Educational and experimental Soil-Ecological Center of the Faculty of Soil Science of Lomonosov Moscow State University, Chashnikovo, Moscow region, Russia

The article presents data on the effect of humic fertilizers TorEks and Ecorost and vegetable aquarine on the formation of yield and quality of garden carrots of Marlinka variety. The research was conducted on sod-podzolic soil of the central non-chernozem zone. In the conditions of field experiments it was established that the application of humates TorEks and Ecorost on the background of N90P90K120 increased the marketable yield from 45.9 to 53.8-54.0 t/ha, or by 17.2-17.6%. The application of vegetable aquarine at a concentration of 0.6-0.8 % resulted in increasing the productivity by 9.1-10.6 t/ha, or by 19.8 and 23.1 % compared to the background. The marketability of root carrots increased from 89.6 % in the background to 91.6-62.0 % when humates and aquarine were used. The use of humates increased the dry matter content by 1.0 %, and that of aquarine - by 1.2-1.4 %. The content of vitamin C was increased by 0.31-0.44 under the influence of humates and by 0.80-0.97 mg/100 g under the influence of aquarine. The amount of beta-carotene increased by 0.6-0.8 when humates were used and by 0.8-1.5 mg/100 g when aquarine was used. Humic preparations and aquarine had no significant effect on the content of fibre, crude protein and fat in root crops. Under the influence of humates, the nitrogen content increased by 21.5-21.9 kg/ha, the phosphorous content - by 9.8 kg/ha and the potassium content - by 49.3 kg/ha; aquarine added 30.6-37.3, 13.0-14.5 and 60.7-74.5 kg/ha, respectively. When humates were used, the return on 1 kg of NPK increased by 25.0-25.6 kg/kg, and with aquarine by 28.6-34.0 kg/kg of root crops.
Keywords: garden carrots, humate, aquarine, fertiliser, yield, biochemical composition, carotene.

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Private animal husbandry, feeding, technologies of feed preparation and production of livestock products

UDC 636.084.524
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.006

G.I. Boryaev1, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; S.L. Lyublinsky2, Candidate of Biological Sciences; Е.V. Polyakova1, Candidate of Biological Sciences; А.А. Kuznetsov1, Candidate of Biological Sciences; А.V. Nosov1, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; А.М. Vasiliev1, postgraduate student; P.А. Kurochkina1, master-degree student
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia,
2Federal State Budgetary Institution of Science "Scientific Center for Biomedical Technologies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency", Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412)628563, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The inclusion of organic forms of iodine and selenium in the diet of laying hens in order to obtain dietary eggs enriched with these trace elements was studied. One of the main physiological sources of iodine and sele-nium intake for humans is food of animal origin. Enrichment of food eggs with iodine and selenium in natural, covalent form is a promising direction in the practice of poultry farming. The conducted research shows that the use of iodized milk protein in the diets of laying hens makes it possible to obtain iodized eggs with a manageable content of organic iodine from 50 to 70 micrograms. Iodine in the iodized egg is preserved even after heat treatment. The increase in the concentration of microelements in protein and yolk compared to the control is observed on the third day after starting to feed laying hens with milk iodized protein and selenopyran. There is a direct dependence of iodine and selenium content in egg on the concentration of the microelements in the feed in organic and inorganic form. When organic forms of iodine and selenium were introduced into the feed in an amount of 0.5 g/t, an average of 50 μg of iodine and 12 μg of selenium were found in the egg; when the concen-tration in the feed was increased to 0.7 g/t, the content of the microelements increased to 65 and 18 μg respec-tively. Iodine and selenium losses in protein and yolk during cooking do not exceed 6 %, which indicates almost complete preservation of the microelements during heat treatment of eggs.
Keywords: organic iodine and selenium, food eggs, iodine preservation, heat treatment

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Technologies, machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex

UDC 621.865.8
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.003

V.V. Lyandenbursky1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; A.T. Kulakov2, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; K.Z. Kukhmazov3, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; V.V. Konovalov4, Doctor of Technical
Sciences, Professor
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State University of Architecture and Construction", Penza, Russia;
2Naberezhnye Chelny Institute branch of the Federal State Independent Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kazan Federal University", Kazan, Russia;
3Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 65-82-42 E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
4Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Technological University", Penza, Russia

The purpose of the study was to develop a methodology for non-dismountable determination of the tech-nical condition of the crankshaft of KAMAZ diesel engines during its operation. The research methodology viewed the following: modernization of the diagnosis of the lubrication system of KAMAZ vehicles by installing a pressure sensor in the crankcase of an engine; development and application of a method for the non-dismount-able diagnostics of the degree of wear of the bearings of an internal combustion engine (ICE) by measuring the pressure in the oil line during engine operation; experimental testing of the hypothesis and subsequent analysis of the results of part wear. Measuring the oil pressure in the lubrication system at the section of the oil supply bore to the connecting rod bearings, namely in the area of the crankshaft axis after the main journals, enables the technical condition of the engine crankshaft to be assessed. The presence of wear of the system parts increases the clearance in the main bearing and, under load, there is a relative eccentricity of the connecting rod axle in the main bearing. Increased leakage reduces the oil supply to the crankshaft bore and lowers the oil pressure. By comparing the oil pressures of the diagnosed and the new engines, the integral degree of wear of the diagnosed bearings is determined and the remaining service life of the engine is assessed. Experimental verification con-firmed that this hypothesis is true. The application of the proposed method for assessing the technical condition of the ICE makes it possible to reliably determine the condition of the crank connecting-rod gear with 95% probability, as well as to predict the time of trouble-free engine operation.
Keywords: car, lubrication system, sensor, on-board diagnosis, slider crank mechanism bearing.

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UDC 631.331
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.013

M.A. Papshev, Postgraduate; V.V. Shumaev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; A.N. Kalabushev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8-8412) 62-85-79, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article deals with the relevant issue of improving the quality of seed sowing of cereal crops. It points out that the existing tine and disc coulters have high draught resistance, form a wide furrow that is difficult to cover, and do not provide good ground contour following. All this has a negative effect on the uniformity of distribution of plant seeds, both over the length of the row and the depth of embedding. The most promising way to improve the quality of the sowing unit is to equip grain seeders with combined coulters. The article proposes a design of the coulter with a gauge wheel of the pneumatic seeder for sowing cereal crops and presents the results of laboratory studies that led to obtaining the second-order regression equation, by which rational (opti-mal) values of the design parameters of the coulter with a gauge wheel are determined: coulter disc diameter 𝑑𝑑 = 0.38...0.41 m (0.4050 m); gauge wheel diameter 𝑑𝑘=0.27...0.29 m (0.2778 m); gauge wheel width 𝑚 = 0.038...0.047 m (0.0401 m), where the optimization parameter ϭ (standard deviation of seed distribution by row depth) was 1.25.
Keywords: grain seeder, laboratory studies, coulter with gauge wheel, sowing depth, seed distribution, soil.

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UDC 62-111.1
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.64.4.014

А.V. Chupshev1, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant-professor; V.P. Teryushkov1, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant-professor; V.V. Konovalov2, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; M.V. Dontsova2, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant-professor
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, (8412) 628-542, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Technological University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The aim of the research is theoretical establishment of functional relationships linking the variation char-acteristics of animal feed distribution and its constituent nutrients with quantitative and variable technological indicators of feed distribution to animals. Methodology of the research included theoretical studies on definition of expressions describing variation interrelation of technological indicators of work of feed distributing and feed mixing equipment on the basis of mathematical statistics. Conducted researches allowed to establish basic ex-pressions connecting variation characteristics of quantity of feed (its mass) and quantity of nutrients given to an animal while feeding (also per day and for the period under study) both at a speed of a feeding machine, produc-tivity of its feed rationer, front of feeding an animal (width of a trough) and with their values of indicators (stand-ard deviation / coefficient of variation), and, besides, with irregular distribution of nutrients in the volume of a feed mixture.
Keywords: feed rationer, mixture, dependency, modelling, animal, mathematical model, feeding machine.

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UDC 577.12
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.002

A.S. Imamkhodzhayeva1, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of Laboratory;
N.R. Rakhmatova1, Senior Research Officer; V.V. Uzbekov3, Senior Research Officer;
Sh.B. Kodirova1, Research Assistant; A. Mamadzhanov2, Research Assistant;
R.M. Artikova1, Research Assistant; V.S. Kamburova1, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of Laboratory;
E.A. Latypova4, Associate Professor
1Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel. +998 99 846-41-02, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
2Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the National University of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan;
 3Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan;
4Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8 (9680) 32-19-80, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Soil salinity is the main factor limiting agricultural productivity worldwide. Salt stress has a negative effect on the physiological processes of plants, which reduces the yield of agricultural crops, including cotton. In this regard, the creation of salinization-resistant varieties of cotton is an urgent task. To solve this problem, ongoing screening of plants for a sign of salt stress tolerance is necessary. One possible biochemical marker of salt tolerance is the level of proline in the plant tissue. In this connection, the purpose of this study was to investigate a number of morpho-physiological parameters and proline level in biotechnological cotton genotype ESKIMO1 and control genotype Coker-312 (seven-day-old seedlings and saplings on the 21st day of vegetation) under salinization conditions. The experiment showed that the hypocotyl length decreased in cotton seedlings of both genotypes under model salt stress. This decrease was more pronounced in the control genotype Coker-312. Research on proline levels in cotton seedlings under the same conditions revealed a reduction in the cotyledons and an increase in the roots. And the accumulation of proline in the roots at low and medium levels of salinization was more significant in the ESKIMO1 genotype. The study of the effect of salt stress on the proline content in the leaves of cotton seedlings showed a greater increase in the level of proline in the ESKIMO1 genotype, directly correlating with the degree of stresses.
Keywords: biotechnological genotype, cotton, salinity, resistance, proline.

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UDC 633.32+631.531.027
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.005

S.A. Kshnikatkin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; P.G. Alenin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; I.A. Voronova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; A.V. Tagirov, graduate student; N.A. Karpov, graduate student; I.A. Konnov, student
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 Quality of seeds is important and valuable when it comes to improvement of agricultural crop cultivation technologies. Pre-sowing seed treatment, which involves the use of growth regulators, allows to regulate the growth and development of plants, which will allow to obtain higher yields of agricultural crops with a given product quality. Studies have established that when processing Hungarian Clover seeds with growth regulators and biologics using environment friendly seed preparation technology using the SS-0.5 seed scarifier and IS-1.0 inoculator, the yield of green mass and Hungarian Clover seeds was 51.8 t/ha and 776.4 kg/ha, respectively. The greatest economic effect was obtained when the seeds were treated with the bacterial preparation Rizotorphin-B together with the growth regulator Poly-Feed. When cultivated for seeds, the profitability level was 185.0 %, for fodder purposes – 147.9 %, energy income, when cultivated for seeds, was 90.99 GJ/ha, EER – 2.19 units, for fodder purposes – 22.32 GJ/ha, EER – 1.85 units.
Keywords: Hungarian Clover, pre-sowing treatment, technology, scarification, inoculation, growth regu-lator, biological preparation, scarifier, inoculator, yield.

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UDC 631/635
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.006

A.V. Nosov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;
E.I. Pozubenkova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;
N.M. Guryanova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University",
Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The paper considers the issues of distribution and use of land resources of the Penza region. It presents information about the agricultural land system. It is concluded that the agricultural land area for the period from 2012 to 2021 decreased by 4.5 thousand hectares. Basically, their reduction is due to the redistribution of land resources in connection with the bankruptcy and liquidation of organizations in the agricultural sector. As a result, the land resources are transfered to another category for infrastructure construction. It has been revealed what changes have occurred in the structure of the land fund by category over the past ten years. In order to determine the trend of change in acreage, the analytical leveling method was tested. The trend equation is compiled and a conclusion is made about the continuing growth factor of acreage. It is determined that the main land users in the region are agricultural organizations that have significant opportunities for effective work in a competitive environment.
Keywords: land resources, land fund, agricultural land, farm land, acreage, yield, gross harvest, efficiency

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UDC: 543.544: 575.116.4. 577.21:588.1
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.007

N.R. Rakhmatova, PhD in Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher; A.H. Makamov, PhD in Biological Sciences, Laboratory Chief, Senior Researcher; M.M. Darmonov, PhD in Biological Sciences, Laboratory Chief, Senior Researcher; I.S. Normamatov, postgraduate student; A.S. Imamkhodzhayeva, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Laboratory Chief, Senior Researcher; N.N. Khusenov, junior researcher; Zh.K. Norbekov, junior researcher; M.M. Kholmuradova, postgraduate student; U.A. Boykobilov, trainee researcher; Z.Z. Yuldasheva, junior researcher; Z.T. Buriev, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director, Senior Researcher
Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents data on the study of complex hybrid combinations of the BC4F7 generation of cotton genotypes, an assessment of the growth rate by morpho-biological characteristics and their stability, created in laboratory conditions of salinization (200 mM NaCl). The content of salicylic acid in cotton tissues was studied under conditions of salinization of different intensity during cotton plants development.
Keywords: salicylic acid, NaCl, osmotic stress, stress resistance, liquid chromatography.

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UDC 633.11: 631.559
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.010

V.А. Isaichev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor; N.N. Andreev, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, assistant-professor
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin", Ulyanovsk, Russia, tel. 8(8422) 55-95-16, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The research was conducted to study the peculiarities of biometric indicators formation and yield of spring wheat under the influence of foliar treatment with preparations of Megamix series. It was found that the maxi-mum growth of leaf surface area to the control was recorded in the variant of MEGAMIX - AZOT on the back-ground of complex mineral fertilizers. Increase of leaf area was 0.8 m2/ha - seedling phase; 1.6 m2/ha - tillering phase; 3.6 m2/ha - shooting phase; 6.9 m2/ha - earing phase. It was shown that the higher rate of accumulation of dry matter in all phases of growth and development was noted in the variant with MEGAMIX - AZOT on fertilized background. The tillering phase - 418.9 kg/ha, the shooting phase - 2424.6 kg/ha, the earing phase - 7121.6 kg/ha, the milky ripening phase - 8900.3 kg/ha. Yield increase compared to the control averaged 139 - 504 kg/ha, depending on the variant and nutritional background. The best result according to the three-year research was observed in the variant with MEGAMIX - AZOT + NPK and amounted to 3909 kg/ha.
Keywords: spring wheat, macro-micronutrient fertilizers, leaf area, photosynthetic potential, yield.

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UDC 633.112.1«321»:631.58:631.53.041(470.40/43)
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.011

A.L. Toigildin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, M.I. Podsevalov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, I.A. Toigildina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, D.E. Ayupov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, R.A. Mustafina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Department assistant, N.A. Bogdanov, Postgraduate
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin", Ulyanovsk, Russia, tel. 8-(8422)55-95-75, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents material on the study of the effectiveness of the direct sowing technology of spring wheat in comparison with the recommended technology of its cultivation (factor A) on the background of the application rates of mineral fertilizers (factor B: B0 – without fertilizers; B1 – N45P30K30; B2 – N90P60K60). Research has shown that the field germination of spring wheat seeds increased by 3.4 % using the direct seeding technology compared to the traditional technology. This is explained by the high content of productive moisture in the seed layer due to the mulch cover and the absence of mechanical mixing of the soil, which usually leads to an increase in the volume of evaporating moisture under conditions of increasing air temperature. The appli-cation of starter mineral fertilisers increased the field germination of spring wheat by an average of 1.3-2.9 %.
The direct seeding technology of spring wheat after soybeans did not result in lower grain yields. Mineral ferti-lizers with an amount N45P30K30 increased yields by 0.69 t/ha or 22.4% according to traditional technology and by 0.64 t/ha or 20.7% according to direct seeding technology. An increase in the fertilizer application rate to N90P60K60 significantly led to an increase in yield compared to the average nutrition level. The direct seeding technology of spring wheat allowed saving 40-41 l/ha of POL and, in general, was cheaper by 2116-3802 ru-bles/ha or 8.3-13.2% more than the recommended technology. The largest notional net earnings were obtained on direct seeding technology on the background of mineral fertilizers with a rate of N45P30K30 – 18,500 rubles/ha with a production profitability level of 67.6%. An increase in the fertilizer rate to N90P60K60 significantly reduced economic efficiency on both the recommended and direct seeding technologies.
Keywords: direct seeding, spring wheat, field germination, economic efficiency.

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UDC 633.63+631.82
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.012

V.V. Koshelyaev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; N.V. Shabyshev, Postgraduate; I.P. Koshelyaeva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-83-73, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article concerns the growth features and the development of pea plants depending on foliar fertilizing on various backgrounds of mineral nutrition. The fundamental indicators characterizing the degree of influence of the studied factors on growth processes are analyzed. The purpose of the study is to examine features of the growth and development of the pea and to identify techniques that ensure a high yield of dry matter as an effi-ciency indicator of the production process. The research objectives were: to rate the field germination of seeds, establish the plant safety, show the plant survival, study the growth dynamics and the yield of dry matter. The results revealed that the application of mineral fertilizers has a positive effect on the studied indicator. However, the established morpho-physiological differences in the process of ontogenesis did not have a clear and stable effect on the yield of dry matter. Foliar dressings also contribute to the formation of higher indicators, but a stable positive effect on the yield of dry matter is provided with the application of Biostim Universal.
Keywords: pea, field germination, survival, safety, growth dynamics, interstage periods, dry matter yield.

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UDC 633.63+631.527
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.016

Y.V. Koryagin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor; N.V. Koryagina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor; О.А. Tkachuk, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor; Е.V. Efremova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor;
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the results of production experiments to evaluate the cultivation of sugar beet hybrids in the soil and climatic conditions of the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region. The following hybrids were studied: XM-1820 (St), Wapiti, Dominica, Dubravka, Zanzibar, Camel, Ritter, Britney and Yaroslav. The anal-ysis of the evaluation of the hybrids of sugar beet showed that hybrids vegetation period lasted 134-136 days, the thinness of sugar beet crops to the harvesting period varied from 1.9 to 6.4%. The Ritter hybrid had the highest average root crop weight of 554.6 g, while the Britney hybrid had the lowest, 288.2 g. The highest average yield over the years was 57.8 t/ha for the Ritter hybrid, while the lowest was 28.6 t/ha for the Britney hybrid. The sugar content of the sugar beet hybrids ranged from 16.9 to 18.1 %. The highest sugar content was in the XM-1820 (St) hybrid - 18.1 %, while the lowest was in the Dominica hybrid - 16.9 %. The highest notional net income, taking into account the additional cost for sugar content and transport costs, was obtained from the hybrid Ritter - 85093 rubles/ha, and the lowest notional net income was from the hybrid Britney - 14994 ru-bles/ha.
Keywords: sugar beet, hybrids, field germination, crop safety, productivity, sugar content, technology.

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UDC 633.35+632
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.018

V.A. Gushchina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor; I.P. Koshelyaeva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor; O.N. Sukhanova, associate professor; O.I. Ulanova, Candidate of Culturology, associate professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 628-367, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Various fungicides from different manufacturers are now available on the market. Some of the most pop-ular ones are produced by the company "Avgust". The lentil is characterised by low resistance to various diseases during the vegetation period. However, no fungicide treatment is carried out on lentils to reduce plant infection due to a lack of preparations. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of fungicides from the range presented by "Avgust" on the development of diseases in lentil agrocenosis and to ensure a stable and high-quality grain yield in the unstable humidity conditions of the forest steppe of the Middle Volga Region. Three systemic preparations were used with the fungicide activity enhancer – Allur adjuvant – for spraying during the flowering stage of small-seeded red lentil plants of the Redklif variety. The experiment was carried out on the collection plot of Penza State Agrarian University in 2018-2020 on meadow-chernozem soil according to generally accepted methods. The fungicides and the frequency of their application improved yield structure in relation to the control, but no differences were noted between the preparations used. On average over the three years the weight of seeds per plant when treated with fungicides was 1.41...1.54 g, which was 0.18...0.31 g more than in the control variant because the seeds were larger. It was indicated by the thousand-seed weight of 38.5...39.9 g against 36.7 g because the leaf apparatus function increased due to reduction of its damage by diseases. The highest lentil yields (1.79...1.82 t/ha) were obtained using the fungicides Rakurs, SC and Spirit, SC with no dependence on the frequency of treatment. The preparation Kolosal Pro, ME also increased the resistance of the plants to pathogens. This was reflected in a grain yield – 1.67 t/ha, which exceeded the control by 0.27 t/ha. The developed correlation-regression model, according to the Fisher's F-test, is adequately fitted to experimental data.
Keywords: lentils, fungicides, agriculture, yield, infection, vegetation period.

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UDC 631.5 + 633.63 + (470.4)
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.019

А.E. Kolesov, post-graduate student; S.V. Bogomazov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor; О.А. Tkachuk, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor, N.P. Chekaev, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8-(8412)628-546, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article describes the effectiveness of resource-saving tillage systems for sugar beet in comparison with the traditional technology of sugar beet cultivation. Studies have shown that the efficiency of conservation tillage systems correlates with moisture availability in the growing season. The use of direct sowing in technology of sugar beet cultivation increases the yield of root crops in variants with traditional technology on the average by 1.51 t/ha, in variants with the use of intermediate sideration - by 1.41 t/ha. Resource-saving technologies of tillage and direct seeding provided the highest net profit - 44,788 rubles/ha, and when using the traditional system of tillage and direct seeding this indicator increased by 885-1,462 rubles/ha.
Keywords: sugar beet, conventional tillage system, resource-saving technologies, intermediate sideration, economic efficiency.

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UDC 631.8+635.64
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.021

V.I. Gryazeva, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; Yu.V. Koryagin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; N.V. Koryagina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The quality of the cucumber seedlings in protected soil is the basis for the future harvest. Improving the quality of seedlings and shortening the seedling season is a relevant topic. Various components and stimulating preparations for greenhouse soils are now used to improve seedling cultivation technology. The research was car-ried out under the conditions of OAO "Penzenskiy Teplichnyy Kombinat". It was found that the application of waste from mushroom production into greenhouse soil as a component of seedling soil together with humostim increased the percentage of germination of cucumber plants by an average of 8-12%, depending on the experimental variant. The highest germination rates on the sixth day were in the variant with 80 % mushroom waste in green-house soil, and on the seventh day the germination rate averaged 98 % over the years of research. Studies have shown that cucumber seedlings grew most vigorously in greenhouse soil with 80 % mushroom waste and the prep-aration humostim. The growth rate was 0.90 to 1.0 cm, compared to 0.68 cm in the control. The use of mushroom waste as a soil component for growing cucumber seedlings on a humostim background increased the positive effect of all greenhouse soils on seedling age. The vegetation period was thus 32-34 days, which is 2-4 days less than the background without humostim. The highest biological resistance of seedlings was observed in greenhouse soils with application of 80 and 90 % musroom wastes and use of humostim on the background and and amounted 97.2-97.1 %. The most optimal cucumber seedlings at 32 days of age were grown on a background of humus fertilizer in greenhouse soil in the following ratio: 80% mushroom waste + 10% peat + 10% river sand.
Keywords: mushroom production wastes, humostim, seedlings, cucumber, vegetation periods, structure of early and total yield.

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 Private animal husbandry, feeding, technologies of feed preparation and production of livestock products

UDC 636.2.082.25:636.237.21
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.004

T.V. Shishkina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; S.Yu. Dmitrieva, Associate Professor; A.Y. Kuznetsov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To find out how the intensity of milking of the first-calf cows influences their productive longevity and lifelong milk yield, a study was conducted in the conditions of the Ramzai Educational and Farm of Penza State Agrarian University in a herd of Holstein black-and-white cattle. For this purpose, groups were formed according to the productivity level after the first lactation. Milk and lifetime productivity, duration of use of animals and life expectancy were evaluated according to the level of cow milking, as well as the correlation between milk yield of cows during the first lactation and lifetime milk productivity. As a result of the research, it was found that the average duration of animal use is 3.6 lactations; lifetime milk yield in the studied groups averages 22019.5 kg, the amount of milk fat is 861.0 kg, and the amount of milk protein is 598.6 kg. According to the milk productivity class of 7001 to 7500 kg in the first lactation, the group of animals significantly exceeded the other study groups in life expectancy (2663.62 days); in the duration of productive use (1385.38 days); in lifetime milk yield (27728.86 kg); in milk fat content (194.12 kg); in milk protein content (178.8 kg). The correlation coefficient between lifetime productivity and the first lactation milk yield had a weak positive connection and averaged 0.23. As a result of our research, we found that the most preferable periods of productive longevity are observed when milking first-calf heifers from 7001 to 7500 kg of milk per lactation.
Keywords: breed, milk productivity, milking, lactation, longevity, lifelong productivity.

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UDC 631.354.028
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.008

K.Z. Kukhmazov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; E.V. Petrova, postgraduate student
Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article is devoted to an urgent topic – reducing grain losses during harvesting of laid grain crops. It provides a description of the design and the principle of operation of the proposed crop lifter, which allows tracing all the irregularities of the field surface, including lumps, bumps, anthills, etc., presents the procedure and results of laboratory and field studies to substantiate the structural and operating parameters of the crop lifter. As a result of processing experimental data, equations of parabolic dependencies with a high correlation index were obtained and graphs were constructed that characterize the correlation between the amount of grain losses behind the platform and the structural and operating parameters of the crop lifter. The analysis of the data obtained shows that the rational parameters of the proposed crop lifter, ensuring minimal grain losses, are: the length of the base l = 380...440 mm; the thickness of the retainer plate h = 2.5 ...3.0 mm; the operating speed ν = 5.0...6.5 km/h.
Keywords: laid grain crop, crop lifter, harvesting platform, tracing, grain losses, natural losses, yield, ir-regularities of the field surface.

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UDC: 636.52/.58.084.524
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.017

G.V. Ilyina, Doctor of Biological sciences, professor; D.Y. Ilyin, Candidate of Biological sciences, assistant-professor; L.L. Oshkina, Candidate of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor; А.V. Ostapchuk, Candidate of Biological sciences, assistant-professor, А.R. Dashkina, student
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412)628-151, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The paper presents the results of studies to assess the effect of the product - mixture of microbial oils containing arachidonic acid, when it is included in an amount of 0.1% of the diet weight in the feed of broiler chickens of the Cobb-500 cross. Arachidonic acid is an omega-6-unsaturated fatty acid and is essential for some animals. Arachidonic acid metabolites perform important regulatory functions, maintaining muscle tone, main-taining vascular integrity, preventing bleeding in injuries and many other functions [1]. In the present work, the biochemical profile of the studied supplement was preliminarily studied. In accordance with the objectives of the study, the biochemical (total protein content, albumin fraction, cholesterol of various fractions) and clinical parameters (hematocrit (PCV), leucogram, haemoglobin content, serum lysozyme content) of fattened poultry blood were studied during the experiments. A traditional diet based on mixed fodder was used as a control. The feed additive studied significantly increased the haemoglobin indices by 6-10%, hematocrit indices by 15-16% and also stimulated serum lysozyme activity by 22-25%. An increase in the proportion of macrophages and mast cells by 10-12 % was established. The results of these studies indicate the stimulation of anabolic and immune reactions in poultry due to the use of the feed additive.
Keywords: arachidonic acid, biotechnology, poultry immune status, poultry physiology, nutrition, Mor-tierella fungi, unsaturated fatty acids.

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Technologies, machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex

UDC 633.63:631.171
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.003

V.A. Ovtov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;
A.A. Orekhov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;
A.V. Polikanov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;
N.S. Chirkova, Student; D.A. Frolov, Student; N.N. Koldaev, Student;
A.S. Kostromitin, Student;R.I. Devlikamov Student
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University",
Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article considers the construction and the operating principle of the rotary paddle orienting device for planting of sugar beet mother root crops of conical form, which high-quality operation largely determines the technological process of a piece-by-piece feeding of root crops into the planting cones of a planting apparatus with the following planting of root crops with a cone downward into the soil. The fulfillment of agro-technological requirements for planting works largely determines the obtaining of planned harvests of sugar beet seeds. We have determined the loads, which work upon the drive shaft of a paddle rotor of a rotary paddle orienting device, and carried out its stress-strain analysis, which showed that the strength and rigidity of a designed and modelled shaft will ensure reliable operation of a rotary paddle device. Thus, the rotary paddle orienting device of the planting machine will provide piece-by-piece orientation of root crops, regardless of their size and taper.
Keywords: sugar beet, planting, stress-strain analysis, modelling, shaft, rotary paddle device.

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UDC 631.354.028
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.008

K.Z. Kukhmazov, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; E.V. Petrova, postgraduate student
Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article is devoted to an urgent topic – reducing grain losses during harvesting of laid grain crops. It provides a description of the design and the principle of operation of the proposed crop lifter, which allows tracing all the irregularities of the field surface, including lumps, bumps, anthills, etc., presents the procedure and results of laboratory and field studies to substantiate the structural and operating parameters of the crop lifter. As a result of processing experimental data, equations of parabolic dependencies with a high correlation index were obtained and graphs were constructed that characterize the correlation between the amount of grain losses behind the platform and the structural and operating parameters of the crop lifter. The analysis of the data obtained shows that the rational parameters of the proposed crop lifter, ensuring minimal grain losses, are: the length of the base l = 380...440 mm; the thickness of the retainer plate h = 2.5 ...3.0 mm; the operating speed ν = 5.0...6.5 km/h.
Keywords: laid grain crop, crop lifter, harvesting platform, tracing, grain losses, natural losses, yield, ir-regularities of the field surface.

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UDC 632.08
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.013

O.N. Kukharev, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; I.N. Semov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; K.S. Kondratieva, Postgraduate
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nowadays, the pre-sowing seed treatment is an important part of the general technology of cultivation of cereal crops for the formation of optimal phytopathological condition of crops [7]. Seeds are the primary source of the infection transmission into the soil and crops [12]. Disinfection of the seed material allows its protection at the earliest and most vulnerable phase of development. The equipment used in organizations for seed treatment does not always meet modern agrotechnical requirements, therefore it is necessary to undertake research to im-prove the quality of seed treatment. The most promising is the method of seed treatment when moving the grain flow in the bucket elevators when putting into storage [5]. The purpose of the study was to develop a device for disinfecting grain in flow when putting into storage. To implement this process, the department of "Mechaniza-tion of Technological Processes in the AIC" of Penza State Agrarian University developed the structural and technological schemes for grain disinfecting in flow when putting into storage. The device was tested in OOO "Kameshkir Feed-milling Plant", where its optimal parameters were determined under production conditions: the speed of the seed treater conveyor – in the range of 0.16 ... 0.37 m/s; the pressure in the nozzles – 0.25 ... 0.58 MPa.
Keywords: seed treatment, disinfection, continuous flow, seeds, treater.

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UDC 621.43.038
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.014

А.V. Yashin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor; Y.V. Polyvyanyj, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor; P.N. Khorev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor; О.S. Kalinina, lecturer
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cleaning and cooling are considered one of the main technological operations in the whole complex of primary milk processing operations. According to research by a number of authors, preservation of the original properties of milk is only possible when the number of micro-organisms is less than 200,000 per 1 cm3, with more than 1 million micro-organisms per 1 cm3 irreversible deterioration of milk quality occurs. Poor quality cleaning or untimely cooling of the milk leads to intensive multiplication of lactic acid bacteria. In 1 cm3 of freshly milked quality milk the number of bacteria is 186,000, and after five hours of storage at 20 °C their number increases to 2 million. Theoretical calculations to determine the minimum geometric parameters of the coil pipe of the proposed cooler were carried out, on the basis of which it is possible to design its construction. In order to confirm the theoretical results, a computer simulation of the working process of the primary milk processing device, including the analysis of milk and coolant movement in the application "SOLID WORKS Flou Simulation" and thermal analysis of the primary milk processing device in the application "SOLIDWORKS Simulation Thermal Analysis", were conducted.
Keywords: milk, filter, primary treatment devices, workflow, design, thermal analysis.

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UDC 621.43.038
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.015

А.V. Yashin, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor; V.A. Ovtov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor; Y.V. Polyvyanyj, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor; А.А. Gusev, post-graduate
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

One of the most important measures to protect milk from spoilage is its timely refrigeration and storage in this condition before shipment or processing in dairy factories. Thanks to refrigeration, microbial growth in milk is halted and the bactericidal period is increased, which helps to preserve the product for longer. The processes of primary milk processing, such as milk filtering and cooling, are of great importance, because proper milk cleaning from mechanical impurities, its timely and deep cooling improves the quality of milk, makes it the milk of the first purity group, which significantly increases its value. Consequently, the use of the developed design of the device for primary treatment of milk improves the efficiency of the process of primary milk processing at commercial dairy factories. The performed stress-strain analysis of the primary treatment device details shows that the strength and rigidity of the designed filter-cooler details is ensured.
Keywords: milk, filter, primary treatment devices, stress-strain analysis, design, pressure.

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UDC 51-74 + 621.878.448
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.63.3.020

D. А. Solovyov1, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Assistant-Professor; S. V. Chumakova1, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant-Professor; R. D. Goncharov1, R. V. Chumakov2
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Saratov State University of Genetics, Biotechnology and Engineering named after N.I. Vavilov», Saratov, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov», Saratov, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This article substantiates the relevance of the problem of increasing productivity on the example of carrying out maintenance of agricultural machinery, and presents arguments for the urgency of solving this problem. Further, the authors propose one of the ways to increase productivity by applying and implementing new devel-opments in the maintenance process, based, in particular, on the implementation of AR-technologies. The paper considers a method for assessing efficiency during maintenance based on comparison of parameters, the results of which led to conclusions about the effectiveness of AR-technologies when working with machinery. In order to apply this method, a new approach to obtain an assessment of productivity during maintenance was developed based on the use of a derived constant, which allows to get an answer about its real increase in the presence of AR-technologies. The paper shows that this constant helps to control the efficiency of maintenance. Formulas for calculating maintenance efficiency were derived to find its numerical value most accurately. Using the method of parameter comparison discussed above, graphs showing the time spent on each operation, including filling in technological charts during maintenance without and with the inclusion of AR-technologies, were used as auxiliary tools. To ensure the accuracy of the figures, the calculations were carried out in an Excel spreadsheet.
Keywords. AR-technology, maintenance, agro-industrial complex, method, assessment, efficiency, per-formance, function, function graph, comparative analysis, Excel spreadsheet.

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УДК 575:633.11
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.002

I.R. Manukyan, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
T.S. Abieva, Candidate of Biological Sciences
N.T. Khokhoeva, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
N.N. Doguzova, PhD student
North Caucasus Research Institute of Mountain and Foothill Agriculture – branch of the Federal State Scientific Center Vladikavkaz Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, SKNIIGPSH VNC RAS, Russia, RSO Alania
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

 The article presents the results of studies of the resistance of the breeding material of winter soft wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to the phytophagous beetle, cereal leaf beetle (Oulema melanopus Z.). The research was conducted in 2019-2021 at the FSBI SCNIIGPSH VNC RAS. The objects of research were 128 varieties of winter soft wheat from the VIR collection, of various ecological and geographical origin. The purpose of the research is to study the gene pool of winter soft wheat and create a new source material for breeding for resistance to cereal leaf beetle. There are 31.3% of varieties that are resistant. They are Torrild, Mereke 70, Zhadyra, Kobra, Soraja, Fenezia, Dorota, Olivin, Zaritsa, Muza, Areal, Teslo, Kredo, Bizel, Frontana, Renan, Zysk, Biggar, AK biday, Alacris, Cina 7, Solara, Chornobrova, Batko, Zvytyaga, Astella, Lilit, Verita, Batum, Khmel'nychanka, Vatazbok, Markola, Zolotoy bezosty, Omskaya 5, Pionerskaya 32, Nebokrai, Lasuma, Blago, Kamyshlanka 4, Jadvisia. The correlation coefficient between the degree of leaf damage and an ear length is -0.56 (negative, average), between the degree of leaf damage and the number of grains in an ear is -0.68 (negative, strong), between the degree of leaf damage and the weight of the grain from an ear and the plant productivity index (PPI) is negative and very high -0.93 and -0.86, respectively.
All productivity elements had significant correlation coefficients, but the highest are r = -0.93 (with the weight of grain from an ear) and r = -0.86 (plant productivity index). The source material for use in breeding programs for resistance to cereal leaf beetle has been isolated.
Keywords: breeding, stability of winter soft wheat, cereal leaf beetle.

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УДК 633.15
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.010

S.A. Semina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;
I.V. Gavryushina, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor;
A.S. Paliychuk, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412)628-151, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the results of studies on the effect of various dosages and methods of applying mineral fertilizers on the formation of yield and biochemical composition of corn phytomass depending on the density of standing plants. The studies were carried out on leached heavy loam chernozem. Pre-sowing application of mineral fertilizers in the norm N120 P90 contributed to an increase in the yield of green mass by 26%, and dry matter by 20.6%. The transfer of nitrogen part (N 30) to soil dressing increased the collection of raw biomass by 49.8%, and dry biomass by 27.1% relative to the level of natural soil fertility. An additional raw biomass and dry biomass (39.2 % and 39.3%, relatively) were obtained when N120 P90К60 was applied. On a non-fertilized agricultural background, when nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers are applied and nitrogen fertilization is carried out, the increase in phytomass yield is noted to a density of 100 ths. units/ha. The maximum yield was obtained at a density of 90 ths units/ha on the background of N120P90К60. A single application of mineral fertilizers supported the improvement in the protein content of the feed and increased the crude protein content in the biomass by 1.04-1.36%. When nitrogen fertilizers were applied in portions, the increase was 2.64 % to the natural fertility level and 1.39 % compared to a single application of nitrogen-phosphorus nutrition. On the non-fertilized agricultural background with increasing density of plants, a decrease in protein provision of the biomass was noted. On the variants with the application of nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers, the increase was noted up to the density of 80 ths. pcs/ha. And on the background of N120P90К60 it was up to 70 ths. pcs/ha. The same pattern was seen in the content of raw fat.
Keywords: corn, density, fertilizers, green mass, yield, protein.

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УДК 632.4.01/.08
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.008

I.R. Manukyan, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate professor; N.N. Doguzova, Postgraduate
North-Caucasian research institute of Hill and Foot-hill Agriculture - branch of Federal State Budgetary
Research Institution of Federal Research Centre "Vladikavkaz Scientific Centre of RAS", Vladikavkaz,
The Republic of North Ossetia–Alania, Russia, 8(928)4876155, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the results of immunological studies of varieties of winter wheat. We considered the issues of resistance to brown rust, intrapopulation diversity of Puccinia tritici f. sp. tritici Eriks, and methods of evaluation and selection of initial selection material with a wide genetic basis of resistance to the pathogen. The research was carried out at the field of the FSBRI of North-Caucasian research institute of Hill and Foot-hill Agriculture of Russian national research centre RAS (RSO-Alania), located in the foothill zone of the Central Caucasus in 2019-2021. Twenty-five samples of soft winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L) from the collection of Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry and forty-seven isogenic lines (Thatcher) with Lr. genes were used as objects of research. Evaluation for non-specific resistance was carried out according to five criteria: the type of reaction (in points) and the degree of damage (in percentage points), the increase rate of the area under the curve (AUDPC), the stability and plant productivity indexes (SI and PPI, respectively). Studies of the racial composition of the pathogen populations were carried out using a universal set of wheat lines and varieties of differentiators with known resistance genes. We revealed that the effective genes of resistance to the local brown rust population included Lr9, Lr19, Lr24, Lr25, Lr30, Lr32, Lr34, Lr36, Lr39, Lr41, Lr42, Lr45, Lr47, Lr51, Lr53, Lr67. When analysing the phenotypic composition, six phenotypic groups were identified: MHTT, PGTT, RHTT, NHKP, ТQТР, QHKP. Phenotypes of the T-group, which are virulent to Lr9, Lr16, with an occurrence frequency of 40.0%, are characteristic of all grain-sowing regions of Russia and the world. They are dominant in the studied population of P. triticina. Phenotypes RHTT, QHKP, MHTT, which are avirulent to the Lr9, Lr24 genes, occur in the population with a frequency of 13.3, 3.3, 10.0%, respectively. The occurrence frequency of the phenotypic group PGTT and NHKP with an avirulence to the genes, Lr9, Lr24, Lr26, Lr2a, Lr3, is 33.3%. Genetic diversity according to Shannon's diversity index within the population is high, H = 2.51. According to the screening results, we identified winter wheat varieties, which are resistant to brown rust. They are ranked as follows: resistant – 11 samples, medium–resistant – 9, susceptible – 5. The following varieties of soft winter wheat of foreign selection – Dorota (France), Genoveva (Slovakia), Areal (Ukraine), Eltan (the USA), Verita (Slovakia), Muza (Poland), Alauda (Germany), Fenezja (Poland), Vatazbok (Ukraine), and Russian varieties Prima and Omskaya 5 – are proposed to use in breeding work as sources of non-specific resistance to Puccinia triticina. The selected sources of resistance are recommended for inclusion in wheat breeding programs for resistance to brown rust.
Keywords: winter wheat, brown rust, sources of resistance, population, breeding.

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UDC 633.522
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.007

V.A. Gushchina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; A.D. Smirnov, Postgraduate
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University",
Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412)62-83-67, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In order to take a prominent position in the world market for hemp cultivation with seed yields exceeding those of the Soviet Union, energy-saving technologies need to be studied and introduced. The basis for low-cost cultivation methods is the use of water-soluble fertilizers containing micronutrients in chelated form. Hemp farming in the Penza region is a long tradition, which determines the priority for its revival. In this regard, the purpose of the research is to substantiate the effectiveness of topdressing by micro-element fertilizers in the cultivation technology of hemp variety Surskaya for obtaining seeds. The effect of foliar treatments on yield and oil content of seeds was studied in 2019...2021 under the conditions of OOO "Konopleks Penza" on leached chernozem soil. In the first and third years of the study, the hydrothermal coefficient (HTC) corresponded to conditions of insufficient humidity and was 0.74 and 0.90, while in the second year it was dry (HTC - 0.68). Seed productivity of hemp averaged 1.0 t/ha in 2021 and was the highest in all years of research. The lowest seed yield (0.78 t/ha) was obtained in 2019 because the plants grew slowly during the initial stages of ontogenesis due to lack of moisture. It increased to 0.88 t/ha in 2020. Micro-element fertilizers used for foliar fertilization increased seed yield by an average of 0.08 t/ha. A maximum gain of 0.10 t/ha was obtained from foliar treatment with a liquid complex fertilizer Agree`s "Magniy (Magnesium)" (3 l/ha). It is important to note that the interaction of two foliar fertilizers, carried out at the phases of the three pairs of true leaves and budding, resulted in a seed yield of 0.94 t/ha with an oil content of 33.20 %, providing an oil yield of 0.303 t/ha.
Keywords: hemp, seed yield, oil content, oil yield, micro-elements, chelate form.

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UDC 635.657:631.527(470.326)
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.011

V.I. Zhuzhukin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; Zh.N. Mukhatova, Postgraduate;
A.G. Subbotin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Docent;
A.F. Sugrobov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer;
A.F. Druzhkin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
"Saratov State Vavilov Agrarian University",
Saratov, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This article evaluates the economically valuable traits of chickpea varieties from the VIR collection: k-16 Kubansky 16; k-23 TURE 4; k-109 Nut bukharsky; k-163 Kubansky163; k-388; k-400 Sredneaziatsky 400; k-416; k-418; k-434; k-440; k-466; k-468; k-475; k-495; k-499; k-514; k-531 GARBANZAS; k-532; k-534; k-542; k-572; k-574; k-596; k-651; k-1201 Krasnogradsky 04. Different degrees of variation in vegetative and generative parameters were found. The greatest variability (V > 20.0%) was established by the stem thickness, the number of primary branches, the number of beans per plant, the thousand grain weight, the productivity of one plant, the number of seeds per plant, yield. We identified the chickpea varieties which differ by a great thousand grain weight (k-434, k-542), a significant stem length (k-163 Kubansky 163, k-400 Sredneaziatsky 400), and a larger number of seeds from one plant (k-574, k-596). The chickpea varieties were clustered by minimum Euclidean distances in the eighteenth iteration step (the Euclidean distance was 16.88). The clusters were grouped into seven ones that differ significantly at the 5 % level in the studied traits. A correlation coefficient matrix was calculated. It allowed the interpretation of 66 relationships, of which 17 were found to be significant at the 5% level. The use of factor analysis helped to identify the significant weights of the variables on the components.
Keywords: chickpea, variety, traits, dendrogram, cluster, correlation, matrix, factor.

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UDC 631.53.048:631.559
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.014

T.V. Rodina1, Senior research fellow; V.I. Zhuzhukin2, Doctor of Agricultural sciences, professor; А.N. Astashov1, Candidate of Agricultural sciences
1Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Russian Scientific and Research, and Design Technological Institute of Sorghum and Maize", Saratov, Russia, tel. 8(8452) 79-49-69; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov@, Saratov, Russia

Green bristle grass is a promising fodder crop for the arid conditions of the Lower Volga region. The results of the study of the effect of seeding rate and width of row spacing on the above-ground biomass yield of the green bristle grass variety Stachumi 3 are presented in the article. The research was conducted on the experimental field of the FSBSI "Russian Research Institute of Sorghum and Maize," which is located in the suburban microzone of Saratov district and is territorially located in the southern part of the black soil zone of the Lower Volga region. The climate of the region is sharply continental, arid. The soil of the experimental field is southern chernozem. The results obtained were confirmed by the analysis of dispersion of a two-factor experiment on the study of six gradations of factor A (seeding rate from 1.25 to 7.50 mln pieces/ha) and three gradations of factor B (row-spacing 70, 30, and 15 cm), according to which significant differences in the effect of seeding rate on the above-ground biomass yield of green bristle grass were found. On average over the four years of the study, the highest crop yield was obtained in the milky ripeness phase when sowing with a row-spacing of 15 cm and with a planting rate of 5.00 mln/ha - 31.77 t/ha, and when the row-spacing was increased from 30 to 70 cm, the biomass yield was 29.53 and 21.53 t/ha, respectively.
Keywords: green bristle grass, biomass yield, biochemical composition, protein, two-factor analysis of variance, seeding rate, row spacing.

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UDC 631.8+635.64
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.013

V.I. Gryazeva, Candidate of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor;
Y.V. Koryagin, Candidate of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor;
N.V. Koryagina, Candidate of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University",
Penza, Russia, tel. 8(412)-628373, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

One of the most promising areas of improving the productivity of tomato and the quality of its yield is the regulation of growth using biologically active substances. Under the conditions of OAO "Penzensky Teplichny Combinat" the effect of biologically active fertilizer of humic nature "Gumostim" on the growth, development and yield of tomato was studied. It was found that the application of "Gumostim" on the tomato seedling crop significantly affected the rate of phenological phases and contributed to a more powerful development of the above-ground part of the tomato plants. The highest percentage of fruit setting was observed in tomato plants where Gumostim was applied to both seeds and plants during the flowering and fruiting phase, and the percentage of fruit setting on the second brush was higher than on the first brush. The earliest yield was obtained when the treatment of both seeds and plants with the fertilizer Gumostim in the phase of fruiting, and was 7.1 t/ha, which was 1.7 t/ha higher than the control. The share of early harvest in the total yield was 19.7 to 20.1 %, compared to 19.1 % in the control. Yields for the variants of the experiment with the fertilizer Gumostim varied from 30.9 to 35.3 t/ha, with 28.3 t/ha. The increase in yields compared to the control was from 2.6 to 7.0 t/ha. The highest productivity per plant and per square metre was in the variant of joint treatment of seeds and plants during the fruiting phase, 4.41 g and 20.99 g respectively, which was 1.0 g more and 4.75 g more than in the control. In the same variant there were the highest indicators on the chemical composition of tomato fruits. The dry matter content was 7.6 %, sugar - 2.6 %, ascorbic acid - 26.8 %.
Keywords: humic fertiliser Gumostim, tomato, interphase periods, tomato vegetative mass, yield, biochemical composition of fruit.

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UDC 631.8
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.021

S.A. Semina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;
E.V. Zheryakov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
Yu.I. Zheryakova, Postgraduate
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412)628-151, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article represents the research on effect of foliar treatment of plants with different types of multifunctional growth regulators on the formation of photosynthetic activity indicators and productivity of a sugar beet. We found that 10 days after the first foliar treatment with micronutrients, the leaf area increased by 4.57-5.80 ths. m2/ha, compared to 3.72 ths. m2/ha on the control. The same trend in the increase of the leaf area and the formation of photosynthetic potential remained throughout the vegetation season. The highest content of chlorophyll was seen after the reapplication of POLYDON Amino Zinc – it counted 67.01 IU; and the lowest – 61,67 IU on the control. A greatest mass of root crops was obtained on the variant with the treatment by POLYDON Boron – 796 g. It is 57 g more than when using POLYDON Amino Zinc, and 66 g – POLYDON Amino Boron- Molybdenum. The foliar treatment with multifunctional growth regulators resulted in yield increases of 3.1-11.0 %. The highest sugar content was observed with the foliar treatment by POLYDON Amino Boron-Molybdenum – 16.47 %. The most productive variant in terms of white sugar yield is the triple treatment with POLYDON Boron – 11.67 t/ha.
Keywords: sugar beet, fertilizers, micronutrients, leaf area, yield.

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UDC 631.8
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.018

А.V. Nushtaeva, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Assistant-Professor;
Y.V. Blinokhvatova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Assistant-Professor.
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Penza State Agrarian University”,
Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-83-67, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the results of studying the effect of the complex preparation Gumi-Omi containing a complex of organic humic substances with mineral macroelements N, P, K and microelements B, Cu on seed germination and biomass quality of radish and lettuce varieties. The research objects were radish varieties Champion, Vsesozonyi and lettuce variety Raznotsvetnoe Kruzhevo, and cress variety Vesennyi. The positive effect of Gumi-Omi preparation was revealed only at low concentrations, % (mass). The germination energy was the same as in the control plant at a concentration of 0.1 % or increased to 100 (control 90) with 0,01-0,7 % (radish Champion), to 90-95 (control 85) with 0.05-0.1 % concentrations (lettuce variety Raznotsvetnoe Kruzhevo). Seed germination reached 100% in the concentration range of 0.01-0.7%. At concentrations above 1.5 %, a decrease in germination was observed. The maximum values of length and weight of roots and shoots corresponded to the concentration range of 0.35-0.7 %; however, the best values of root to sprout ratio were recorded at a concentration of 0.01-0.1 %. When the drug concentration was increased to 1-2 %, a significant reduction in all indicators of seed germination was observed compared with the control. The results indicate the advisability of using the preparation Gumi-Omi rather at later stages of plant development.
Keywords: humic acids, biological farming, macroelements, microelements, vegetable production, agrochemistry

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Private animal husbandry, feeding, technologies of feed preparation and production of livestock products

УДК 636.085.62
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.004

D.G. Poghosyan1, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor;
M.A. Shalov2, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
1Federal State-Funded Educational Institution Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 628-151, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Kabardino-Balkarian State Agrarian University named after V. M. Kokov", Nalchik, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the results of research on the possibility of using unconventional protein feeds, such as canola and camelina meal, in feeding ducklings of the Blagovarsky cross with broiler fattening technology. It was found that the inclusion of 5% of camelina meal in the compound feed instead of sunflower meal does not have a negative effect on the growth rate of young birds, their livability, slaughter yield and feed conversion. It is not considered rational to increase camelina meal, instead of sunflower one, in the content up to 10%, since it is accompanied by a decrease of the European Efficiency Factor by 8.9% due to a decrease in meat productivity and the livability of ducklings by 3.7 and 6.7%.
The inclusion of 5% canola meal instead of sunflower led to an increase in the live weight of ducklings in the first and second half of fattening by 2.8 and 3.4% (P < 0.05) in comparison with the control. The inclusion of 10% canola meal contributed to obtaining a higher live weight of young birds at the age of 21 days and at the end of fattening by 3.8 and 4.5% (P < 0.05), compared with the control. Replacing 5 and 10% of sunflower meal with a similar amount of canola meal in duckling feed resulted in an increase of the European Efficiency Factor by 8.3 and 12.8%, which increased the profitability of meat production by 4.9 and 8.0%.
Keywords: fattening, broiler ducklings, compound feed, camelina meal, canola meal, average daily gain, slaughter yield, European Efficiency Factor.

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UDC 636.085.7: 519.865.7
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.009

S.N. Bikonya1,2, postgraduate student; O.V. Kochetkova1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
G.Yu. Laptev1,2, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor; E.A. Brazhnik1,2, postgraduate student
1Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Volgograd State Agrarian University, Volgograd, Russia, tel.: +7(8442)41-30-94, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2BIOTROF Limited Liability Company, Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Russia, tel.: 8(812)322-85-50, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This article presents an analysis of the business process of developing yeast for silage, taking into account scientific justification, describes the stages of scientific development, responsible operators, required resources, test results of the resulting product, as well as the process of its registration. The process models have been successfully applied in practice and have shown their effectiveness. Research and analysis of the process of a new product development were carried out at the enterprise engaged in the development and production of animal feed additives BIOTROF LLC, St. Petersburg. Scientific and production experience in laying silage from perennial grasses (cereal-bean mixture) with the developed yeast was carried out on the basis of the Agricultural Production Cooperative Kobralovsky, Leningrad region. Graphical models of the process in eEPC notation were created using the ARIS tools, namely the ARIS Express. As a result of the analysis of business process models, the efficiency indicators of the designed process were calculated. For this process, all the resources of the company's scientific and technical base were involved - a molecular genetic laboratory and a production laboratory. The discussed business process model allows you to get a finished product in the shortest possible time, from the moment you realize the need to develop the required product till you obtain all the permits for its sale. Consideration of possible risks allows you to predict the course of events during the design. This model has been successfully applied in the development of a new product - yeast for silage, Biotrof®2+. Conducting scientific and production experiments confirmed the effectiveness of the new preparation. The use of Biotrof®2+ contributed to a faster acidification of the silage mass, prevented the destruction of protein (in the initial mass, the protein content was 14.5%, in the experiment – 13.4%, in the control – 12.5%). When feeding the prepared silage with a new yeast, the dairy productivity of cows increased (milk fat content increased by 2.5%, milk yield – by 8.6%). The dose of application of the preparation was determined – 1 liter per 30 tons of green mass.
Keywords: modeling, business process, design, new product development, yeast for silage, feed nutrition.

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UDC 637.182
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.019

D.G. Pogosyan, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department; D.S. Chirkova, magister; G.А. Abuzyarova, Lecturer of the Department
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412)628-151, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article provides an overview of the current market for modern dog and cat milk replacers. Data on the composition of natural milk of dogs, cats and milk replacers according to literature data are given. The results of laboratory research on estimation of quality of substitutes of Royal Canin designed for artificial feeding of newborn kittens "Babycat milk" and puppies "Babydog milk" are presented. In the tests carried out, the composition of the milk replacers and regenerated milk for kittens and puppies did not differ significantly. At the same time, the actual fat, mineral and dry matter content of the reconstituted milk corresponded with the composition of natural dog and cat milk. However, the lactose content was 1.5-2 times higher, and the protein content, on the contrary, was 20-45 % lower than the values typical for natural milk. Based on the conducted research a new recipe for a universal dry milk mixture for artificial feeding of puppies and kittens is proposed, which includes in different combinations: whey protein concentrate, casein, dried cream, palm dried fat, vitamin and mineral premixes. The proposed formulation will eliminate the disadvantages of existing imported counterparts through a more adapted composition to natural milk, but this requires additional research on animals.
Keywords: agalactia, reconstituted milk, milk replacer, protein content, milk fat, lactose, acidity.

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UDC 636.2.082.25:636.2.034:626.234.1
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.020

V.V. Lyashenko, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;
I.V. Kaeshova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
A.V. Gubina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
N.Yu. Chupsheva, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Lecturer
Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University",
Penza, Russia, tel (8412) 628-151, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The productive and breeding abilities of animals are largely determined by their origins. Sires, especially those belonging to the leading lines of the Holstein breed, have a great impact on the cow production in dairy cattle breeding. According to the purpose of work, the article present data of a comparative assesment of the Holsteins breed's cow productivity of milk of different sires' daughters of Wis Burke Ideal 1013415 line. The research was conducted under the conditions of intensive technology of a modern dairy complex with a cow population of more than 13 ths. animals, total production of 175 ths. tons and milk yield per cow of 11900 kg of milk. The results of the research prove the valuable breeding abilities of the sires, which are confirmed by the high milk productivity of their daughters. In two completed lactations the milk yield of the daughters (n = 510) of four sires averaged from 8964.1 kg to 10171.5 kg of milk. The mass fraction of fat in milk ranged from 3.59 to 3.84 % and the mass fraction of protein – from 3.12 to 3.18 %. When comparing daughters of different bulls in terms of milk production, there is a reliable difference in individual key indicators for a full lactation and 305 days of lactation. Concerning the lactation period, there are differences in the sires' daughters productivity: all daughters of the Wis Burke Ideal 1013415 bulls are characterized by high productivity qualities. The dairy output level indicates purposeful breeding and selection work with the herd.
Keywords: technology, holstein breed, line, sires, milk productivity, cows, lactation.

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UDC 632.937.31 + 633.9 + 635.9+71
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.015

V.А. Gushchina, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor;
N.I. Ostroborodova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, assistant-professor;
А.А. Volodkin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, assistant-professor;
А.S. Lykova, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, assistant-professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Penza State Agrarian University», Russia, Penza, tel. (8412) 628-367, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Nowadays, ornamental grasses are an obligatory component of urban green landscapes. Introduced species such as Miscanthus gi-ganteus, a sterile triploid hybrid from the grass family, play a major role. However, under natural conditions, Miscanthus giganteus requires an average annual air temperature of +5°C to +10°C and rainfall of at least 700 mm. Penza region belongs to the zone of unstable moisture. Therefore, there was a need to determine the adaptability of Miscanthus giganteus and justify its use in landscape architecture. The planting was carried out in May 2013 by seedling method and in the open ground by rootstocks in the scheme 100 × 50 cm at the collection site of Penza State Agrarian University on light gray soil. The plants grown from seedlings proved to be stress-tolerant and in mid-July were 95 cm in height and 90 cm - grown in the open ground with a main stem thickness of 13 mm. During the winter months of 2014, both low negative temperatures and positive temperatures with insufficient snow cover were observed. However, Miscanthus overwintered well and there was no soaking or drying out of the plants in spring. The second-third, sixth-seventh years of miscanthus life were characterized by unstable moisture with HTC - 0.60-0.87, sufficient and excessive (1.27...1.60) in 2016, 2017, 2020 and 2021. Spring regrowth in the first years was observed until mid-May, in the last three years at the end of the month. Stem density varied from 74 to 196 pcs/m2, plant height was 2.20...3.85 m with stem diameter of 10...15 mm. While the stems are of different quality, they are highly decorative because of their dark cherry-colored and weeping leaves with white central veins. Therefore it can be widely used in landscape phytodesign of gardens and parks, for decorating the banks of reservoirs and in landscape flower beds.
Keywords: Miscanthus giganteus, introduction, landscaping, ornamental grasses, stress tolerance, aesthetics.

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Technologies, machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex

УДК 631.33.022.6
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.003

N. P. Laryushin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; 
D.Yu. Parfenov, PhD student;
A. V. Shukov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor; 
R. R. Devlikamov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor.
FSBEI HE Penza SAU, Penza, Russia tel. (8412) 628 517, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article describes the design and operation of an experimental grain seeder equipped with roller seeding units with truncated rubber cones on the valves. Moreover, graphical and experimental dependences of the uneven distribution of seeds along the length of the furrow during the sowing of winter wheat Clavdia 2 on the speed of rotation of the roller, the diameter of the upper part of the spike and the angle of inclination of the spikes of the experimental seeding unit with truncated rubber cones on the valve are presented. The work on studying the influence of the seeding unit designs was carried out by comparing the basic seeder SZ-5,4 with an experimental seeder equipped with new roller seeding units with truncated rubber cones on the valves. The results of the research showed that an experimental seeder with roller seeding units with truncated rubber cones on the valves steadily performs the process of sowing seeds of winter wheat Clavdia 2 in compliance with all necessary agrotechnical requirements. With the improvement of sowing quality indicators, there is a decrease in the instability of the overall seeding rate, the uneven distribution of seeds along the length of the furrow, damage to the seed material, which, in turn, leads to an increase in the yield of the cultivated crop.
Keywords: seeding unit, rotational speed, diameter, spikes, angle of inclination, winter wheat seeds, Clavdia 2.

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UDC 631.362.3
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.005

A.V. Machnev1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
V.A. Machnev2, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; O.Yu. Machneva2, postgraduate student;
A.V. Bykov1, senior lecturer; V.D. Shilina1, senior lecturer; D.O. Chernyaev1, senior lecturer
1Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Moscow State University of Food Production, Moscow, Russia, tel. (937) 43-43-711, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia

The analysis of resource-saving technologies of cultivation and refinement of agricultural crops confirmed that the use of PSS pneumatic sorting tables allows to somewhat reduce the costs of cleaning and sorting. However, the imperfection of their designs and uneven grain supply reduces the effectiveness of their use. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to improve the quality of post-harvest processing of grain crops, the development of a rotary feeder. To achieve this goal, research methods and techniques have been developed. A pneumatic sorting table equipped with a three-blade rotary feeder with an outer diameter of 80 mm with straight blades located at an angle of 120 degrees has been developed. The process of grain flow motion in the hopper was studied and dependencies were established to determine grain motion in the hopper, the time of grain motion in the area under consideration and the speed of grain motion at the exit from the hopper, which was 1.167 m/s. The equations of motion of the blades for the outer and inner diameter of the rotary feeder are established, according to which the actual coordinates of their motion and displacement of the shaft axis of the rotary feeder from its original position are calculated. Calculations have determined that with an outer diameter of 0.08 m of the rotary feeder, grain velocity of 1.02 m/s, an angular velocity of 2.9 s-1, the displacement of the shaft axis of the rotary feeder from its original position at a 360 degree rotation angle will be 160 mm. This will reduce the unevenness of grain supply, and grain shattering, increase laboratory and field germination, improve the content of the output groups of full-fledged grain and, consequently, improve the quality of post-harvest processing of grain crops by a developed pneumatic sorting table equipped with a three-blade rotary feeder.
Keywords: rotary feeder, equations of blade motion for external and internal diameters, grain, cleaning, sorting, grain motion speed, pneumatic sorting table.

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UDC 631.348.4
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.012

O.Yu. Machneva1, postgraduate; K.Z. Kukhmazov1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
A.V. Machnev2, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
V.A. Machnev1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
I.A. Uspensky3, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
B.N. Fedorenko2, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
A.V. Yashin1, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia,
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Moscow State University of Food Production", Moscow, Russia,
3Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ryazan State Agrotechnological University Named after P.A. Kostychev", Ryazan, Russia, tel. (937) 43-43-711, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

One way of preserving grain from harvest to emergence is to prepare the seed for sowing. It is known as seed dressing. Single-disc chamber seed dressers are the most widely used, but at maximum flow rates the quality of the treatment is significantly reduced. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to develop a treatment chamber distributor to improve the quality of seed dressing in cereal crops. To solve this problem, it was necessary to develop a double-disc distributing device which is capable to improve the quality of treatment, to carry out a theoretical justification of its application, as well as to give a preliminary evaluation of the device use under laboratory conditions. For this reason, a double-disc distributing device has been developed. It is capable of redistributing the seed flow between the lower solid disc and the upper annular disc when changing the flow rate. Classical mechanics and mathematics were the basis of theoretical research. As a result, we have determined the forces exerting on the seed, the differential equations of motion of a constrained material particle and the motion of the seed on rotating discs in analytical form of a two-disc distributing device consisting of upper annular and lower solid discs with polymer spreaders, and the critical speed of the drive shaft 13,5 s-1, which determines the moment of the seed sliding on discs. The actual angular velocity (56.5 s-1) was found to be 4.2 times greater than the critical velocity of 13.5 s-1, which is sufficient to produce a uniform flow of seeds with discs directed towards the deflectors. The evaluation of the application of the developed device under laboratory conditions provides a maximum seed supply of 5.84 kg/s, a non-uniformity of 3.1 %, and a seed crushing of 0.04% by the dresser. This has a positive effect on the seed dressing quality.
Keywords: seed treatment, seed preparation machine, seed, two-disc distributing device, differential equations, upper annular disk, angular velocity, lower solid disc.

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UDC 631.358
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.006

K.Z. Kukhmazov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor; I.E. Karasev, Candidate of Technical Sciences;
B.M. Meloyan, Postgraduate;
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
«Penza State Agrarian University»,
Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article concerns the problem of reducing losses during harvesting of tangled and dowm leguminous crops, particularly peas. This scientific research describes the proposed active side divider of the combine header made in the form of a disc cutter, which is mounted on the hydraulic motor shaft, and a counter-cutting plate fixed to the angled surface of the header sidewall. A methodology for determining the losses of the combine harvester header with the proposed active side divider has been developed. Also we have presented the results of laboratory and field studies to justify the design and operating parameters of the active side divider, conducted in accordance with GOST 28301-2015 "Grain harvesters. Test methods" on pea harvesting. After processing the experimental data, we obtained function equations and drew graphs of pea loss value dependencies on design and operating parameters of the active side divider. The findings have shown that the header with the proposed active side divider steadily performs the technological process at a disc cutter rotation frequency of  120 min- 1, a number of disc cutter teeth  – 8 pcs., and an operational speed of the combine  – 7 km/h. In this case, pea losses do not exceed the agronomic permissible losses.
Keywords: harvesting of tangled and dowm leguminous crops, combine harvester, combine header, active side divider, pea losses.

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UDC 631.333
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.016

V.А. Milyutkin1, Doctor of Techical Sciences, Professor; О.N. Kukharev2, Doctor of Techical Sciences, Professor
1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
"Samara State Agrarian University", Kinel, Samara region, Russia, tel. (927) 264-41-88, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
"Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (927) 363-68-45,

Due to the increasing demand for liquid fertilizers caused by their better characteristics, especially for arid conditions and in connection with the predicted global warming, agrarian universities of Russia conduct scientific and production researches on the development of innovative technologies with various technical means for effective application of UAN liquid fertilizers when they are filled with natural deficit meso (sulfur-S) and microelements (copper, zinc, boron and others) on major crops (experiments were conducted on winter wheat crops). UAN fertilizer, among other things, has a positive effect for plants due to the prolonging effect of nitrogen in three components - nitrate (8%), ammonium (8%) and amide (16%). Amide nitrogen itself is absorbed by plants through the leaves, which makes it possible to increase the fertilizer efficiency through a complex nutrition of leaves and roots. The design of technical means for UAN application has a decisive influence on their use in different crops and development phases. In connection with these circumstances, the classification of existing technologies and technical means has been carried out with the research of the products of the Samara enterprise "Pegas-Agro" (LLC), which are quite demanded in the agro-industrial complex of Russia. The machinery considered and presented in the article is distinguished by a promising possibility of completing on a single, integrated transport and energy platform with various purpose machines-adapters for agrochemical treatment of crops during the whole cycle of their development. Out of the wide range of special and serial complete agricultural machines (sprayers) for application of liquid fertilizers the research showed the advantageous effect of innovative Russian units - a multi-injector "Tuman-2M" on the yield of winter wheat varieties "Basis" selected
by Samara Research Institute, compared with a spraying boom sprayer "Tuman-2" by almost 20% at application rate of UAN+S - 200 l/ha with improvement of grain quality, which increased the efficiency of agricultural production. At the same time the results of experiments confirmed a significant, more effective effect of liquid fertilizer UAN + S (N - 24 %, S - 2 %) on the yield of winter wheat from 20 to 60 % compared to the crops without fertilizers.
Keywords: farming, grain, production, technology, fertiliser, UAN, liquid, application, surface, injectable, multi-injector

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UDC 651.054.21
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.62.2.017

I.M. Zyabirov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant-Professor;
A.I. Zyabirov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant-Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University",
Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 628-569, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The paper presents the results of measurements of vibration parameters of the threshing drum mechanism of a combine harvester ACROS under operating conditions. The results of a multifactorial experiment allowed to determine the significance of the influence of radial clearance in the shaft bearing, the size of the drum imbalance, the tension of the variator drive unit and the rotational speed of the mechanism on vibrations with determining the optimal point of installation of a vibration sensor D-14 on the body of the bearing support to register measurement of amplitude-frequency characteristics through the developed prototype of the control and diagnostic device.
Keywords: vibration, threshing drum, diagnosis, parameter, planning, variance, probability, methodology

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УДК 633.853.494: 632.954: 577.112
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.005

T.F. Devyatkina, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; S.A. Devyatkin, postgraduate;
D.V. Bochkarev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor;
A.N. Nikolsky, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
E.V. Tyukina, PhD in Agricultural Sciences; E.O. Obmolova, student
N.P. Ogarev Mordovia State University, Agrarian Institute, Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia,
tel. 89022315599; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The results of the current research deal with the effect of the complex application of antidicotyledonous and anticereal herbicides on the chemical and qualitative composition of spring rapeseed oil seeds under conditions in the south areas of the Nonchernozem zone. It was found that the applied combinations of herbicides by reducing competition from weeds increased the nitrogen content in oilseeds and did not have a statistically confirmed effect on the accumulation of phosphorus and potassium. The absolute removal of nitrogen against the background of herbicides increased 1.5 times, phosphorus - 1.3, potassium - 1.4 times. According to the level of the main macronutrients removal by rapeseed, they could be represented as following N > K2O > P2O5. The decrease in weediness led to an increase in the protein content in rapeseed oil seeds by 9%. The reverse pattern was observed for the accumulation of fat. In the control, its concentration was higher by 5%. When using herbicides, the collection of crude protein and fat per unit area depended on the crop yield and in all years of research was the largest on Etamaster + Miura (47% and 67%) and Etamaster + Zelor (40% and 61%).
Keywords: spring rapeseed, herbicide, chemical composition, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, crude protein, crude fat.

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УДК 631.453:631.524.84:631.879.2:549.67
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.007

K.N. Stelmakh, postgraduate; A.N. Arefyev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
E.N. Kuzin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor,
E.E. Kuzina, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University,
Penza, Russia, tel. 8(412) 62-85-65, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The results of the current research determined that the most significant impact on the optimization of the physicochemical properties of the meadow-chernozem soil was exerted by the aftereffect of urban sewage sludge in combination with zeolite-containing agricultural ore. The cation-exchange capacity against their background exceeded the initial values by 4.76-5.59 meq/100g of soil, total exchangeable bases by 6.37-7.51 meq/100g of soil, the pHCl value by 1.10-1.38 units The total productivity of crops against the background of a unilateral aftereffect of urban sewage sludge was higher than the control by 1.48-3.59 t/ha, and against the background of their complex aftereffect with zeolite-containing agricultural ore by 2.89-5.85 t/ha.
Keywords: meadow-chernozem soil, urban sewage sludge, zeolite-containing agricultural ore, cation-exchange capacity, total exchangeable bases, acidity, productivity.

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УДК 631.87
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.009

N.P. Chekaev, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
Yu.V. Blinokhvatova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor;
A.V. Nushtaeva, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Associate Professor; V.O. Nogaev, postgraduate student.
Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University,
Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-83-67, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents data on the positive effect of microbiological fertilizers that contain nitrogen-fixing, phosphorus- and potassium-mobilizing bacteria, and have biofungicidal properties on the sowing qualities of spring wheat, peas, lentils and sunflower seeds. Microbiological preparations increased the germination energy of untreated spring wheat seeds to 96-100% (control – 92%); laboratory germination at the same time was at the level of germination energy or slightly higher. The germination characteristics of seeds treated with Tiara (thiamethoxam) and Stinger (tebuconazole) were lower - germination energy was 86-97% (control 84%); germination ability was 91-99% (control 96%). Indicators of the length, mass and volume of seedlings and roots in the course of the treatment with biological preparations were higher than the control variant. The best results were obtained when treating non-pretreated wheat seeds with biological preparations Azotovit + Phosphatovit, RizoBash, BioAzFC and Phytosporin-M. The germination energy and germination ability of peas during treatment with biological preparations increased, respectively, by 4-10% and 6-12%, by 2-10% and 3-8% (in the case of treated seeds). Sunflower seeds treated with Maxim andKruiser, were characterized by lower values of germination energy, which indicates a decrease in the activity of growth processes of the treated seeds, although no sharp changes in germination values were observed: 89-93% depending on the biological preparation (the highest when treated with Phytosporin-M). In general, the positive effect of the studied microbiological preparations on the growth activity of seeds, including those treated with protectants, was revealed, which indicates the compatibility of the preparations. However, the germination energy of the treated seeds was noticeably less, therefore, the protectants somewhat delay the germination process.
Key words: microbiological fertilizers, chemical protectants, germination energy, seed germination ability.

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УДК 577.12
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.011

Sh.Kh. Mamatkulova1, junior researcher; G.F. Mamatkulova1, research intern;
V.S. Kamburova1, Candidate of Biological Sciences, head of laboratory;
M.М. Darmanov1, Candidate of Biological Sciences, head of laboratory; E.А. Latypova2, assistant-professor
1Center of Genomics and Bioinformatics, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel. +998 99 846-41-02, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8 (9680) 32-19-80, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Cotton is one of the most important natural fiber crops. 20% of cultivated land worldwide and 33% of irrigated farmland is subject to salinity, and this area is increasing by 10% annually. It is known that salt stress has a negative effect on all main physiological and phenotypic parameters of cotton, including the main trait - fiber quality. To reduce negative effects of salt stress on cotton, two complementary approaches are used: creation of salt-tolerant varieties and improvement of agrotechnological methods using different biostimulants. In this connection the effect of biostimulants on fiber quality parameters and expression of gens responsible for development of this trait was studied. Our studies have shown that the use of microbial fertilizers has a positive effect on fiber quality parameters. In this case the preparation Rizokom-1 had the greatest positive effect. This preparation increased one of the most important fiber quality parameters - fiber length. Besides, Rizokom-1 maximally increases fiber strength of cotton without reduction of its homogeneity index. The morphological data were confirmed by the results of expression of corresponding genes. Thus, Rizokom-1 and Micro-1 preparations significantly affected the expression level of genes responsible for synthesis of sugars (SPS and SuSy) and unsaturated fatty acids (FAD2), as well as for synthesis of cell wall polysaccharides (CESA2). The mechanism of action of the preparation Hosyl on fiber quality is mainly due to its effect on the expression level of genes regulating hormone biosynthesis involved in cotton fiber development.
Keywords: cotton, salt stress, microbial fertilizers, fiber quality, gene expressions.

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УДК 631.89:631.412:631.524.84
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.012

K.Y. Kovalsky, post-graduate student,
А.N. Arefiev, Doctor of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor,
Е.N. Kuzin, Doctor of Agricultural sciences, professor,
Е.Е. Kuzina, Candidate of Agricultural sciences, assistant-professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 8(412) 62-85-65, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The aim of the research was to study the effect of diatomite norms from 4 to 10 t/ha and their combinations with poultry manure on the physical and chemical properties of gray forest soils and crop productivity. To fulfill the goal, field experiments were conducted in the Vadinsk-Mokshan agro-soil district of Penza region in the period from 2019 to 2021. The studies determined that the most significant effect on increasing the capacity of cation exchange, the amount of exchangeable bases, decrease in the concentration of hydrogen ions in the soil absorbing complex had the effect and aftereffect of diatomite in the complex with poultry manure. It was found that the highest effect on the productivity of corn, spring wheat and annual grasses was the use of diatomite in combination with poultry manure. At the same time, the efficiency of corn productivity increased by 47.8-59.6%; the productivity of spring wheat increased by 26.8-35.4%; the productivity of vetch-oats increased by 22.8-36.6%. The total productivity of crops in the grain and fallow crops rotation ranged from 13.03 to 14.11 t/ha g.u. exceeding the control by 34.75-45.92 %.
Keywords: diatomite, poultry manure, gray forest soil, cation exchange capacity, amount of exchangeable bases, acidity, productivity, corn, spring wheat, annual grasses.

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УДК 635.652.07:632.954(571.13)
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.015

T.V. Marakaeva, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
T.V. Gorbachev, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
E.V. FAlaleeva, PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
Omsk State Agrarian University named after P.A. Stolypin, Omsk, Russia, phone: (3812) 65-01-57, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The current paper deals with data from field experiments for 2018-2020 on an ordinary, low-humus, medium loamy chernozem in the conditions of the southern forest-steppe of the Omsk region. Sowing was carried out in the second decade of May in an ordinary way, variety Vekhovskaya. The seeding rate is 1.2 million germinating grains per hectare. The repetition in the experiment is fourfold; the placement of plots is systematic. Herbicide treatment was carried out in the phase of full shoots of the culture and the weed component. The flow rate of the working fluid is 200 l/ha. Records and observations were carried out according to accepted methods. The purpose of the research is to study the effectiveness of the use of herbicides against a complex of weeds on lentil crops. The density of standing of cultivated plants by options in 2018 and 2019 was from 104 to 119pcs/m2, and in 2020 from 82 to 107pcs/m2. The use of herbicides to protect lentil crops from weeds contributed to an increase in the safety of plants in all years of research. The effectiveness of the use of herbicides is confirmed by the fact that, on average, over three years of research, when treating crops with Tapir and Global, a weak degree of weed damage was noted in the agrophytocenosis of lentils (the proportion of weeds was from 1.0 to 8.2%). The effectiveness of herbicides was high, on average over three years of research, the reduction in the proportion of weeds when treated with Tapir and Global by 73.2% and 90.9%, respectively. On average, over three years, a significant increase in the yield of lentil grain in the variant with Tapir, compared with the control, was 0.57 t/ha (НСР05= 0.27 t/ha). When the crops were protected with the herbicide Global, in comparison with the control, the increase in grain yield was also significant and amounted to 1.16 t/ha. When crops were treated with the Tapir herbicide, the protein content in the grain increased significantly by 2.9%, and by Globalom by 3.8%. The level of profitability in the variants with weed protection was 76.2 and 119.9%, while in the variant without herbicide treatment it was 29.2%.
Keywords: lentil, variety Vekhovskaya, weed damage, herbicide, Tapir WSC (water soluble concentrate), Global WS (water solution), productivity, biochemical composition, economic efficiency.

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УДК: 632.95:632.488.43:633.11.13.16
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.016

I.N. Medvedeva, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, assistant-professor;
S.V. Chirkov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, assistant-professor;
Z.А. Upilkova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, assistant-professor,
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
«Perm State Agro-Technological University named after Academician D.N. Pryanishnikov», Perm, Russia, tel. 89097316715, е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

On the basis of the three-year (2017-2019) research conducted at Perm Agro-Technological University named after academician D.N. Pryanishnikov by scientists from two departments - general chemistry and general agriculture, and plant protection, the results of studying the methods of protection of spring cereals (wheat and barley) against the most harmful diseases of fungal etiology in the the western piedmont of the Ural Mountains are presented. The aim of the work was to develop methods of protection against common root rot and helminthosporiosis of spring cereals of wheat and barley using growth regulators permitted in the Russian Federation and new drugs of the chalcone group as an alternative to the use of more toxic fungicides of systemic action and, consequently, reducing the environmental burden in agrophytocenosis. The results showed that the tested chalcones MBAF, R and BBAF, R were not inferior in effectiveness to the approved ones (Zircon, R and Epin-Extra, R) and even surpassed them in some indicators: increase in disease resistance (spreading and development). Field germination of both wheat and barley was higher when treated with chalcones - 78.2 % and 77.3 %, respectively. The development of common root rot in spring wheat below the economic injury level was ensured after treatment with Zircon, R, chalcone MBAF, R and BBAF, R by 9.9%, 9.6% and 9.4% respectively during the tillering period. On spring barley, the variant using the chalcone MBAF, R was the most effective: the development of stripe disease during the flowering period was minimal - 1.33 %. During the doughiness period, all preparations significantly reduced the development of stripe disease on spring barley, on wheat - only chalcones, used in the pre-sowing treatment. Biological effectiveness of dressing was higher in all the crops in comparison with the spraying method. On both cereal crops the highest biological effectiveness was achieved by the BBAF, R chalcone (76.4 % and 76.0 %) used by the method of dressing. Both chalcones applied by the method of dressing, provided a significant increase in the yield of spring cereal crops in all years of the study.
Keywords: barley, root rot, fungicides, growth regulators, yield, pesticides, disease prevalence and development.

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УДК 633.2+ 631.81.095.337
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.018

A.A. Galiullin, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; E.A. Kalinichev, postgraduate student
Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 62–81–51; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For the successful application of festulolium in a new region, in particular in the forest-steppe of the Penza region, one of the main tasks is to create a sustainable seed production system based on energy and resource saving. Therefore, the aim of the current research was to examine the aftereffect of pre-sowing treatment of festulolium seeds with complex microelement fertilizers and biological preparations on seed productivity. The research was carried out in 2019-2021 at the experimental site of Penza State Agrarian University (Penza, Ryussia). The aftereffect of the use of micro- and biofertilizers (Azosol-36, Extra, Megamix-Profi, Siliplant, Zircon, Agrika, Agrika + microelements, Agat-25 Super) was observed during the treatment of seeds with festulolium varieties VIK-90 and Izumrudny on indicators of photosynthetic activity of agrocenosis and the formation seed production in the second growth year. As a result of the research, it was found that the examined growth regulators had a positive effect on the formation of leaf area, photosynthetic potential and net productivity of photosynthesis. When used for seed treatment the Izumrudny variety of bacterial preparation Agrika + microelements the maximum quantity of generative sprouts was noted - 712 pcs/m2, the greatest length of inflorescences - 23.5 cm, the number of spikelets in the inflorescence - 41.0 pcs., the number of seeds in the inflorescence - 79.0 pcs and weight of 1000 seeds - 3.27 g. Seed productivity was 845 kg/ha, which is 24.9% higher than the control.
Keywords: festulolium, microelement fertilizers, photosynthesis, seed yield.

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УДК 633.63+631.82
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.019

V.V. Koshelyaev, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; R.R. Denmukhamedov, post-graduate student;
I.P. Koshelyaeva, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor
Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 62-83-73, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Senication is carried out not only in conditions of favorable plant development, but also in a number of cases, such as unfavorable weather conditions during the ripening period, the need to organize an earlier start of harvesting, stimulation of grain maturation on lateral shoots to obtain seeds with less matrix variability. The aim of the researches was to study influence of senication on certified seeds yield and to substantiate optimal concentration of working solution providing high yield of seeds at various levels of mineral nutrition. We used 10, 20 and 30 % working solutions of ammonium nitrate + 1 % working solution of 2,4-D ester as a senicant. Winter wheat crops were treated against three mineral nutrition backgrounds. The results show that the high yield of seeds, optimum ratio of net income to expenditures and, consequently, higher level of profitability of winter wheat seed production is observed when the plants are treated with 20% working solution of ammonium nitrate + 1% working solution of 2,4-D ester against the background of applying N16P16K16 during sowing + N68 in spring dressing.
Keywords: winter wheat, senication, seed yield, fractional composition..

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УДК663.15 + 57.083.13 582.84
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.013

G.V. Ilyina, Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor;
S.A. Sashenkova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, associate professor;
D.Yu. Ilyin, Candidate of Biological Sciences, associate professor; A.R. Dashkina, student
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution oh Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents information concerning the established interrelations between a number of ecological and physiological parameters of cultures of soil mycelial fungi and their productive capacity. These interrelations can be used as a basis for individual selection of strains with high lignocellulasic potential. The technological point of expanding the range of cultures with rich enzymatic potential is to create a reserve of strains to be included in complexes of cellulose-degrading microorganisms. This can be used for the destruction of cellulose-containing wastes, as well as for composting processes of crop residues. The paper contains information about original approaches to individual selection and selection of cultures of mycelial fungi obtained on the basis of natural strains collected from gray forest soil extract. The selection criteria were resistance to elevated temperature and enzymatic activity. Cultures were allocated to the Sabouraud medium, and individual colonies were divided. After the sporulation, the generic assignment and then the species of the cultures were determined. Later, monosporous sifting was carried out, and the monosporous cultures were risen, the parameters of which were evaluated. Screening was performed using modified Getchinson’s medium. Cellulase activity was determined at the level of qualitative assessment (using the Congo red indicator). The pigmentation degree of colonies during sporulation was estimated visually. We established positive correlations between the pigmentation intensity of the colony, its thermal stability and enzymatic activity. Having selected three species of promising strains, we studied their enzymatic activity. We assessed the stability of physiological and morphological characteristics and enzymatic activity of cultures to spontaneous dissociation in a series of ten passages. As a result of the research, we developed methods of express selection of promising strains and obtained four promising cultures for inclusion in a complex of decomposers for composting cellulose-containing wastes and crop residues.
Keywords: selection of microorganisms, individual selection, ecology of mycelial fungi, bioconversion of wastes, enzymes, cellulose.

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УДК 633.11 + 631.81
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.020

V.G. Vasin, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor; N.G. Mikhalkin, post-graduate student;
N.V. Vasina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Assistant-professor; V.E. Kim, post-graduate student;
E.S. Fadeeva, post-graduate student
Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education «Samara State Agrarian University», Ust-Kinelsky, Kinel, Samara region, Russia, tel.: 8(927)783-83-48 е-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the results of evaluation of yield structure, productivity and grain quality of spring wheat when using new liquid mineral fertilizers in the form of microfertilizer mixtures Megamix and organo-mineral preparation Aminokat 30%, in the forest-steppe conditions of the Middle Volga region in 2019-2021. It was found that the application of fertilizers and preparations during the growing season significantly affect the value of wheat yields. In all the variants, an increase in yield was observed with the application of stimulating preparations. During the three years of research, the average wheat yield was between 2.08 and 3.58 t/ha. The best values were obtained in variants treated with Aminokat 30% and Megamix Profi. The highest indicators were noted on the background of N45P45K45 fertilizers.
Keywords: mineral fertilizers, spring wheat, Megamix Profi, Megamix Nitrogen, yield, yield structure, grain quality, microelements.

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Private animal husbandry, feeding, technologies of feed preparation and production of livestock products

УДК 636.2.082.25:636.237.21
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.004

T.V. Shishkina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
E.V. Zdorovyeva, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of higher education Penza State Agrarian University,
Penza, Russia, tel. 8(8412) 628380, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The purpose of the work is to evaluate cows by milk productivity and the nature of lactation performance, taking into account their blood level by the Holstein breed. To achieve this goal, the task was set to determine the milk productivity and the characteristic features of lactation of experimental cows. The research was carried out in the conditions of the Educational and experimental farm Ramzai of FSBEI HO Penza SAU. The object of research was the first-calf heifers of a Russian Black Pied. The groups were formed taking into account the blood level by the Holstein breed. The first group included cows with a blood level below 50% (37% on average in the group), the second with 50% blood level, the third over 50% (63% on average in the group). As a result of the research, it was found that a 62% increase in blood level by the Holstein breed in cows on the farm had a positive effect on the milk productivity of cows. The best quantitative indicators of milk production were demonstrated by first-calf heifers that have over 50% of blood level by the Holstein breed. Their superiority over low-blood animals was 1216 kg, and over half-blood 350 kg. There was also a significant difference of 866 kg between low-blood and half-blood animals in favor of the latter. The nature of the lactation performance of cows improves with the increase of blood level by the Holstein breed. Cows with a blood share of more than 50% had the lowest drop of 7.8% per month, and their low-blood peers had the highest (11.9%). Half–blood animals showed an intermediate result of 8.2%. The complete lactation indicator (CLI) in high-blood cows was 76% and was higher than in low-blood peers by 6.9%. Half-blood animals also differed positively from low-blood ones by 5.9% in terms of CLI value.
Keywords: breed, blood, milk productivity, lactation.

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УДК 636.087.73
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.008

M.F. Grigoriev1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
N.M. Chernogradskaya1, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor;
A.I. Grigorieva2, senior lecturer; A.V. Popova1, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor; M.M. Doktorov2, student
1FSBEI HE Arctic State Agrotechnological University, Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia;
2FSAEI HE Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University,
Yakutsk, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the main results of assessing the conversion of nutrients and energy of feed into the edible part. Earlier, studies were conducted to study the influence of different norms of feed additives from local natural raw materials on the growth and development indicators, meat productivity of sheep in the conditions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). It was revealed that the inclusion of the studied additives in the diets of sheep during the fattening period allowed to increase the live weight by 3.67 and 0.88%, and the slaughter yield by 2.31 and 1.88%. The change in the feeding conditions of sheep during the fattening period eventually had a positive effect on the conversion of nutrients and feed energy into the edible part. During the analysis, an increase in protein yield per removable live weight was by 7.01 and 5.92%, and the energy output per removable live weight increased by 9.23 and 8.0%. At the same time, the conversion of feed protein into food protein increased by 4.16 and 3.67%, and the feed metabolizable energy into the energy of slaughter products increased by 0.57 and 0.26%, respectively. There was also a decrease in protein consumption per kg of live weight gain by 16.87 and 4.22%. Thus, the inclusion of non-traditional feed additives from local natural resources in the diets of sheep during the fattening period contributed to the improvement of meat productivity, better conversion of protein into edible part.
Keywords: meat productivity, efficiency, fattening, conversion, protein, fat.

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УДК: 636.3.033
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.017

R.R. Ganeev1, acting director of OOO "Konny Zavod Sovetsky";
S.М. Marchenko1, veterinarian of ООО "Konny Zavod Sovetsky"; М.Y. Zverko2, post-graduate student
1ООO "Konny Zavod Sovetsky", stanitsa Sovetskaya, Kirovsky urban district, Stavropol Krai, Russia;
2FSBEI HE Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy,
Moscow, Russia, tel.: 89289113847, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the indices of slaughter and meat qualities of lambs of the Romanov breed, depending on the age of slaughter. The research was carried out at OOO "Konny Zavod Sovetskiy", Stavropol Krai, Kirovsky urban district, stanitsa Sovetskaya, on lambs of the Romanov breed. Thirty lambs were fattened to eight and nine months of age and five lambs from each group were subsequently slaughtered. The difference in live weight of the lambs influenced the slaughter qualities of the lambs at eight and nine months of age. Meat qualities of the Romanov breed lambs in these age groups were also investigated in terms of carcass morphological composition, slaughter qualities and meatiness coefficient. These differences in the indicators made it possible to determine at what age it is more appropriate to slaughter lambs, obtaining better meat. It was established that if higher-quality mutton is to be obtained, the slaughtering should take place at eight months of age because the edible part, in the flesh-to-bone ratio, of eight-month-old lambs is higher than that of nine-month-old lambs. It is therefore more appropriate to fatten Romanov lambs until they are eight months old.
Keywords: lambs, Romanov sheep breed, meat productivity, slaughter quality of lambs, slaughter weight, morphological composition of carcasses, meatiness coefficient, carcass weight.

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Technologies, machinery and equipment for the agro-industrial complex

УДК 631.362.3
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.002

A.V. Machnev1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
V.A. Machnev2, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
K.Z. Kukhmazov2, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
I.A. Uspensky3, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor,
P.N. Khorev2, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor, V.A. Merzlyakov1, Master
1Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
"Moscow State University of Food Production", Moscow, Russia, tel. (937) 43-43-711, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education
"Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia; 
3Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher education
"Ryazan State Agrotechnological University named after P.A. Kostychev", Ryazan, Russia

From year to year, the agricultural sector of the economy of the Russian Federation is faced two tasks: the first is harvesting grain crops at a short stated agrotechnical time, and the second – to preserve the quality of food and seed grains until the moment of product sale or sowing. One of the most effective ways to preserve the quality of food and seed grains is its cleaning and sorting. They are performed by pneumatic sorting tables of periodic and continuous operations type. In our country, the most common types of tables are PSS-0.2, PSS-2.5, PS-10, TDV 150. They have a classic scheme of pneumatic systems, vibration tables with decks and their drive mechanisms. Their disadvantages include the impossibility of uniform grain supply and increased threshing at the outlet due to the lack of grain supply devices in the hoppers, which reduces the quality of cleaning and sorting. To eliminate the identified shortcomings, we have developed, manufactured and tested a pneumatic sorting table with a rotary feeder. At first, the best type of rotary grain feeder was specified, which turned out to be a three-bladed rotary feeder with a grain supply of 0.45 kg/s and a non-uniformity of supply of 12.5%. Then, comparative studies were carried out for the chosen type of rotary feeder and the quality indicators of the technological process were determined. We compared the developed pneumatic sorting table, equipped with a three-blade rotary feeder, to the base table PSS-0.2. It was found that when cleaning the grain of winter soft wheat of "Lgovskaya 8" variety (thousand grain weight — 46.4 g, moisture content — 14.2%, and density — 1.6 g/cm3), the studied device reduces the grain crushing by 0.06 % and non-uniformity of supply (11.5%). Also, it increases the laboratory and field germination (2% and 5%, respectively), the content of the most valuable output groups III and IV by 21.2% with a slight decrease in supply by 0.01% and productivity per hour of main operating time 0.04 t/h Thus, the possibility of using the rotary feeder in pneumatic machines is proved.
Keywords: grain, pneumatic sorting table, cleaning, sorting, rotary feeder, deck, grain supply

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УДК 621.436.24
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.003

A.P. Ukhanov1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
M.V. Ryblov1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
M.D. Dubin1, postgraduate student; D.A. Ukhanov2, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
1Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University,
Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal Autonomous Institution 25th State Research Institute of Chemmotology
of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

The article is devoted to the problem of improving the power, fuel-economic and environmental performance of tractor diesel engines due to the organization and practical implementation of mixing in two phases. The first phase is carried out in the intake stroke by distributed injection of a certain dose of finely dispersed activator (gasoline, kerosene, alcohol, biofuels, etc.) into the branches of the diesel intake pipeline. The second phase is carried out in the compression stroke by injecting the main dose of motor fuel into the cylinder medium containing local ignition centers formed due to the pre-flame preparation of the activator-air mixture that entered the cylinder in the first phase. The features of the calculation of diesel indicators for two-phase mixing are given, taking into account the ratio of motor fuel and activator. Theoretical foundations for the software for electronic control of activator injection in the first phase of mixing are considered. An electronic system of distributed activator injection has been developed, which provides metered injection of activator into the branches of the diesel intake pipeline with electromagnetic injectors in the intake stroke, while the dose of the activator is coordinated with the mass consumption of motor fuel. The results of experimental studies show that, depending on the type and dose of the activator, two-phase mixing increases the power and torque of the diesel engine by 3-12%, reducing the smoke content of exhaust gases by up to 50% compared to the operation of the diesel engine in standard configuration without injection of the activator in the first phase of mixing.
Keywords: tractor diesel, two-phase mixing, activators, electronic system of distributed injection of activator, indicators.

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УДК 665.7.035 + 665.753
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.006

D.A. Ukhanov1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; A.D. Cherepanova1, PhD Chemistry;
A.P. Ukhanov2, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
A.A. Khokhlov3, PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
1Federal Autonomous Institution The 25th State Research Institute of chemmotology
of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia;
2Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
3Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Ulyanovsk State Agrarian University, Ulyanovsk, Russia

An important operational property of motor diesel fuels (DF), which characterizes their resistance to oxidation at high temperatures with the formation of solid oxidation products, is thermal-oxidative stability. An effective method for assessing the thermal-oxidative capacity in laboratory conditions at the Diesel Fuel System (DFS)-2 facility is the dynamic method, which consists in pumping the test fuel along the heated surface for a certain time at constant temperatures and fuel consumption. According to the indicators of the amount of deposits in the form of solid oxidation products on the control surfaces and the temperature of the beginning of their formation, a conclusion is made about the resistance of the tested fuel to oxidation. One of the types of diesel fuel for automotive and tractor engines is a mixed diesel fuel obtained by mixing commercial petroleum diesel fuel and camelina oil. Thus the practically significant task is to determine the indicators of thermal-oxidative stability of such a mixed fuel by a dynamic method. The results of the current research in terms of thermal-oxidative capacity indicators show that the tested mixed fuel is superior to commercial oil diesel fuel in terms of resistance to the formation of deposits in the form of solid oxidation products.
Keywords: deposits, diesel fuel, camelina oil, mixed fuel, thermal-oxidative stability, indicators.

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УДК 631.33.022.6
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.010

D.Yu. Parfenov, Postgraduate; N.P. Laryushin, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor;
A.V. Shukov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
R.R. Devlikamov, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 628 517, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The article presents the results of laboratory studies on a sowing unit of a grain seeder with a continuous coating of a valve made of rubber with truncated cone-shaped spikes. Research into an experimental device aims to find rational values for its design and operating parameters and is carried out with a laboratory unit mounted on a tillage bin. The paper presents two-dimensional sections of the graphical dependence characterizing the uniformity of seed distribution along the length of the furrow from the design and operating parameters of the experimental sowing unit of a grain seeder with a continuous coating of a valve made of rubber with spikes (frequency of rotation of the roller, diameter of the tip of the spikes, angle of inclination of the spikes). They have the shape of truncated cones and provide the best qualitative indicators of such an experimental seeder unit [1, 2, 4, 8].
Keywords: seed-sowing unit, rotation frequency, laboratory installation, diameter, spikes, angle of inclination.

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УДК 651.054.21
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.014

I.M. Zyabirov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;
A.I. Zyabirov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University,
Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 628-569, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The results of studies of measurements of vibration parameters of the mechanism of the threshing drum of the ACROS grain harvesters under operating conditions (trust partnership Pugachevskoe) are presented. The implementation of active multifactorial planning of the experiment made it possible to determine the importance of the effect of radial and axial clearances in the shaft bearings on the vibration process, the magnitude of its imbalance, the state of the drive of the variator of the rotational rate of the mechanism. It was determined where the optimal point of installation of the vibration sensor D-14 is on the bearing support of the threshing drum for recording the amplitude-frequency parameters of vibration signals by the designed model of the control and diagnostic device.
Keywords: vibration, threshing drum, diagnostics, parameter, planning, dispersion, methodology.

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УДК 631.331
DOI 10.36461/NP.2022.61.1.021

N. P. Laryushin1, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor; I.A. Pershin2, junior researcher;
A. V. Shukov1, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor;
T.A. Kiryukhina1, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor.
1Federal State-Funded Educational Institution of Higher Education Penza State Agrarian University, Penza, Russia, tel. (8412) 628 517, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
2Federal State-Funded Scientific Institution All-Russian Research Institute for the Use of Machinery and Petroleum Products in Agriculture, Tambov, Russia, tel. (4752) 446 414, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

When sowing with grain seeders to obtain the highest and stable yields of cultivated crops, seeding devices, as well as coulters, remain one of the most important working parts of sowing machines , since the quality of sowing depends on their work. They provide a guaranteed constant flow of sown seeds, the maximum possible stability of a given seeding rate, minimal damage to the sown seeds, as well as the possibility to sow seeds that differ in their dimensional characteristics, and to quickly adjust to a given seeding rate. Improving the quality indicators of sowing grain crops by further improving the technological process and the device of a coil seeding machine having a sectional type coil with grooves arranged along a helical line is relevant for the agroindustrial complex of the Russian Federation. The article describes the design and the schematic diagram of the new seeding device of a grain seeder equipped with a sectional type coil with grooves arranged along a helical line, which allows a greater distribution of seeds along the length of the groove formed by the seeder coulter increases, and there is also a decrease in the crushing of seeds, which will further increase the yield of the cultivated crop.
Keywords: sectional coil, seeding device, helical line, seeds, grain seeder.

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