DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.014
UDC 633.522+579.64
Gushchina V.A., Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
Sologub N.N., Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor
Sologub I.I., Postgraduate
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Pen-za State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. (8412)638367, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The global biologization of production and the focus on the use of renewa-ble raw materials is driving demand for technical crops, including cultured hemp. The interest in hemp products has necessitated the development of economically viable and environmentally sound hemp cultivation techniques. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to develop biologized elements in the technology of hemp cultivation that contribute to a stable seed yield in the forest-steppe of the Middle Volga region. The research was carried out in the fields of the agricultural enter-prise OOO “Konopleks Penza” on leached chernozem in a two-factor field exper-iment in accordance with the existing methodological guidelines for field and veg-etation experiments with hemp in 2021-2023. The timing of the appearance of phenophases in hemp under the conditions of the Middle Volga forest-steppe de-pended to a greater extent on temperature and water regimes. Optimal conditions for seed formation prevailed with a length of the vegetation period of 115...121 days, with a sum of active temperatures of 2152.9...2371.7 °C and precipitation of 185.9...266.7 mm. On average over three years, the yield of hemp seeds from foliar treatment of plants in the phase of three pairs of true leaves was 0.99 t/ha, from seed inoculation – 0.91, from binary application of microbiological fertiliz-ers – 1.02 t/ha. The maximum yield (1.04 t/ha) was obtained with a combination of seed inoculation and foliar treatment of hemp in the phase of three pairs of true leaves with a mixture of biological preparations due to the stimulation of plant-microbial interactions.
Keywords: biologization of agriculture, cannabis sativa, plant-microbial in-teraction, microbiological fertilizer, seed yield, hydrothermal coefficient.
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