DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.71.3.008
UDC 633.15: 631.582
A.N. Astashov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Chief Researcher
V.S. Plaksina, Senior Researcher
K.A. Pronudin, Research Associate
O.V. Kireeva, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Junior Researcher
Russian Scientific Research and Design Technological Institute of Sorghum and Corn, Saratov, Russia e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The studies were conducted in the chernozem steppe of the Lower Volga region at the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution RosNIISK "Rossorgo" in 2008-2019. The aim of the research was to determine the place in the crop rotation and the best precursor for corn based on crop yield estimates under different hydrothermal conditions. The research material was corn of the RNIISK–1 hybrid population. The study was conducted in short-term agrocenoses. The previous crops were winter wheat, soybeans and chickpeas. The weather conditions changed significantly during the research period and fully reflected the climatic features of the region. The hydrothermal coefficient according to Selyaninov amounted to 0.25...1.20 with the average annual coefficient of 0.84. The data obtained during the research showed that high grain yields were obtained during the cultivation of corn in experimental crop rotations, the range of variation was 1.37...5.05 t/ha. When considering the results under different agrometeorological conditions, it was revealed that the influence of the predecessor and place in the crop rotation on the yield of this crop is significant under different humidity conditions. The maximum yield of corn grain was obtained in favorable years – 3.85...4.36 t/ha, in acute arid years the indicator is minimal – 1.70...1.85 t/ha, in average years – 2.63...2.82 t/ha. Thus, in the course of many years of stationary experiment, it was revealed that the maximum corn yield was obtained in four-field and five-field crop rotations when cultivating corn following leguminous crops.
Keywords: yield, corn, precursor, hydrothermal coefficient, rotation, crop rotation.
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