DOI 10.36461/NP.2024.70.2.011
UDC 338.43.436.33

1A.A. Ivanov, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;
2D.Yu. Samygin, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;
1S.N. Alekseeva, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor;
1V.A. Matveev, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor;
1R. Botnar, Student
1Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State Agrarian University", Penza, Russia, tel. 89273680695, e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
2Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Penza State University", Penza, Russia, tel. 89063985932, e-mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The article analyzes various sources of financing for the restoration and development of the material and technical base of agricultural commodity producers in modern conditions, including the current measures of state support. The key trends in the development of the material and technical base of agriculture, aimed at introducing high-performance agricultural machinery and equipment into production, have been identified. On the one hand, it provides an increase in labor productivity, reduces the cost per unit of production, solves the problem of the lack of highly qualified machine operators in the agricultural sector of the economy, and introduces intensive technologies of agricultural production. On the other hand, a drastic increase in the productivity of machinery leads to a significant increase in its costs and increases the loads per season. As a result, the risks of partial crop loss due to equipment failure during peak working hours increase, as it is difficult to replace a high-performance complex in a timely manner, and the acquisition and maintenance of reserve capacity is usually associated with high additional costs. The analysis of the supply of the main types of machinery in the crop production sector has shown that despite the above-average rates of renewal of the machinery and tractor fleet for the sake of retirement of worn-out equipment in many regions of Russia, the level of supply per 1,000 ha remains below the average indicators for the country and federal districts. To solve the problems of development of the material and technical base at a qualitatively new level, the article proposes a set of organizational and economic measures aimed at the development of the system of regional machinery and technological enterprises.
The purpose of the scientific study is to determine a set of organizational and economic measures aimed at the development of the material and technical base of the agri-food sector of the economy using the example of crop production, taking into account the elimination of spatial imbalance in the availability of equipment.
Keywords: agricultural machinery, machine and tractor fleet, machine and technology enterprises, crop production, leasing, region.

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