UDC 581.14:633.283
DOI 10.36461/NP.2023.68.4.011

T.V. Rodina, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Researcher; A.N. Astashov, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Chief Researcher; K.A. Pronudin, Research Associate
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Russian Scientific Research and Production Engineering Institute of Sorghum and Corn”, Saratov, Russia, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The relevance of the research is due to global changes in climatic conditions, which leads to the frequent adverse factors and, as a result, a decrease in the productivity of agricultural plants. For the arid conditions of the Lower Volga region, Japanese millet is a promising forage crop. The analysis of the assessment of the pa-rameters of the water regime of Japanese millet leaves during the flowering stage of plants allowed us to identify the most drought-resistant samples. During the years of research, the climatic conditions were typical for the Saratov region and were characterized by hot summer conditions, which made it possible to assess the resistance of Japanese millet varieties to high temperatures. The data obtained indicate that the flowering of plants took place under severe drought, as evidenced by the low value of the hydrothermal coefficient. During the research period, a significant influence of the Japanese millet genotype, the conditions of the year and the duration of the experiment on the parameters of the water regime of the leaves was established by multivariate analysis of var-iance. As a result of the experiment, promising Japanese millet samples resistant to drought were identified: Eureka, Krasava and O-1, with tissue hydration of 72.32-73.03% and water deficiency of 11.08-19.6%. The study of the characteristics of the water regime of the leaves showed a high level of drought resistance of the studied crop when grown in the conditions of the Saratov right bank.
Keywords: Japanese millet, tissue hydration, leaf water regime, drought, flowering.

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